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  1. D

    Benzene: Thoughts on the known carcinogen?

    Would not vaping above 390 be best? My max temp is 390. I start around 368-370, then 380, then usually 388-390 max.
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    Crohn's Disease and vaping

    There was just a study on this out of Israel. Said cannabis helps.
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    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Does the air flow over the coils, or are the coils sealed in the center of the heater section inside the thin silver tube? I always like these teardowns - really get to see the air path. Looks pretty clean to me. I know in my Fury2, when I plug up the air intake hole, my draw stops straight...
  4. D

    Benzene: Thoughts on the known carcinogen?

    Seems like any unhealthy components would be of very very small amounts. I vape only a fraction - maybe 1/5 of a cig in a day or session, and then usually on weekends only. Plus, it is vaping and not smoking. Very small exposure. Keep it in perspective - I see people worrying about this but...
  5. D

    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    Replace the term cannabis with the term exercise or video games or rich(fatty/spicy) foods or social media. With this list seems like anything could be considered a disorder - or nothing depending on how you define impairment of function and distress. I know someone who is probably addicted...
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    Pregnant vaping?

    IMO - Don't use booze, cannabis, cigs, or any other drug when pregnant.
  7. D

    Worst vape ever?

    Boundless CFC - worst one I owned anyway.
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    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    Really, I am tripping balls after vaping at 385 to 390.
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    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    I am amazed at the skill and the lack of fear. I don't have the skill or balance, or the ability to overcome the fear. I know nothing about a 1970 CZ 360 motocrosser.
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    Boundless Tera

    I can't believe how people can get so worked up about a delayed pre-order - it is to be expected and is part of the game. Part of the fun is the wait. Must be vaping sativa - ha ha. I love my CF but after the POS CFC I gave up on boundless. The aluminum chamber originally spec'ed in this...
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    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    Adrenaline Junkie. He gets likes on utube but if you microdose everyday, you are an addict. I always wonder why they don't wear a helmet all the time - same thrill - just saves the noggin so you can do more tricks tomorrow. I love to ride motorcycles, but I wear a ton of gear so that if I...
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    "Addicted" because you vape every day?

    Add this to the long list of lies from the U.S. Gov. and its employees. I love the USA, but do not trust the government at all. As to being addicted or needing it, that has been on my mind lately. I was typically only a weekend user but have been partaking during the week now and again and...
  13. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    This is what I use. 1. comes in different sizes 2. keeps it fresh - i think the proper humidity herb is best for good vaping. 3. will last forever. 4. clean - all stainless 5. has two...
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    Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

    Interesting. I have heard that taking mag supplements can help. There is also a pill that a Dr. can prescribe that is suppose to help - something that also helps Parkinson disease.
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    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    I was messing around with this bubbler last night - not on the fury 2, but see how it worked - without hooking it to a vape. I have to put a hold on my recommendation because when I tried it was getting a drop or two or water out the bottom. It was not hooked to the fury but over a paper towel...
  16. D

    Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

    Thanks everyone. It should fall under chronic pain cause it hurts in the legs. Maggie, sorry it is not working for you. Most reviews/input I have read say it is very helpful. It is a very un-understood issue. Maybe a longer break will be the solution for you.
  17. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    You can also run a small load through it but don't really inhale. I do that as part of the burn off and to 'coat' the insides with vapor residue. I take small draws but don't really inhale. Covers the smell and cleaning it again gets rid of both smells/tastes. I agree though, the fury does...
  18. D

    Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS)

    Does anyone have any experience with treating Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) with cannabis? I read a study that showed it helped. I also read indica is best but maybe that was because it was used at night. Better to take THC or CBD? Or both? Just looking for input or thoughts. Thanks.
  19. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Bossman. Thanks for posting. That is the one. I don't think I can upload pics from computer (like other forms) - correct me if I am wrong - and don't have a third party image hosting account right now. I tried the Fury 2 over the weekend. Overall, I think the other reviews are spot on...
  20. D

    Multi-brand HEALTHY RIPS FURY

    Check out the one I posted above from PIU. Perfect fit for mine. Also, try drawing in some air from the side of your mouth from the vape draw - mixs cool air with hot air and cuts the vape density
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