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  1. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    Yup! Bleed black n gold!
  2. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    This is my first time with yahoo FF. Compared to ESPN, it sucks donkey balls IMO. However, I did find something pretty cool. The recap... MyNameisMud could not get off the starting blocks this week and lost to Smokey McPot 115.09 - 88.96. While each team fell short of expectations, Smokey McPot...
  3. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Came across a rarity in here in PA, some wicked bubble hash! So I tried it in the Cloud, WOW. 11:30 seemed to do it great. I am a die hard 9:30 Cloud user :P
  4. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The puffing is prob what did it. The water repeated dropping hard over and over prob forced water into the elb, soaking the herb and making it all nasty. That'd be my guess.
  5. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    CJ Spiller FTW Smokey McPot is 2-0!!
  6. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Super huge congrats guys!!!!
  7. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    The main diff is the reduced diameter on the top section. I think the percs are pretty close. The Evolver doesn't have ice pinches and the vXH circ does
  8. JDSupreme

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    When you look at the bid history it looks like that because the one bidder has set a max bid and if someone bids under that it auto bids for you. Kinda tough to explain but its not someone bidding against themselves. The fact that it's so high leads me to believe one of his friends is bidding...
  9. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Mother of god. Here's the pic of SM's worked HT from twitter...
  10. JDSupreme

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    Holy balls!!
  11. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    BAHAHAHA Nice! I was hoping you read it really vaked and thought for a sec that you actually said that lol uhhhh, FC black magic! :evil:
  12. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    Lol thanks man! I do what I do! :D
  13. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    :o:haw::puke: Ill take both of the jumbo bent neck HT's please. Thank you.
  14. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

    that kick was insane
  15. JDSupreme

    The HI

    A motorcycle/scooter battery (~$40 @ walmart), a 12v socket, and a fanny pack. Boom, ur set :haw:
  16. JDSupreme

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    And they leave up the wonderful reviews people left right below it :shrug: Actually, they still owe me a backordered replacement screen....looks like i need to send another email.
  17. JDSupreme

    FC Fantasy Football!

  18. JDSupreme

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud

    Well said. I plan on buying an $800-$1000 piece at some point but when that time comes, I'll know it. There's plenty of SICK pieces out there, but we all have that perfect one in the back of our minds. There should be no rush or "settling" with something like this. My next purchase will for...
  19. JDSupreme

    Discontinued Pax Vaporizer by Ploom

    The Cobra car charger works good. I am going to file out the notch on the bottom of the charger a bit more to allow the thicker Cobra cord to fit through. Should take all of 45 seconds im guessing... 2 weeks or so with my Onyx and ZERO issues with the mouthpiece or button. I clean it approx...
  20. JDSupreme

    Underdog Log Vapes

    After ordering one for my Mom and then using it, I decided to get one for me a few days later. The UD above is the one I wanted, but sadly, it was sold. Looks like I'm gonna have to wait for the BDay sale/special!! I have my eye on another one tho ;)
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