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  1. Ohmie

    The FC Meme Thread!

  2. Ohmie


    I wish I were born into a vaping world instead of the smoking one. I'd hate to think I'm missing out on some of the experience due to my receptors havin been dulled..but yeah, microdosing Imo is anything that doesn't knock you out or cut you down a peg so dosing can be relative to how active u...
  3. Ohmie

    Vaping made me stoner:)

    I can't say that it made me a stoner. I came up in a strict household so I never turned down an offer from my pals and wound up smoking like a few times a day by placebo, but my health concious dad supported my switch to vaping and it's almost like that story of the dad who caught his son...
  4. Ohmie

    The FC Meme Thread!

  5. Ohmie

    The FC Meme Thread!

  6. Ohmie

    The FC Meme Thread!

  7. Ohmie

    The FC Meme Thread!

  8. Ohmie


    When it's about .01 increments then to each is own. I use to steal crumbs from the guy rolling the joints and almost dare him to mention it
  9. Ohmie


    We're debating over the potential risks of .05g and under, which leads me to question my own existence in debating on it. I see the infintismal questions e.Hazy has from a mile away except for the part where effects from .01g is cause for rethinking the life choice you're about to make. If...
  10. Ohmie


    Why are we here? What number planet are we on? How long is time? How many times have I blinked today? All stuff I must know before medicating...get a real life! Go wrestle a bear. that could quench your inquisitive nature. You're obviously not 100% of anything
  11. Ohmie


    Mental harms of marijuana: Everybody judges everything about you negatively because they hear you use marijuana.... Which is why I DONT call it stoning or maybe that it is "stoning" since even the pissants who claim to want it legalized still manage to create and upkeep a caste system between...
  12. Ohmie


    The way I see it is if you're not gonna exercise your not gonna exercise and if you're not gonna look both ways before crossing a road you're not gonna do it.. I know ppl who have opposed marijuana usage but had to take their driving tests three times and even totaled a car and I can't help but...
  13. Ohmie


    It doesn't kill ppl...that's about as non negative as things get,riht?.CBD is good for epileptics but there are even more folk for whom the psychoactive strains are the moment there just isn't any room for downplaying cannabis supremecy on any level. Not that I know what convo you and...
  14. Ohmie

    How has the quality of your health improved since fucking combustion?

    So much to do w cannabis so few and such hollow fucks presented Spasm relief I guess is why I use to wouldn't mind stepping out in the cold w my pals back in the day. Anti inflmatory~definitely Illegal substance~pri¢eless
  15. Ohmie

    Crackdown on Legalized Marijuana

    Trump can talk that but anything other than national decriminalization is meaningless imo. Let's just segregate back into colonies wdy. Prohibition anywhere is inflation everywhere
  16. Ohmie


    The less effort/waste the better:nod:
  17. Ohmie


    I was definitely the that guy of 2012, rolling two sticks from one wrap with like two or three bowls worth
  18. Ohmie

    What do you pay per ounce of cannabis?

    You guys are way too classy for me. I can barely afford regular and popcorn would be splurging. I don't get how stuff works. I guess it's cause of its legality, but not really. This is why I say anything less than national deregulation is meaningless. Let's just segregate into colonies...
  19. Ohmie


    Why cant I just eat my weed and get happy like the bunny rabbit, or does the bunny rabbit in turn wipe the bears ass?
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