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  1. Raf007

    My Stash

    Yup Flskwat I know , but le me agree for both of us if you will :) What you state I partially agrre with, but. I did not say it can not be found. I implied that it's hard to get for 90% of the population if not more. That the hash you could find in the 70s was easy to get and of better quality...
  2. Raf007

    Oxi, coke + gasoline

    @9samurai, totally agree with you, Legalisation for safety.
  3. Raf007

    Arizer Solo

    Total? agree with you on that Tdavie. A goog move would be to be able to start at around 145 imHo. Because if 185 is what it is more or less on other vapes I know a lot of people who like to have the possibility to start that low when they want to make it last, especially flavor wise.
  4. Raf007

    My Stash

    @Pappy you better do so. @Mom stop looking, go for it. ;) Summertime and the life is easy... A lill warning though, hash is not the same quality as it was in the 70s in France. People from this generation keep talking about fantastic hash, how easy it was to get and cheap. Nowaday that kind of...
  5. Raf007

    My Stash

    Nice morning poetry Pappy. You know where to stop if you come to Paris then. :)
  6. Raf007

    My Stash

    Pappy you're making me dreamin ! Tried the piece of glass you sent to Fr. btw, nice one. Before trying I was not a fan, but I quickly changed my mind after trying. :lol: still wish I could have been faster on the last piece you sold.
  7. Raf007

    Sell your vape or accessories

    Hello, I am selling an almost new (2 months old) Novus from Vaporfection, 400$ shipping included for USA, if in France 260 shipping not included.
  8. Raf007

    Kush, c'est bon?

    Merci pour la photo ! Ici, pas de kush encore ....c dur la vie parfois...comme un placard vide
  9. Raf007

    Discontinued MagickWand Vaporizer

    I can only but support all the positiv comments about that vape. Light, efficient, not expensive, nice looking, versatile, you can even play with the air/vapor ratio la Verdamper style kind of. Just loved it !! Except...that I think it's getting way to hot on the body of it, and it's super...
  10. Raf007

    7th FLOOR-SSV

    don't worry, we all still post on the english board ;) but even in the case we stopped I am not sure it will make any visible difference because of such a big volume of posts in english ;)
  11. Raf007

    Sold Items

    Arrhhhh Pappy....I wanted your last glass !! :uhoh: :cool: mod note: Do not post any replies or questions in this thread.
  12. Raf007

    Which portable vaporizers can be used with Hash

    @ Luchiano Hi there, AFAIK you are almost right when you say that "other screens may short circuit the mflb" BUT from what I have come to understand, it is using aluminium that could change the calibration of the box (I tried and it did decalibrated my box). I don't know about other screens...
  13. Raf007

    Kush, c'est bon?

    J'ai mis du temps rpondre car en ce moment tout bug chez moi (internet, et mon nokia sous maemo) du coup l'accs au net est restreint aux heures de boulot. Mais je voulais te donner mon avis: C trop bon la Kush !! Perso, je flashais sur les Haze jusqu' ce que je dcouvre la famille des kushs...
  14. Raf007

    Discontinued Vape-Or-Smoke Vaporizer

    Hi there, I am using the V&S for e few weeks now and haven't posted about it. Felt guilty about it so here is my opinion about this vape. First about using the V&S with Herbs, I tried and was not happy at all to burn my herbs, but this has already been said in this topic and as we know this...
  15. Raf007

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    salut cousins d'outre atlantique !!
  16. Raf007

    Vape or smoke contest concern

    Afaik, randy from puffitup is not a space cadet and seems to be someone serious. Something must have been wrong here.
  17. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Lol you kind of scared me on that one :D As far as battery pack if I got it well Hippi is working on one that should be multi-vapes compatible. See one of his threads.
  18. Raf007

    HDV (Herbes deja vaporises) ou AEV (a t vaporis)? Terminologie ..

    Ouai c'est clair que ancienne be vaporise ca permet de rien changer, c'est pas mal du tout a.
  19. Raf007

    anyone attach a snorkel to a whip vape for hands free?

    a snorkl mask or some goggles ? :D Joking aside, why don't you just disconnect the wand ? so no vapor will escape the whip ? Coz as far as I know if you plug the hole the vapor just finds another path to escape and the herb is percolating therefore loosing its goodness. Basically, the only...
  20. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Bonjour toutes et tous, Je me permets d'ouvrir ce sujet sur Fuck la Combustion en esprant runir sur ce post les fans francophones de la LB. Permettez moi dors et dj de poster ci-dessous une petite prsentation et mode d'emploi de ce vaporisateur de gnie, en esprant quon se retrouve nombreux...
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