I've worked as a lab tech (Biochem degree) for over 20 years and I call bullshit. If there's one thing I've learnt in working in reserch and science it's this; if you can't give citatitions to peer reviewed published research it's bullshit. Complete fucking bullshit (sorry for the language really, but this gets me worked up.
Here's a small quote, and note the conclusions that *can* be drawn
These findings come from a study of 3,882 people who survived heart attacks. It was conducted at a number of centers around the country, including Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where Mittleman works. In the study, 124 people reported using marijuana regularly. Of these, 37 people said they used it within 24 hours of their heart attacks. Nine said they smoked it within an hour of their attacks.
------end quote---------
124 people using marijuana regularly (of those 3882 people having heart attacks) is 3.1%
But the percentage of the general population who regularly use mariijuana is what....5%? 10%? 12%? certainly greater than 3.!%. The obvious conclusion (and I flunked college algebra gloriously....something in my brain doesn't llke non statistical math) that can be drawn is that if Cannabis users are under represented statistically in heart attack patients then something about Cannabis is cardioprotective. Less than 1% of heart attack patients used Cannabis in the 24 hours preceeding the attack, and less than 1/5 of 1% of heart attck patients used Cannabis in the hour preceeding the attack.
Shit, that article relly pisses me off.
thanks for posting the link, I appreciate it very much.