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  1. L

    link to glycerin tincture

    Are you sure about storing in a warm place because I read you are suppose to store it in a cool dark place. They also said 3 weeks is fine. I right now have about 3 grams(light i know) of have abv and half fresh stored in a small-ish jar in a cool dark spot in my closet soaking in 50%(100...
  2. L

    link to glycerin tincture

    Wait am I reading this right or am I still high? I can just put the ABV in lets say a small bottle of gin or vodka in the freezer and then after a few days I can drink it and get high as I get drunk?
  3. L

    The Lotus Vaporizer

    Anyone have a size comparo vs the VG bat?
  4. L


    No, I bought it from a local retailer, do you think that could be an issue?
  5. L


    You think if I send them an email they will send another top to me?
  6. L


    Did anyone get the replacement top for the bat? If so how is it? I am thinking about calling in to see if I can get one if it really is better.
  7. L


    What did you write so I can get an idea of what to say? Not really mad how hot it gets, but more about how the ceramic plate moves a bit, which could lease to an issue? No lesvape is just a reference to lets vape.
  8. L


    You think if I contact them they would also send me replacement top for my bat?
  9. L


    Mines also didn't come with a mouth piece, so I can't say how it is with it. Any tips on vaping hash?
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    Does anyone here want to see a more compact bat or hand carved model?
  11. L


    Anyone with the bat model notice/feel that their ceramic plate has move a bit back a bit? If so how can I prop it back to its original spot(or close to it)? Edit: I was able to get it close to its og position(based on the etched like line on the inside) but the plate seems like it could be a...
  12. L

    anybody know anything about this portable vape (Vapor Buddy Bat)?

    How about for 20 bucks?
  13. L

    anybody know anything about this portable vape (Vapor Buddy Bat)?

    I saw one at a wholesale/warehouse headshop here in DTLA and the dude was calling it a Vapor Budz. He was offering me one for $20 bucks which is very tempting. But, the whole led paint thing made me wonder if that model really had it or not, and dude him self was not sure despite saying that is...
  14. L

    When yall go to festivals do you portable vape or combust?

    Depends on the scene. I usually have my Vaporgenie in my backpack or in my car, but if I walking around and stuff I usually combust. Then again I am usually doing this with the same lovely friend, & she generally prefers to combust, which kind of leading me to look for another cheap compact...
  15. L


    I got the bat because I read it was a bit easier to use and it uses less heat because of the material.
  16. L


    How do you use hempwick with the bat model?
  17. L


    So, last night I had one good session with the Bat and wow. However, my lovely lady friend didn't really like it, and proceeded to use my combustion piece.
  18. L

    allergy related question..

    If you got a balcony that is safe(i.e. if face a wall, parking where there are many cars but void of people or stuff like that, it could work?
  19. L

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Selling it could work, as most my peeps have no use for one :/
  20. L

    Favourite and most disgusting munchie food you eat when ripped

    Chili Burger(double if some some good hash as been involved) from Tommy's, prefer the original stand, but usually go to the nearest drive through. I am told King Taco is even better when ripped, but I have only had it normal. Two Oreo cakester with butterfingers, or cookie cream crunch ice...
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