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  1. Vehmic

    Cannabis hangovers

    In my experience the brain fog tends to only be really noticeable if you are partaking intermittently, as daily use makes it just the norm, however minimal (or not) the effects are. I'd rather hear from a frog than a fish about what being underwater feels like. I operate best with once or twice...
  2. Vehmic

    The Toad from Morwood

    This is a luxury product. Everybody is lucky Dan doesn't charge double+. Wait times be damned. There are a plethora of non-luxury vaporizers with ready availability. Compare the cost/wait times to custom espresso machines, high end headphones/speakers, bespoke clothing, purses, etc.
  3. Vehmic

    Cool Music to Vape to - Part 2

    It's been a minute, feeling nostalgic with the turning seasons, have some older indie I grew up on:
  4. Vehmic

    The Keyhole v0.1

    This looks really interesting, excited to see more as it develops!
  5. Vehmic

    Anvil by Vestratto

    I would play around with the size of your flame. I find between the half/full bowls I need to modify my heating a little bit for consistency of ABV and I imagine that same thing will apply to the XL. Just like brewing coffee you want to modify a single variable at a time so I would alter the...
  6. Vehmic

    Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

    That is a very handsome setup!
  7. Vehmic

    Oldest vaporizers

    I have seen variations of a chalice pipe where there is a ceramic catch to hold coconut charcoal above the herb that you use to vaporize, all breath control. I have no idea when that started though.
  8. Vehmic

    The Toad from Morwood

    I'd love something Black Sabbath, maybe inspired by Bakemono/Yokai:
  9. Vehmic

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Every time I see the attempts at European "sophistication" I crack up, makes me think of: Though I will say I do love my Anvil despite all the silliness in the marketing sphere. I think the phrase "Dynaverse" is equally goofy.
  10. Vehmic

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    I've been playing Hero's Hour a HOMMlike indie game with a very cool dev team and modding support. Also was playing Diablo II again, but I ripped the anvil a bit too much and let my hardcore trapsin die, right after I finished farming for a runeword, and ...I think I need space from it.
  11. Vehmic

    Gathering thoughts on a concept for a future vaporizer.

    Yeah I think it's wicked smart, just having something you could easily plug into a wall or power bank.
  12. Vehmic

    Gathering thoughts on a concept for a future vaporizer.

    I think it's in reference to a power bank. More commonly used to charge phones/other usb devices when traveling.
  13. Vehmic

    What's in your vape right now?

    The Dark Devil is beautiful!
  14. Vehmic

    The Ballet Thread

  15. Vehmic

    Cloud Connoisseur Zenith

    Just sneaking in to express interest in this project, looking great so far!
  16. Vehmic

    What's in your vape right now?

    Recently got my hands on some Gorilla Grapes (GG4 x Vino Og) It smells like a barn, but also has a sweet fuely undertone. Makes a great salad with Mycerene dominant cultivars. Sleepy, I have taken more naps lately. Weirdly tasty, but I love natural fermentation and funky stuff in general.
  17. Vehmic

    your strain of the year 🤑😎😍

    Champagne Kush, truly incredible taste and effects. Really nails the winey note well.
  18. Vehmic

    Dynavap VapCap

    Does anybody have an alternate screen they prefer in their Dynvaps? Preferably with better longevity than the stock.
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