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  1. Curiousone

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Hey, I'll try to give you my experience until someone else steps in...I returned my No2 because I honestly wasnt happy with it compared to the newer units. The seller advertised 45 day no question asked return policy. This is within two days of receiving it. First, I contacted the seller. I was...
  2. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^I buy those locally from Harbor Freight in the airbrush section. About the same price...sometimes on sale for $2 if I recall correctly
  3. Curiousone

    Cloud-chaser: Derogatory term or innocent classification?

    I think some do use Cloud Chaser as a derogatory term...but I agree with what is summed up above I think some people who have serious medical illnesses and use MMJ to treat them, want to be dissassociated with recreational users so that they are taken more seriously. In other words, not lumped...
  4. Curiousone

    Arizer Solo

    Fingers cross, my solo arrives by the end of the week!! Such a hassle with the post office!
  5. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    ^^this is exactly why I settled on another unit, for now...i'll keep watching the thread to see owner reviews once it finally touches down, but jeez I would be so annoyed if I'd preodered. Delay after Delay...Not mad at them. Rather them release a product with no problems, but would also like...
  6. Curiousone

    share with me

    ^^^I wrote my own reply, but ultimately the jist is best demonstrated in this quote^^^ From my experience with all types of relationships...this is as real as it gets. There are some social/legal issues worth considering, which may go along with her reasons against it, but ultimately it is a...
  7. Curiousone

    Arizer Solo

    ^^A simpler way--I think a lot of folks just put them in a medium sized a Mickey D's cup check out the stealth adapter at With it, you would use a regular straw attached to the adapter, which then fits in to the solo. The solo would set in the medium cup with holes...
  8. Curiousone

    Things that go well with vaporizing

    Must've miss this before my last know what you're talking about! I'm a double IPA man also...
  9. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^^awesome post...I wanted to know the smallest amount sucessfully packed in the pax. Pax oven holds as little as .125g for 6 good hits? Not bad, at all.
  10. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    That's what I wanted...your opinion. I don't "party"...anymore, lol. However, from time to time I find myself amongst a friend or two I'd like to 'share the chalice' to speak. Thx for your thoughts...if I can exchange for the INH, I might just pull the trigger. I really just want...
  11. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    ^^^That was a perfect answer. I'm utterly impressed by what you're saying...I won't go wrong with either the solo or the INH, it seems. The INH seems a bit more sexy and all around more functional. I guess that accounts for the extra $. So dreamrr, since I still haven't been contacted about my...
  12. Curiousone

    Things that go well with vaporizing

    Sierra Nevada Torpedo IPA (there are others) gotta be the hops...they're like cousins and whatnot...
  13. Curiousone

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    ^^pretty rad development...wait, I need to stop hanging out around you paxers!
  14. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    Ok I've asked this differently before, but here goes another way... What's the smallest load you've sucessfully vaped in the Inh? (by 'sucessfully' I mean getting 2/3 solid hits, at least)
  15. Curiousone

    Arizer Solo

    Actually, I've been in contact with Planet Vapes within the last 24 hours, the Straight pvhes are in stock and they expect the other styles to follow over the next few weeks. The CS rep said the tubes sold out right after being newly stocked... they expect more in a couple weeks... Not sure if...
  16. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    ^^^(this is relative of course), but I think you understand my point..we still have a ways to go. Especially when considering vapes are not as widely adopted, compared to say Combustion methods. I think the next couple years will be quite exciting in terms of portables.
  17. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    Yes I think we can all agree to that statement...How long it takes before this new wave of vapes hits is the question. Seems though many of you have been into this scene for years, vaporizers are still in their infancy (like my knowledge of them, lol). As more and more people become...
  18. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    Your right, but from what I've seen this is like the second or third delay. Perhaps another is likely? I have sent my original purchase back (No2) to be exchanged for a different unit as i just didn't like it. I expect they will receive it today or tomorrow and I will have to make a decision...
  19. Curiousone

    Discontinued The Inhalater INH004 Phytotherapeutic Rechargeable Portable Vaporizer

    Yea, I actually just read about it yesterday. Seems quick but combustion is possible! I can get the Solo for $140. For the money I don't think I can go wrong while waiting for the XP. Thx though
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