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  1. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Found these guys while poking around. No idea on quality but the nails look ok.
  2. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Honestly my intention with the water tool is to have a piece that I can use with my dabbler at the lake. might even end up living at our lake house! So I'm not expecting a whole lot...just a fun, disposable toy for laidback weekends. I placed the order this morning and already...
  3. HugieLewis

    Cheap, high - quality nails

    @blankrider how do you like the periscope setup? Pros/cons over traditional rigs? They look interesting to me but I have never seen or used one in person.
  4. HugieLewis

    Need to study? Pop some of these pills!!!!!!

    Paul Stamets is like a god for all things mushroom related. If he is the one pitching this I'd be interested.
  5. HugieLewis

    The Big Lebowski Is My Favorite Movie... (The Achiever's Thread!)

    I also hate the Eagles.
  6. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Well that sucks. I had heard some mixed reviews on the water tool, but it seems like the folks that got them recently were pretty pleased. I JUST ordered one myself, along with the triple donut piece. Hope they work out ok!
  7. HugieLewis

    Almost Brand New D020D

    Hi guys and gals! I am looking to trade my Sunshine Store D020D. Its been used a handful of times, but never combusted in. I also have the D020W and I just prefer the sidecar more. I'd love to trade for one of the other cheap china glass pieces. I'm not too picky honestly, just looking for...
  8. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Sigh....I went to go put that new mini in my cart and at some point I put the pinnacle knock off water tool in there too. So guess I have to buy both now. I should probably wait until I get paid on monday though. The babycake will just have to wait.
  9. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler are killing me! And my wallet. Now I have to decide between this or the babycake rig. First world problems I know....
  10. HugieLewis

    PBW & the Chemistry of Clean

    @Deja Vu ...northern brewer is a good supplier. I get a lot of my home brew equipment from them.
  11. HugieLewis

    Cheap, high - quality nails

    Maybe its in my head, or maybe its due to me heating the nail differently? Can't say. I personally do feel that the quartz tastes better than the shitty nails I had been using, even if just a bit. Also superior to the Ti most of my friends use.
  12. HugieLewis

    Cheap, high - quality nails

    My quartz nails from green buddha came in yesterday. I had a couple of friends want some cheap nails so I ordered the three pack of quartz cups and kept one for myself. Works pretty well too, and the flavor is an improvement over boro for sure. Overall I am pretty pleased.
  13. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler This site has a few cheap finds on offer. The 10mm rig is down to $45. Some of the descriptions say blown in america but this one doesn't make note of anything.
  14. HugieLewis

    Cory Glass Designs re/incyclers - high function and affordable? Holy hell this thing is SICK
  15. HugieLewis

    The Bachelor Chow Thread:

    Cooking is pretty much my favorite hobby and has been for a long time. I always tell my bachelor friends to learn (at least) one dish REALLY well. It doesn't have to be fancy or have a lot of ingredients. When you finally do meet miss right, or even miss right now, you can impress her with your...
  16. HugieLewis

    Dabbers/Stir Sticks?

    My wife got me a couple of these cool lightsaber glass dabbers for my b day. Originally she was only going to get one, but I guess they misplaced the order for a day or two and threw in a free one. Definitely awesome folks, and cool dabbers for star wars nerds...
  17. HugieLewis

    Concentrates for Noobs - Q&A

    :cheers: My plan is no more than 15 seconds if I can manage it. Still trying to figure out the best way to keep a low steady temp during purge. After dinner I am going to test out a few things. Thanks for the advice. If it turns out half as good looking as yours I will be pretty damn happy. If...
  18. HugieLewis

    Cheap High Quality Bubbler

    Finally got a j hook to go with my ash catcher!
  19. HugieLewis

    Concentrates for Noobs - Q&A

    Duly noted. You are actually one of the people i wanted to hear from. Any other advice to offer?
  20. HugieLewis

    Cheap, high - quality nails

    Ordered some cheapie quartz nails from Green Buddha for some friends. Placed order monday, arriving today. Suh.weet. Also snagged a j hook for myself. Because GAS.
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