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  1. SunnyHours

    Marijuana and ADD

    Indeed, I'm having so much trouble because of my ADD...I can't keep a job and I feel worthless, I also have no memory...granted it might be something else like CFS since I'm always tired and unmotivated... I don't think ADD is being "Lazy"...since I'm so far past "Lazy"'s much harder than...
  2. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    I'll just wait for a stealth portable, but still...I'm thinking a whip vape could be a nice gift to myself for my birthday :p I'm hesitating between the DBV and SSV...DBV is 160$ and SSV is 245$. With a free grinder of course... As I said I'm not rich but I want the best of the 2, so if there's...
  3. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    Firefly looks hella cool...but with the cool red glow I fear it would be far from stealthy... What's a good whip vape that's not too expensive? If does Bags as well it's a plus. Or should I look into a log vape instead of a whip?
  4. SunnyHours

    Marijuana and ADD

    I was going to start a new thread similar to this thread, so here it goes. I've been to multiple doctors for my back problems and joint problems, and more recently for my anxiety and ADD. Since it was mental I was asked my drug history, and every time I told a doctor or psychiatrist I was told...
  5. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    I'm mostly looking if it's worth it...depending if I find one to my liking or not. If I don't I'll just save it for when that/those vapes will exist. Yes I'm looking into the Indica vaporizer and it seems pretty nice, although stealth wise I'm not quite sure, it's a weird impression, bystanders...
  6. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    I'm looking for a pretty stealthy unit, as it's the main selling point for me. What I mean by stealth is something I can use and only potheads would know it's a herb vaporizer, or stiff people who think everything's for the "Evil Drugs". The Pax seems to fit the bill, but the price point is...
  7. SunnyHours

    Pen vape for herb

    Keep in mind that even big-battery E-Cigs are the same size if not bigger. For example, I owned a Provari and it was as tall (or taller with extension 18650) as my Solo but smaller diameter wise. @HillaryClinton But keep me/us up to date on the Grasshopper I am very interested!
  8. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    Well I went to check out the INH 05 on indiegogo and found the Grasshopper...seems kinda nice... I wonder about taste/ vapor path and if the battery is easily changeable
  9. SunnyHours

    Upgrading my vapes worth it?

    Hi everyone! I could be in the market for new vape(s). I currently have a Solo as my Portable. I love it although it could be stealthier, convection only and as always with portable...more battery power...or maybe not more battery power, but more accessible...something like USB. Honestly though...
  10. SunnyHours

    How does mj help you?

    Thank you Vitolo, the sad thing is, that a few months ago, I was very happy, at work. But somehow I found myself in a depression. You see I'm a fiesty little creature. Once I do get a job, if I stay at the same level for too long I end up feeling useless and unappreciated. And after that I get...
  11. SunnyHours

    How does mj help you?

    It truly depends on my mood and because of that I feel I can't work. The ideal thing would be an easy job literally next to my house, that way, I would be less likely to make excuses, and just feel extremely depressed and uncomfortable.
  12. SunnyHours

    Kratom Strain for Pain?

    Sadly, I'm in Canada and there's no such thing as a dispensary :( All I have to depend on is what I grow. And I'm almost out, and since I'm moving soon can't start a new batch which sucks. Especially since I have so many strains to try still :P
  13. SunnyHours

    Kratom Strain for Pain?

    Hi everyone ! Well, I recently hurt my neck (read: it's worse than ever). And I'm not sure what to do. So I decided to re-investigate Kratom, for pain-relief this time. I ordered an Oz of Maeng-Da, which I experimented with, 4 years ago. And an Oz of "Super" Borneo Red Vein. I got to thinking...
  14. SunnyHours

    How does mj help you?

    @Vitolo I've been smoking MJ for a pretty long time now, 8 years or so. So it's nothing new for me. although my usage has changed a lot. Back when I started I smoked very small quantities, I then graduated to bigger doses in high school. Sometimes it would be a couple grams per session. I did...
  15. SunnyHours

    How does mj help you?

    Hello everyone! Just want to share my story with Cannabis. I'm a 24 yo guy, and I'm quite fucked up hehe I have severe pain in my back, neck and knees. I also have pretty bad nausea and anxiety. I also suffer from Borderline Personality Disorder. I also get occasional migraines, which seems to...
  16. SunnyHours

    Tips on dealing with Pain long-term?

    The few I've tried made everything worse. Also the ADD meds I was taking, Dexedrine increased the anxiety and sleeping issues. No she didn't mention one in particular. But she said the pain was in reaction to my anxiety, so it's psychosomatic, which I'm having lots of trouble believing since...
  17. SunnyHours

    Tips on dealing with Pain long-term?

    I finally saw a great doctor today! Finally! She said it was probably anxiety, which I know I do have, and my ADD. Gave me a prescription to help with sleep and told me to stop taking Cannabis and Tobacco (I Snus and snuff, I don't smoke). And she wants to start me on an anti-depressant, which I...
  18. SunnyHours

    Tips on dealing with Pain long-term?

    On the other hand I'm just gonna go on my past RC diet...well I should say it's RC's in Canada LOL Soma and around 150mg of Nucynta. That actually helped more than the doctors. I actually do pretty well with this and have no side effects. Obviously my health insurance doesn't cover it so it gets...
  19. SunnyHours

    Tips on dealing with Pain long-term?

    Buddy, check me out I'm a member (SunnyHours) hehe On another note went on my 5th appointment today...I guess those doctors don't give a flying fuck if I'm in pain...I asked them for more NSAID's and those Lidocaine patches, the doctor just kept going "go to PT" over and over and I'm like...
  20. SunnyHours

    Tips on dealing with Pain long-term?

    and I'm 24 lol Haha can you imagine how I'll be at 60 lol
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