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  1. D

    What is your favorite thing to do after vaping?

    Same !! Plus being outside working in yard, hiking, and EATING !!!
  2. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    These work good too if you need something larger. I like to be able to put in a bovida pack...
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    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Fat Freddy - link please. I like deals. I looked at the cheap ones at CVS and the were not the same quality and not stainless steel, but still a good value for the price. You can also stack the Ceilo containers so you have two chambers and could stack more if wanted. But, same idea - lots...
  4. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY Another option. Air tight, no loss of trichromes, smell proof, just put in how much you want to dose. The dosing caps look fast and easy for a load and unload. Will be hot after using so have...
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    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    This struck a nerve with me. I notice all the time, with some offense, how the professional medical community is finally jumping on the cannabis bandwagon and acting like they are now the experts. Shit, people you denigrate as stoners, have been using cannabis for centuries to feel better...
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    The Official CannaBreak Thread

    Jill, your post describes me as well, except for the e-cig part. I am a weekend user but am always keeping an eye on my ability to focus and stay sharp and get stuff done. It does take to tell if there are any real life changes, but since we are weekend users, I doubt much will change. If...
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    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    People are getting too bent on this. Yall need to start mega dosing !! Ha ha. I never try to stress about anything cannabis related. That is the one area that is off limits for stress for me. Compared to 5 years ago, I am happy to have a stash and easy access to more. I see both sides of...
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    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Now I don't know what to think.
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    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Mine is similar, but not quite as bad as yours. Once in it wobbles side to side. It does have resistance when inserted though, then once in it moves about. HR said it was normal. I have not checked for air getting by yet. I don't use the WPA much because it is a bit of a pain and it is so...
  10. D

    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    Well said !!
  11. D

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    +1 to that. I often forgo vaping for first person shooter video games. Some video games are like crack.
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    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    I respect your opinion, and see your point, but disagree for my personal use or interpretation of the term. I like the numeric value to provide a gauge or feedback regarding the amount of my dose. I think a visual or weight is important. I don't see how anyone could agree that .25 g is a...
  13. D

    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    Seek, you the MAN !! :clap::bowdown::clap::rockon: Wow. So last night, I would say I had about .01g about an hour before bed. Nice. Thanks. I am actually surprised by how little I use.
  14. D

    Why is wasting vapor on YouTube reviews so popular?

    I agree. I don't want anything coming out. I think that is called ghosting.
  15. D

    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    Thanks Mr. Mccringle. That is most helpful. Others - I agree that weight matters and I should get a scale. The bud can be different density. The water weight can go up and down too but the THC stays the same. The visual just gives a ball park. I am below the 'amount' based on the visual...
  16. D

    Benzene: Thoughts on the known carcinogen?

    I want to add that different vapes heat differently. For one of my vapes I can go to 400 without getting any bad taste but another I am limited to 390. Another gets a bit bad at 384 (has presets). Just saying that the temp read out on different vapes is not always that accurate. I consider...
  17. D

    Micro-Dose Amount Images

    I am wondering if anyone could post images of what a micro-dose looks like, such as .01 gram, .05 grams, and .1 gram of ground material with something for size reference. I like to microdose but not sure if I am still in the micro-range. Ha ha. It is helpful to see an amount and not just a...
  18. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    I don't see the benefit of the bent stem for a $20 upcharge, over the straight? Not that much more cooling so the only benefit is a 45 degree bend. Albeit, I like the standard mouth piece the best. Easier and cooler vapor, IMO.
  19. D

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    I am familiar with many of the DSM scales and questions. It is great to quantify it in words or with some fixed criteria, but the problem is that the characterization is overly broad making the scales less useful and hence often dismissed. I suppose if you are a hammer everything looks like...
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