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  1. W

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    You should really try THE BUD, and save this leaf you speak of for cooking.. :P ..yeah.. i know... just couldn't resist... the urge ... to type.. my thoughts... (vaped)
  2. W

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Dead batteries that discharge too fast could potentially cause people to comment negatively about the box performance when what they are really experiencing is battery drainage issues.. so, in summary, my opinion is that batteries that stay charged are better for magicflight to ship stock, then...
  3. W

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I personally use it all day when not at home. It lives in my shirt pocket. For me, the higher powered battery is what I'm looking for, but I can see the need for batteries that last sometimes... the camping trip.. fishing trip, etc. edit: whatever this new change is, I hope they are still AA...
  4. W

    very nice inexpensive wood pipes, dugouts and one hitters....

    If you used the stainless steel tips, you could potentially double or triple your customer base here, with Purple-Days and Woodeez customers as well... something to think about! :o :2c: :peace:
  5. W


    Seems to make sense. Do you have a link to this study?
  6. W

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Use the brush! Q-tip is going to leave cotton behind (tried it myself once ;) ) The brush and a couple of drops of alcohol works pretty well. Do it when the unit is cold. When it is dry and empty, with the lid open, allow a fresh battery to run for a minute, this will burn off debris left on...
  7. W

    marijuana and heart attacks

    Thanks for the breakdown! ;) You can definitely see the "spin" and bias in their "interpretation" of the results.
  8. W

    vape changes one???

    If you feel sick, you need to see a doctor! No one here is going to be able to diagnose you on a forum.. but again, I don't see how any of those things relate to vapor :peace: :2c:
  9. W

    vape changes one???

    sounds to me like you may be getting sick.. :( ..can't imagine it has anything to do with vaporizing though..
  10. W

    Vapor Brownies (ABV Cannaoil)

    ^^ math correction.. that would be 4 grams per piece ;) ...should be cruising... with the high grade you say you are using.
  11. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    Post #101 mentioned the only truly lead free brass as being C464. I wonder what the downside is of using this instead ? :cool:
  12. W

    What do all these acronyms stand for/mean?!!

    turkey baster.. think funnel with a squeeze bulb on the end... like a giant eye dropper.... a turkey baster. I think some people use these to make BHO :rolleyes: see above for BHO :ninja:
  13. W

    Sauna and marijuana, is it dangerous?

    ohhh..... imagining an FC party in the sauna... a nice pile of herb on some hot rocks.... cold beverage in hand... soaking up the vapor :ko:
  14. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    At least now there are actual numbers to work with. The "risk" to someone that is 20 years old, that takes 10 hits a day and intends to do this 365 days a year for the next 80 years is different than the risk to the 80 year old who takes a hit or two a day. (depending on whether you believe...
  15. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    I think all of us in this thread learned something about the particular brass used in your product. I think many will decide that it is such an insignificant amount that they have nothing to worry about.. then again many may not, but they now have some numbers (facts) rather than accusations...
  16. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    I have only a minute to post so sorry for the short one.. I hope it is informative. Do a google search for: msds brass 260 MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet. People that make this stuff are required to have one. If we know the manufacturer of the brass in question we can narrow it...
  17. W

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    THC is a natural expectorant. A heavy hit of vapor can make you cough.
  18. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    Excellent. I will not hesitate to recommend your product. :D :peace: I think you'll find that releasing that small bit of information is going to make Rick a busy (busier) man ;)
  19. W

    Obama opens off shore oil drilling

    I think we need to be drilling and using it.. while at the same time going full speed ahead with new energy options. We are way too dependent on foreign oil produced by people that hate us, in unstable parts of the world.
  20. W

    Is Brass Safe?

    ..simply eliminating the brass with obviously readily available parts would take you out of this argument completely Rick! No one mentioned you since this thread was reopened.. and being on a respected vaporizer site, this information might be seen by future vape makers and influence...
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