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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I get big clouds in on demand you just need a long ass draw, but I get bigger hits than session with a long steady draw, basically kill it in 3 hits
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I'm just gonna go ahead and get some brushpicks and use them without alcohol unless they say you can, I feel like it would scoop out the reclaim pretty well without any alcohol, maybe not every last bit but I'd imagine more than enough for it to function properly, but with plastic/rubber...
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Yeah that's where mine does it maybe it's nothing to worry about I just never remember it doing that. 👍 Edit: also a thought they should sell a different micro dosing screen with a longer post so it sticks out farther, maybe even make different sizes, so that when it's screwed in the longer...
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Something to keep an eye on and maybe Gary can chime in but I just picked up my pro for a session and noticed the back of it where the wireless charging is is becoming loose and making a creaking noise. Not sure if it's going to keep getting worse but there's some wiggle now and it used to be...
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Anyone else having really good luck with the concentrate pad at max temp. I put a fat dab in it and it vapes it great! Always felt like you just waste your dab in something like a pax or mighty.
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I haven't messed with on demand too much yet what would you say are the main differences and which do you prefer. Temps and draw technique for on demand?
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I believe it vapes better when the weed is more compacted than just free floating around as you draw. Just like you don't want to pack a convection vape too tight you don't want it too light either, a light tamp works best. The pad helps keep the light tamp while the air pulls thru instead of...
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Very happy with this product so far but I've only done a few bowls in 3min session more at 395f. I'll leave full impressions tomorrow or so when I use it more
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    Mine shipped in three days from LA to Western New York. It's coming today. Shipped from LA directly to my city no stops inbetween. I'm really happy it's gonna be here in time for the 4th of July parties
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    Airvape Enso

    I don't think I would probably buy one because I love big bong rips and already have a bzero but damn if this rips it could be a lot of fun to share with my SO. Also what's that saying about never say never. Definitely looks wild.
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I wanna see a good video of it in action on a decent sized tube!
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    I did!
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    So I went ahead and just placed an order. I'm really excited. I was wondering what's this about the new mouthpiece that fits better? Will mine ship with one of should I DM the representative
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    AirVape Legacy Pro

    What's the code and how much off, if its good I might jump the gun and order this
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    Firewood Vaporizer

    Really want one of these, I know it's gonna be hard to get though.
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    /r/Vaporents Announcement and a message from Reddit admins - Temporary restriction on new content

    Because they know parents hear vape and associate it with nicotine vapes regardless of what it's for. It's all optics
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    /r/Vaporents Announcement and a message from Reddit admins - Temporary restriction on new content

    Can't believe they still haven't fully banned /r/vaporents.
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    CBD + THC = less high??

    I've never really tried but I will later today, for science, and will report back.
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    CBD + THC = less high??

    I've found that CBD enhances the THC high for me and makes it feel more well rounded. I've seen people say "if you're too high smoke some CBD and you'll feel less high" and it's absolutely not my experience with it. I'm just as high but more relaxed after I vape CBD after vaping THC. I don't...
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    /r/Vaporents Announcement and a message from Reddit admins - Temporary restriction on new content

    Lol reddit already banned combustionsucks. People really just need to move to these forums. Reddit is a dead end road for DHV content.
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