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  1. Orestes

    The Toasty Top

    My top is working so well. Vapor channel is larger, though the tube itself is smaller. The stainless stem is a bit wider than the PD/Zap stems, and slightly longer. I have absolutely no concerns about the temp. I'm nowhere near combustion. The ABV is golden, and the smell exhaled is ABV. but...
  2. Orestes

    The Toasty Top

    Got my top today! I am extremely pleased. The first rip nearly took my head off. The Top really seems like a complete evolution of the log vape. And thanks to alan for answering questions. I didn't know that the heater needed to be seated; it arrived with a bit of jangling metal. But I...
  3. Orestes

    The WISPR vaporizer

    check this out-- Skyda 3 It's an iolite with an lcd screen and buttons. That might control temp...
  4. Orestes

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    It's a walnut zap. I asked for something really dark... Quite happy with this thing. And I prefer the screens in the tubes that Ed sends out to those that comes with zap products. It's probably easier to break, but I just can't clean my zap tube screens; there's always gunk. And I've tried an...
  5. Orestes

    The Toasty Top

    Hey, I already have a removable plug from my aromazap; Can I just buy a 12v RC battery, cut off its connector, and plug it in? No soldering/extra resistance/regulators needed? Well I guess RC batteries are internally regulated anyway. I'm ready for sme portable logging!
  6. Orestes

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    hey-- do i pack the big end or the small end of the plug?
  7. Orestes


    Zaporn :)
  8. Orestes

    Ed's TnT Wooden Vapor Tubes & Vapor Stems

    Ahem: Figured walnut. Ohhh yeahh
  9. Orestes

    The Magic-Flight Box

    yay, I ordered a PA last night and it shipped out today :)
  10. Orestes


    I use the lid of the tin that came with my MFLB. I use some cheap medical tweezers to circle around the tube, give it a tap, and i'm golden. After a few tubes, I then transfer the ABV to a standard medical-grade plastic pop-top container. When it's packed full, I will transfer to a mason jar and...
  11. Orestes

    The Toasty Top

    Yay! Just pulled the trigger one base unit, glass tube, and a red oak tube. Can't wait... I'll be sure to review, too. Thanks alan! -jeff
  12. Orestes

    What was your first experience with vaping?

    Sadly, my first experience involved a lightbulb. But it didn't take, because of the whole crackhead image. I think the first vape I bought was a Kia. Got it cheap off ebay. It's a great box unit; self-contained and all. I think it's in a cupboard somewhere at my mother's house.
  13. Orestes

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hey, does Magic Flight have anything new projects in the works? I could see a magic flight home unit. Same principle as mflb+PA, just more room for fat, milky rips.
  14. Orestes

    The Toasty Top

    That looks awesome! Just sent you an email. I want one of these bad boys! I really like the shape. It seems the ideal way to concentrate heat towards the mouthpiece, while still keeping the thing comfortable to hold.
  15. Orestes

    The Magic-Flight Box

    That etching looks excellent! Magicflight (user): Is there much of a queue on power adapters at the moment? Also-- Is there any concensus as to the best battery?
  16. Orestes

    About to make a purchase on a tube, some opinions?

    Holy crap that nautilus looks great. $55 at the moment... so tempting...
  17. Orestes

    E-Cigarette (not for THC use)

    First up: Blown glass drip tips. Fucking crazy. just bought two more. The guy is just getting his act together but the product is awesome Second, just wanted to report that I've been using the same debridged 306 for about a month-- With earwax. I just put a little dab...
  18. Orestes

    Vaping weed and nicotine juice together

    I cannot roll a joint without tobacco. Seriously. The consistency sucks, it burns much hotter; total bullshit. And I smoked nothing but joints. But i would use a MAX of 30% tobacco. My non-smoker friends could not taste it usually So when i quit tobacco i had to quit joints too. Now i'm all...
  19. Orestes

    How do MZ/PD stems compare in potency to other methods?

    i used to work at a vitamin store that sold 'detox liquids'; they claim to purge your urinary tract, using herbs. i heard good things anecdotally; passed drug tests and the like. But i really don't know about the chemical efficacy of such products
  20. Orestes

    vaporizer questions?

    I'm just a couple months in to total vaping. I started wtih a Launch Box, which you can get for like $75 if you look in the deals thread. It was cool but after reading reviews I had to get an Aromazap, because it's really simple, and extremely efficient. If you mix some kief with your bud, you...
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