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  1. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    I use my Solo up skiing all the time in cold conditions ( 10 deg F or so) and my Solo has always worked great. I put it in a small coozie I bought at Walmart for about $4 to protect it from the elements, punched a small hole in the bottom of the coozie for air flow, and let 'er rip. I do...
  2. Papa Woody

    d-limonene and extracting

    Interesting thread here guys! Very innovative. Here is a link to a direct source of d-limo where you can get 55 gallon drums of it if you want that much. I use d-limo to clean old ski wax off ski and snowboard bases and its always does a great job of it.
  3. Papa Woody

    Discontinued A Hot Pod

    Hazy, Beautiful pods dude, great concepts and what a nice way to elevate the state of "Pod Vapes". Good luck in your business, I'll be following this one.
  4. Papa Woody

    The HI

    Congratulations on taking the plunge mvapes! I've been on the list for about a month now and I know it will be many many more months until my HI arrives. Since I'm 90+ days into an "extended T-break" which may extend to who the hell knows when, I'm in absolutely no hurry to get my HI so take...
  5. Papa Woody


    Nice Tut-ch
  6. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    I was going to say pop a dimple to create a pressure point to grab the wood but wasn't sure how that would look and possibly detract from your clean lines. Maybe roll a crease in the SS tube all the way around to give you a grab point with the wood but maintain a clean appearance with a circular...
  7. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    Hey Ed, Just a suggestion, but can you cut a coarse thread on the two pieces so they can be screwed together instead of a friction fit? It seems that my experience with just about every slip fit or friction fit item will come apart at some point down the road. Threading might allow the JB Weld...
  8. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    It's like the old saying..."The darker the elbow, the sweeter the juice" lol You should get a nice reclaim off that glass, have a nice buzz!
  9. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo Here you go Sticks... FLskwat's post from Page 74 post 1835 on Sept 29, 2011 (My apology to FLskwat for badly mistyping his name earlier) I reclaim like this about once a month or so. The heavier the build up the longer you...
  10. Papa Woody

    New York Plans to Ban Sale of Big Sizes of Sugary Drinks

    ^ It will never end until they control every aspect of your life. If they ban it and "criminalize" it you will still be able to get it just like what I've been doing with MJ since 1967. Until people stop voting into office those who have this uncontrollable desire to make you do what they want...
  11. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    But that is going to happen regardless. I just reclaim my glass stems in hot milk and add chocolate then drink it as I have done since being recommended by FLakswat many many pages ago.
  12. Papa Woody

    Is time travel possible? Discuss.

    ^^ Frederick, Yes, go fast and be absorbed by your retina along with the many photons along that axis from the star to your eye that will follow that first photon and suffer the same fate. Poor little photons. Spend your entire flash of existence from origin to stimulating my eye. Since time...
  13. Papa Woody

    Is time travel possible? Discuss.

    Thanks for bringing us back on topic. I'd like to hear from some of the great minds we have on FC, if the physical act of time travel is possible in both directions, how do you overcome the problem of traveling from your current location, this specific point of space that we occupy when we...
  14. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    ^^ I have to agree with VapeNStone.. I leave my stem in and place my thumb over the end of the stem to keep the vapor in the tube in between hits then hit the hell out of it repeatedly. I don't want to forget about it for 3-5 minutes in between hits because thats where you tend to overcook your...
  15. Papa Woody

    Is time travel possible? Discuss.

    I want to travel 100 years back in time to meet my young grandfather (and no, I don't want to kill him). Assuming I know "Doc Brown" who has made the "flux capacitor equipped Delorean" to make the trip, and considering the Earth and the universe is moving, how do you keep your machine on the...
  16. Papa Woody

    PUFFiT portable

    Just label it "Vapolin"
  17. Papa Woody

    EXIF Data Danger

    Thank you T-Dub for educating me! I was not aware of this until reading your post. This post should be required reading for everyone uploading photos and videos to FC.
  18. Papa Woody

    The HI

    ^ That was HUGE boobs! After that barrage I'd be spilling out all over. You get two tits up for that!
  19. Papa Woody

    The HI

    One HI to rule them all... That does it...I'm getting in line
  20. Papa Woody

    Arizer Solo

    Ed- Great stem, great video, I'm gonna have to get me a bunch of those! Sounds just like me!
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