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  1. Ohmie

    Shelf life of decarbed herb?

    That's just it. It's abv. I dumped it out of the bowl when it stopped putting out vape. Am I the only one who that happens to?
  2. Ohmie

    Shelf life of decarbed herb?

    I just swallowed some old abv and am feeling pretty decent. Anybody know the max shelf life? This abv is less than two weeks old and it's just been sitting in a clear jar by my vaporizer. I haven't tried the stuff at the bottom
  3. Ohmie

    Vaporizing hops in the volcano

    Modnote: Thread merged to help facilitate discussion. Vaping dried hops vs non dried/whole cone hops I'm vaping dried hops right now but not certain if I'm missing out by not trying the non dried/whole cone hops. I use the Extreme Q at 260 degrees and the dried hops give me descent clouds and...
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