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  1. Raf007

    I got busted . I wanna share and cry for your help ..

    Also checking this thread after a long FC break....Hope you are holding strong here Aby ! Looks like MomotG nailed it, just look for the bright side...there must be's only a matter of perspectiv and of will to find positivity. Sending you some positiv vibrations Aby !!
  2. Raf007

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hand held all the way !
  3. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Alors faut y aller super doucement avec un ptit outil pointu, mais de tu ne pourras jamais la cleaner parfaitement. Ça fait partie des inconvénients de ce vapo. Pour l'instant que je sache le seul vapo presque aussi discret que la LB et nettoyable de A à Z c'est le il est pas du...
  4. Raf007

    FR La Magic-Flight Launch Box - Prsentation, conseils, astuces etc...

    Yep, tout est dans vaporpedia et en francais en plus ;) Mettre une pile, faire contact en laissant le couvercle ouvert et frotter pendant la chauffe tres delcatement avec le pinceau fournit et préalablement trempé dans un peu d'alcool a 90de consommable. C aussi marqué dans le mode d'emploi,mais...
  5. Raf007

    Arizer Solo

    Salut Ce que tu dis est tout à fait vrai Phineas, et ce que dit Ced aussi, chaque à vapo à ses avantages et ses inconvénients. C'est vrai que le TV le gros inconvénient ce sont les batteries, mais sinon il donne des lattes équivalentes au Solo, à la demande, et c'est un vapo 100% clean coté...
  6. Raf007

    FR Bienvenue sur FC !

    Salut à toi OpalinDays, bienvenue par ici ! J'espère que tu t'y sentiras bien et que tu y ramèneras plein de nouveau membres :rockon: Car c'est bien le but que se développe et d'informer la communauté francophone via LE forum bible de la Vapo qu'est FC. Je penche aussi pour affinage après...
  7. Raf007

    I got busted . I wanna share and cry for your help ..

    holding and xhaling for your as I type. Welcome to have a stop in Paris too ! xhalllllleeee
  8. Raf007

    Most Vaporized People (MVPs) ?

    Woaoww honored that Flskwat and I made the list too :mrgreen: If there is/would be a vote I too would vote for Vitolo because he gives back a lot here and on others forums...and for MomOTG for being so nice with so many lurkers around here. If we can be of any help we will gladely any...
  9. Raf007

    Arizer Solo

    je fais le lien avec ton autre post, j'ai un TV et un solo, effectivement comme le dit Egzoset le TV peut l'emporter face au Solo, SURTOUT si tu cherches à vaporiser de l'huile. Alors là fonce direct sur le Revolution, c de la folie les lattes d'huiles (plus grosse que Omicron, donc consomme...
  10. Raf007

    vaporizer du miel avec un SSV?

    Ouai tu peux tout à fait vaper ça avec un SSV. Tu peux le gouter direct à même la grille mais ca va l'encrasser un peu et tu risquse d'avoir un peu de perte. Sinon, tu mets un fond de plantes et voila ! Mais le mieux quand même, c une Omicron ou un ThermoVape Revolution, c'est tellement...
  11. Raf007

    I got busted . I wanna share and cry for your help ..

    No he does not need a green for EU, he meant for the USA. I feel for you Abysmal !! Full good vibes !! and I'll vape for you tonite !! Keep thinking positiv and good things will happen. Spain is a nice country too I confirm...nice social clubs there !
  12. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I haven't compared the two vapes side by side, b clearely the herbo heating element his powerfull and although there is no PID to regulate the heat I can assure that somehow, and imHo, those two vapes are not so far from each other in term of thick and tasty vapor.But for a lot of other reasons...
  13. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Shipito is an option. I used it.
  14. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    who , 10 days and more than 20 pages ...great ! :D A bit late to get back to you, I guess you have your Cloud by now. For the story I had to had mine shipped to then shipped to France. took like a week. I indeed use an inverter.The Cloud draws 85 watts FYI. Not so much for a...
  15. Raf007

    Explain how u feel in 2 words or less.

    Cloudearly wakenvake
  16. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    This look nice, and I can testified it is a usefull addition. leave it on .
  17. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Got my Cloud - first in France ;) ! Will report once I will have try it extensively.
  18. Raf007

    Davinci by Karma

    Little question here for the users: at low temp, let say around 160-170 degrees, how many hits does the taste last ? Approximatively I mean. Because my guess is that with a metallic bowl and constant contact with the temperature the taste must nost last long, compare to the solo,TV and Box for...
  19. Raf007

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I feel sorry for you , but at least it will save some Clouds from being drawned. I am receiving mine tomorrow and will make sure NOT to share the Cloud with its HT with many of my guests. Thank you for sharing !
  20. Raf007

    Life Saber (LSV) by Elev8 Vehicles

    My Cloud is still on its way but even without trying it I kinda foresee how the LSV can have advantages, less fragile, good enough heat retention, youc an watch your herb while you vape, it's durable and it resists to shocks. Wpa, direct draw, whip...for someone looking for a...
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