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  1. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Anyone please?
  2. L

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    I'm hoping its a model that works with plants and other non-oils. Now that would be something.
  3. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    does it work like real absinthe(the ones you get overseas not the ones in the States)? Any legit site that carries the real kits with hallucinogenic plants and stuff? Also would having a some pomegranate soak with the absinthe, for flavor, some how weaken/less the wormwoods effects?
  4. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    So, if I want to make my own sort of Absinthe, where could I get the same type of wormwood and other plants that are used in absinthe to make my own tincture? Do I still have to like heat/warm up the wormwood and other plants like I would with fresh THC(converting it to THCA) for swamp water or...
  5. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    Problem is absinthe in America lacks some of the chemical absinthe over seas offers. Like I have a bottle Lucid at home, but that won't do munch hence why I'm asking about wormwood. As for the tastes I guess a little sugar, or mixing with some OJ or something should fix some of that, no? So...
  6. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    So, just to be clear you are saying not to make a tincture out of nutmeg and just get some oil? Because I have whole nutmeg at home, but had not plans on vaping it, just trying to make a tincture out of it to drip on the stuff I regularly vape. If I cook with the nutmeg oil will I still...
  7. L

    The ethnobotanical thread

    I haven't read all of this thread, but I want to double check, I can vape wormwood and I should feel something? Like I see like a 1lb of wormwood for cheap on Amazon is that the correct one, or is there something else I should be looking at? As for nutmeg, I have the whole nutmeg, and was...
  8. L

    Home vape under $100?

    Wait I know it is a bit OT, but is that really true the VG can hit better than the MFLB? What about efficiency wise? There is also the Incognito, which right now is out of stock, but I think cost a bit more than what you want to spend at around $110 for the base kit(which is just the vape and...
  9. L

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Yeah saw that click to vape model a page or two back. Not even sure if these newer models "vape" better. I kind of want to see what the knock off of the Lotus vape would look like.
  10. L

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Well I guess I just like the exotic idea of Absinthe, but I guess I will have to check BevMo and see what the highest proof alcohol I can get for the amount of ABV I have. Thanks.
  11. L

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Well from what I am told Ever Clear in California is lower proof than what you get in most states(odd considering stuff like Sam Adams Utopia is legal here, but banned in 5 states that have higher proof Ever Clear) at around 78%, and I can get Absinthe in same range(or at least close to it), I...
  12. L

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    Ah, well the issue is, in California the everclear is if I am not mistaken about the same proof as rum and absinthe. What would be the issue with the sugar and syrupy residue?
  13. L

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    I didn't really see this mentioned here, but would absinthe(something in the 150 proof range) be a viable alternative to rum or everclear?
  14. L

    Discontinued Vaporfection viVape

    Their mivape model seems a bit more interesting as that seems like it could be a portable?
  15. L

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    I think duralumin is just some fancy marketing gimmick for aged aluminum.
  16. L

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    I would for sure purchase it if I didn't have a VG bat, but right now I want to see a review of it with plants, not tobacco before making the call. I would second(or is it third) for the Lithe to have its own thread.
  17. L

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Were you able to get a reply? I really prefer not to get another vape like my VG, but the size is what sort of has me sold. Now if they can make something like the iolite, or a battery powered vape this shape/size from similar materials, thats what would really sell me.
  18. L

    Obscure and Obsolete Vapes

    Yeah it looks pretty neat, and I too would get one if I didn't already have a VG bat, but at $60 at amazon that a pretty nice deal for a compact vape. Would love to see a review or some comments on how this works with herb, specially lightly packed.
  19. L

    Omicron modified e-cigs

    Cool, would be cool to see how that turns out. Maybe I skipped it, but are the carts re-usable or are you suppose to throw them out once its finished? I really want to get this, but I don't really want to mess around with oils, and liquids much, plus its a bit pricey atm for me.
  20. L

    Omicron modified e-cigs

    Can you vape green dragon and other home made liquids with this?
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