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  1. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Hey everyone been a while since I've posted. I've been on a pretty long t-break but have been enjoying the Evo once again the past few days :D Quick question does anyone know where I can get a new power cord? My pup decided to chew into mine a bit lol
  2. BL4ZE

    SGW Inverted gShowerhead, EFS Double Gridded Do Hydratree

    Selling a couple pieces of my glass. I will say first off that my tap water is hard and has left some hard water stains on the pieces. I've been using some recycled grunge off to try and it get it all off it's slowly getting better. I'm going to continue to work on them and do longer soaks...
  3. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Is there any other way to view these? I sent eyesmoke a request well over a month ago on instagram and apparently never got accepted.
  4. BL4ZE

    Groggy feeling in the morning

    I'll be honest I use to over use for my needs and did so for many years. In the last year or two I've really been trying to cut back and it's been better. As far as the quality goes once again you are right. What is considered good around here may look alright but the way in which it was grown...
  5. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm not able to watch either one of the videos on instagram. The play button pops up then disappears and nothing happens lol. Anyone else having this problem? I can view other videos on instagram just fine.
  6. BL4ZE

    Groggy feeling in the morning

    Hey man I'm right there with you. I may vape less then .5 in a night and still wake up feeling groggy. Like you said there's people vaping way way more and also using concentrates etc. There has to be a reason for this and way to remedy it. If it was legal like it should be we'd have a lot more...
  7. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Just dropped another $500 to become a fanatic. Took me way longer to come up the funds then originally planned but I finally made it!
  8. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Glad to see the campaign hit 100k! I'll be dropping another $500 tomorrow to bump myself to the fanatic level. I was thinking we could maybe design some kind of badges to stick in our signatures for the different levels? Idk maybe it's a lame idea haha
  9. BL4ZE

    Groggy feeling in the morning

    A lot of times it is on a work day so yes I don't get a whole lot of sleep. However even on the days where I can sleep in I can still wake up not feeling refreshed. I can sometimes get less sleep and wake up feeling better then I did the day before when I got more sleep. I have no idea why that...
  10. BL4ZE

    Groggy feeling in the morning

    I appreciate everyone chiming in. For the most part I'm stuck to indica dom strains. I'd certainly go for some more sativa leaning strains but I don't have that kind of selection where I'm from. I know that's part of the problem since I sometimes come across some that don't effect me as much...
  11. BL4ZE

    Groggy feeling in the morning

    Does anyone else feel a bit groggy in the morning after a night of vaping? I feel as though I didn't get enough rest and my brain feels fuzzy for a while. I've talked to others and some feel the same while others say they get the best sleep ever and wake up refreshed. I do exercise and eat...
  12. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Once the Eagle is in my hands my old ticker is going to be safely stored away. It'll be cool to bring it out years down the road and maybe show it to my kids :ko: Of course they may then pull out vapexhale's latest invention in which I'll be like that's cool... I beta tested that months ago :lol:
  13. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    You'll get a Nimbus man don't worry.
  14. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'm sure some people are just waiting to get paid etc. Personally I'm just waiting on something else to sell. Who knows I may even throw my Mobius Ion bubbler up for sell to speed up the process.
  15. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Is it bad that I'm considering selling off some my glass in order to be a Nimbus fanatic :lol: We'll see I may just have to settle as a supporter since I've got some big life changes coming up. Also I'd like to add that the Cloud I got in March of last year is still going strong!
  16. BL4ZE

    Athlete Vaporists?

    Where do you guys stand on cannabis and it's effects on sleep and muscle repair? I love going to the gym and I sometimes wonder if cannabis is hindering muscle repair during the night. I can certainly fall alseep easy while using but I always tend to feel foggy for a good part of the day. So I...
  17. BL4ZE

    d-limonene and extracting

    If you use it on your skin be sure to dilute it first. Let's just say I used some to remove grease on my skin and while it worked great for that by the time I stepped in the shower my skin was on fire! No amount of water could stop the burning :o
  18. BL4ZE

    d-limonene and extracting

    Not meaning to go off topic but since some of guys seem to know a bit about this stuff, is it safe to use for glass cleaning?
  19. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    I'd try and get it clean asap. I still have a piece with hard water stains that I don't think i'll ever get out.
  20. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    What do you guys think about the mobius stereo matrix? I'm really looking for a matrix ion but can't seem to find one. The stereo matrix looks sick, but i'm afraid the taste will be washed out compared to the smaller matrix ion... thoughts?
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