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  1. Ratm22

    How to get butane out of can with the nozzle tip snapped off?

    So I tried to put the black plastic cover back on the butane can and it slipped and snapped the tip off. Is there anything I can do to get the butane into my WISPr.
  2. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Not sure why I thought it was Ni-mh mine reads: icr18650 3.6v 2200mah not sure what brand it is unless I unwrap it It looks like they could send me another identical battery and I could easily plug it in. I guess I will give the RMA a shot. Sucks sending away vape, that I just got...
  3. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I know why would they make the warranty for the battery so much shorter than the unit, unless they new it will fail right at 3 months. Another odd tid-bit I noticed is that the pamphlet instructions they included with the unit claims it to have a LI-ion battery, which in mine was not the case...
  4. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Mine now does the exact same thing. i can get one use before it starts to go crazy lights. Charging only displays one blue light then bam instantly at full charge after 2 hours. Anyone had luck with a speedy RMA and replacement? It says one year warranty on their website , the battery warranty...
  5. Ratm22


    I have the digital volcano and it has security hex screws. Which is what was keeping from fixing my volcano. I instead used vice grips to loosen the screws. The top came off and everything looked good inside. I fiddle with the green switch with no luck. I figured i would need to replace it so I...
  6. Ratm22


    My volcano is having button problems. The green pump button doesn't work unless you giggle around the innards a lot. Should I open it up. Bought it used. One side screw fell out. What kind of weird star shape driver is needed for volcano screws.
  7. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Awesome got some cheap ones on order.
  8. Ratm22

    VaporReviewBlog's Underdog Giveaway Holiday Picture Contest!!

    I must enter said contest with this offering: I wanted to set some Christmas trees on fire in protest but thought that to be an extreme horrific act of combustion. Instead I stole some branch cuttings off grandmas Christmas tree, could have cut a dick pattern in the back and she would have...
  9. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I have to clean my screens once a week with Everclear. The fine mesh gets clogged almost instantly. They pop out very easily but don't go back in so smoothly. The included cleaning brush works really well after you let the screen soak for a little while. Yes, just be sure to do a dry run before...
  10. Ratm22

    ABV Pumpkin Soup

    Sugar pumpkins vary in size but I used a whole one to make about four servings. Roast the pumpkin with seeds and pulp removed in the oven for about an hour. While the pumpkin is roasting. extract the abv into your oil filter the oil into your soup pot. add your garlic and onions, saute till...
  11. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Just daily flowers, probably average 3 bullets/day. With such a small air path I would say there is minimal vapor loss do to glass contact. The batteries all have to be charged with DC, the power brick at the wall plug changes the current into DC. The only different with charging from usb is...
  12. Ratm22

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Thanks to the Vrip guys sorting out my wand confusion. They have returned two working wands that will keep me in vapor flavor country!
  13. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    Plus here is what one month's worth of vapor looks like.
  14. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    The pinnacle is very hot and not many temp settings. Cooling the vapor down is a must. The water tool is the smallest I have ever seen and can be slid into a jacket pocket. Plus you don't have to use the mini water tool that is sold with it. Your other glass can easy be adapted and will offer...
  15. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I have tried plugging into multiple different USB slots. None seem to provide enough amps. I ran a second USB power cord and it started to heat for a few seconds before shutting down. We may have to wait till USB 4.0 for enough power. The only thing that broke on mine was the silly little...
  16. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    I was able to get a hold of someone who said I could ship it back: So lucky for me I found the needed electronic parts lying around the house and created a USB Charger It charges well but the USB spec doesn't produce enough amps to run it off one port alone. I will get more USB cables...
  17. Ratm22

    Discontinued Pinnacle Pro

    My Pinnacle Pro's charger wont make connection anymore. :huh: Hopefully they will replace easily, I will try contacting them directly.
  18. Ratm22

    Massdrop Sales

    Careful, slow delivery and my charger just broke.
  19. Ratm22

    Discontinued VRIPtech Heating Wand

    Mark, I appreciate the fast response and your quick resolution. My apologies for thinking my wand was lost. But its been over a year since the first repair. The situation is just an unfortunate sequence of events that we both could say we should have been more communicative. Thanks for sorting...
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