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  1. Macc_z

    do you guys still smoke joints?

    Only smoke a joint when offered by friends at social events -- If not I stick to vaping.
  2. Macc_z

    How do you vape in public?

    Depends on where I walk but Vapman does the trick, when I want to use a torch. However, once I got the grasshopper it changed everything, its so quick people barely take notice.
  3. Macc_z

    Dynavap VapCap

    Ti Woody is on its way along with a stash and 2 vapcaps! (orders 202, 238, 416, 454) :luv: This is going to be a great holiday.
  4. Macc_z

    Dynavap VapCap

    Keeping it plain and simple. A dugout is a resting pit so... "The Pit" Or "The DynaPit"
  5. Macc_z

    Dynavap VapCap

    The DynaDuo Vapor's Block DynaCave VaprStash VapnCavern
  6. Macc_z

    Dynavap VapCap

    Can't wait to see more pics of the Ti woody. I will be buying a dugout next after seeing such a beautiful piece :myday: Keep em coming George!
  7. Macc_z


    Maybe but its gone now :D I'd rather keep my hand. Probably I think it sprayed on my hand or got on the bottle... or it sprayed too much butane when I clicked it and somehow ignited my hand I don't know. I'll be more attentive next time.
  8. Macc_z


    @OF The cheap DX torch you recommend just burned all the hairs off my hand haha! But no seriously I just got this thing a few months ago and its been working great but today it did something off... I refilled it after just using it and it lit for a few seconds, turned it off, and saw the flame...
  9. Macc_z

    Discontinued The Grasshopper

    @Kalessin Picked up one of these hopefully it will do the trick
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