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    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    I'm using Special Blue, it's highly refined with low propellents in tests.
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    /r/Vaporents Announcement and a message from Reddit admins - Temporary restriction on new content

    I didn't delete my account because I still use reddit for a niche music subreddit, but I'm definitely coming to FC for now on instead of reddit for my vaping content. Plus side is this place is probably better moderated and less toxic.
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    Cannabis Hardware (formerly NewVape) FlowerPot Twax Vaporizer

    That's how mine is and from what I understand and read on a vaporents post before that sub was destroyed was that it is in fact normal, and fine. If the wiggle annoys you the coil can be stretched out a little to tighten it up. Personally I chose to just ignore it and I've already forgotten all...
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