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  1. Luv2Vape

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    The WT came with 2 of the clear pongs which I can't use with the Pro, although I'm glad to see that the PNP itself came with the black pong.
  2. Luv2Vape

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    UPS just dropped off my PNP & WT. The PNP is charging, will test it out later today. It appears that I got one of the early/blasted tubes.
  3. Luv2Vape

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    It's always plugged in waiting for me or heating aromatic oil when I'm not vaping =D
  4. Luv2Vape

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Just ordered PNP+WT. I don't vape often on the go but between the great deal & manufacturer participation on this forum it's just too good to pass up. I'll probably order another set or two for gifting if I'm as pleased as I hope I'll be.
  5. Luv2Vape

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    My Jameco adapter that came with my PD failed recently as well, after over 3.5 years of being on almost 24/7. Right now I'm using an adapter from a retired Linksys WRT54GL wireless router. It seems to work just as well but is it safe?
  6. Luv2Vape

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    Best: Purple Days - Have had this for a few years. Made me fall in love with vaping & never want to combust again. I've recently ordered an e-nano & got on the HI waiting list so I'm hoping these will push PD to #3. Worst (in order from more preferred to less preferred): Iolite - complete...
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