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  1. BL4ZE

    Discontinued VapeXhaleLabs Presents: The Cloud

    Sounds very interesting. If it's everything you guys say it'll be, i'll most likely have to pick one up :D
  2. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    Well I must have got the only one they had in stock since it changed to 2-4 week shipping after I ordered mine. Yea you can always pick up a custom diffuser later on down the road if you want to. That adaptor looks good, I just went with the one that 7th floor offers. It's bent at a 90 degree...
  3. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    Haha that's funny hereatlast I picked up a 250ml ehle with ice notches. I just got the Ehle diffuser and know nothing about the showerhead style, but i'm sure someone here has the answer.
  4. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    Thank you both for the replys. I'll go ahead and pick one up!! I'm sure after I get this piece i'll be looking to get a more expensive and nifty piece like many of you have haha. I would wait but I need a new piece and figure you can't go wrong with Ehle for the price.
  5. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    Hey guys i'm about to pick up an Ehle piece and was wondering if I should get a diffused down stem to go with it? I'll only be using it for vaping so would it serve any purpose?
  6. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    I guess I should have asked if there was any disadvantages to getting one that is perc'd, diffused etc for vaping. Like what makes one bong hit smoother and draw easier then the next? Do perc tree's etc make the piece hit smoother? Like the piece I showed has a inline perc and a tree perc...
  7. BL4ZE

    Customized vape setups

    If you only use your bong for vaping is there any advantage to getting one that is percd, waffled etc etc. I don't know much about glass pieces and after reading in this thread i'm even more confused with all this fancy talk lol. I'd like to have a nice glass bong maybe even a custom one but...
  8. BL4ZE

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Like I said a friend of mine hit my SSV on high and it stained my hose brown and everything lol ....had to buy some more hose. So of course I know with the knob turned all the way up it's combusting but I already knew it'd do that without having to try it. Anyways you guys are pretty much...
  9. BL4ZE

    Silver Surfer Vaporizer

    Hey whats up guys, figured i'd finally make an account here since I've had my SSV for about a year now and love to vape. I've got a few question for my fellow ssv users, Like I said i've had my SSV for about a year now and i've always set my dial to around 1 o-clock which seems to give me...
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