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  1. Treeburner

    Divine Tribe atty's

    What are those settings, and how long does it take to heat up? Running on my IPV D2 at 15 Joules and 385° it works well when clean, but once reclaim starts to build up it takes forever to heat. Thanks, Treeburner
  2. Treeburner

    Divine Tribe atty's

    Got my DT Donut 2.5 with a 2.7 top, and I'm impressed! Been using a Gpen Micro G for concentrates on the go, but the donut puts my gpen to shame! Running it on my IPV D2, and found I get the best vape at 15J and 425°F. Have only just started using it so I can't comment on durability, but so...
  3. Treeburner

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    The Davinci rep said in this thread for all to see that they would get the straight adapter to me quickly - don't see how it's bashing to point out to the same people that they are still not following through on their promises. It's not like I just randomly posted again that they still hadn't...
  4. Treeburner

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    @Davinci_vaporizer - It's been another 7 days since Davinci was supposed to be shipping my 14mm straight adapter that I've been waiting for for well over a month, and surprise surprise it hasn't arrived. More business as usual over there? -Treeburner
  5. Treeburner

    Minimum Amount of Coconut Oil/Butter

    No, no concentrates available, and I want to get rid of all this ABV and figured adding some green as well would ensure there's some THC in the CBD-heavy mix. -Treeburner
  6. Treeburner

    Minimum Amount of Coconut Oil/Butter

    I'm looking at making a batch of cannabis-infused fudge for Christmas, however my favorite fudge recipe only calls for 1/4 cup of butter (will be using coconut oil instead). Would 1/4 cup of coconut oil contain enough lipids to extract the cannabinoids from about 2.5 Oz of material (2 Oz. ABV...
  7. Treeburner

    Recommend me a 2nd vape - a Mighty with "cable"

    I would go for the Arizer Extreme Q with DDave v2 mod - it's a lot cheaper than many other mods, but delivers an extremely pleasant and efficient vape. The whip is better than the bags, but both work well. Also pick up a 14mm or 18mm h2o adapter in order to connect the whip to a 14mm or 18mm...
  8. Treeburner

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Sorry, I thought my suggestion was helpful, wish I had done the same thing I suggested rather than waiting on a resolution. Will not be commenting on additional responses though, so thanks for the warning. I will have to pick up a straight adapter still, so does anyone know if there's any...
  9. Treeburner

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    There is no temperature-limiting failsafe as far as I know. Is the set temperature decreasing, or the real time temp only? If the set temperature is going down without any input from the user, maybe the down button on your EQ (or remote) is stuck. -Treeburner
  10. Treeburner

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I'd strongly suggest contacting your credit card company to stop payment on your order, as you're obviously getting the same runaround I did. Obviously Davinci doesn't give a shit about customers who have already paid for their goods. Fortunately, we can warn others not to make the same...
  11. Treeburner

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Why I Will Never Buy from Davinci Vaporizers Again: I do a lot of shopping online, and have had the unfortunate opportunity to deal with dozens of online businesses’ customer service departments. I’ve had a lot of good experiences where retailers recognized the need for excellent customer...
  12. Treeburner

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Just wanted to wish everyone a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! -Treeburner
  13. Treeburner

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    If you use silica packs to draw the moisture from uncured bud you will greatly decrease the quality of the weed. However, when using silica packs to fully dry already cured bud, I have not noticed any significant effect on the quality. Also, I store my bud at my parents' house and can't be...
  14. Treeburner


    The Exteme Q with DDave 14mm mod should be ideal for microdosing, as the 14mm wand holds about 0.025g max and can easily clear the bowl in one hit. -Treeburner
  15. Treeburner

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    When I get a new batch, which I pick up 1oz. at a time, I empty the weed into a glass jar with 4-6 10g silica packs. The packs are available on Amazon for a few bucks, and can dry an ounce completely within 24 hours. Works great and is so much faster than trying to re-cure moist bud. -Treeburner
  16. Treeburner

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    After using my bubbler more and scrubbing the ground glass connection thoroughly, small white flecks were still popping up as I vaped. However, after rinsing the white gunk out then soaking the bubbler in a highly concentrated solution of Dawn dish soap and hot water, I was finally able to...
  17. Treeburner

    DDave Mod, New DDave Mini Mod & Kit for Arizer EQ/VTower Vapes

    Definitely prefer a straight adapter myself, easier to mate with a variety of devices. Also, received some spare whip tubing and some of the new reinforcement collar ordered from DDave, and the collar is great! No more kinking at the wand at all regardless of how I place the whip down! Bravo...
  18. Treeburner

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    After using my cheap DHgate bubbler some, I noticed white flecks just above the water line. Looks like the "ground" part of the female ground glass adapter is probably flaking off, as it feels smoother than my higher end glass and there's no other white on the pipe. If it all flakes off, will...
  19. Treeburner

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Vapor Brothers also makes good whip adapters, picked up two 14mm and an 18mm from Vapor Nation: -Treeburner
  20. Treeburner

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Received my first DHgate order yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised to find the craftsmanship is flawless and the function perfect. I was concerned that the low price might equate to low quality, but that's certainly not the case with this bubbler. Still have three more pieces on the way -...
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