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  1. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Interesting. So maybe they're not going in order after all. I hope for everyone's sake that this is a sign of the log jam breaking loose. And not a sign of the apocalypse!
  2. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    The good news for everyone else is that, assuming they actually are shipping in the order orders were received, they're now beginning shipping to regular backers. Are there any early bird or holiday backers who have mot yet received their GH?
  3. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Woo hoo! Just got my shipping confirmation and tracking number!
  4. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Wouldn't it be ironic if the inevitable counterfeits / knockoffs were on the market before the genuine article?
  5. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    So LAST August they announced that they were on track for September shipping - September 2014. And now it's August 2015, and they're still claiming shipping is imminent. Lovely.
  6. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Yes, mine was changed from July to August.
  7. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    I backed GH on Nov. 15, 2013. Got my address confirmation email yesterday. I'm tempted to get excited, but the email also states "your Grasshopper order is almost ready to ship", which I interpret as "it's still not quite ready". I'll save my excitement until I get a shipping confirmation with...
  8. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Wasn't there an update stating "we'll be cranking out a thousand per week" or something like that, that came out AFTER the update regarding the slow heater manufacturing? That would seem to indicate that the heaters were no longer an issue.
  9. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Right, assuming they actually ship in the order that backers got on board. Have they ever indicated that that is the case?
  10. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    How will we know when all preorders (or early birds, or holiday backers, or regular backers) are shipped? They haven't ever announced any info like that as far as I can tell.
  11. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Based on everything I've read, I think it's safe to assume that there's only been one China trip, and all this new speculation is based on one guy's misinformed confusion.
  12. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Just like last month, and the month before. And probably next month, and the month after. I'm tired of estimates. I just want a vape! I really wonder how many people would have supported this company if they'd been told in 2013 that we wouldn't have a product in hand until sometime in...
  13. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Wow. Really disappointed in today's update. No mention of the seemingly high failure rate and what is being done to address it, no mention of where they are in the shipping process (i.e., are backers getting them yet, how many units have actually been shipped, etc.), and really almost no news...
  14. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Well that may be good news for me. Assuming they're doing it chronologically (and all we can do is assume, since they haven't been real clear on the communication), they may be getting to the end of the early bird backers. I'm a regular backer, but only a day later than you - Nov. 15, 2013.
  15. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Please say you were a regular backer :clap:
  16. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Were you a holiday or early bird backer? I'm just trying to get some idea of when regular backers are going to start getting theirs. I assume it will be once all the holiday and early bird backers have been taken care of.
  17. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Alphabj, are you an early bird/holiday backer, or a regular backer?
  18. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Are you an early bird/holiday backer, or a regular backer?
  19. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    So since I'm a first day backer, it's safe to assume I'm in the first half of the backer orders. Which would mean I am still on track for a July ship date, based on Trevor's comment above. But as of today, I haven't received an address confirmation email. So WTF?
  20. J

    The Grasshopper Shipping Poll

    Am I jumping the gun then? Have ANY backers received their units? Or is it only holiday backers and pre-Nov. 15, 2013 early birds? Scanning this thread and the official GH thread, it looks like random backers from the Indigogo campaign have been getting them too. Or am I mistaken?
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