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  1. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    It seems like the reason TV has chosen to stick with the momentary switch is because of situations like this one. I know its easy for some to forget that they left the latching switch on. Especially people who have never handled it before and don't know its bad to lay on the power button. Am I...
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    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    Boohoo I want my Cera :( I ordered on Dec 10 and Jennifer said there was about 100 orders ahead of mine and to expect tracking info around Feb 18-25. Knowing their estimates, I'm guessing if everything goes well it will be shipped the week of the 25th... Cool. Just need to be patient!
  3. N

    why does vapor take longer to absorb?

    yes yes yes! haha my bad, I misinterpreted your post :p
  4. N

    why does vapor take longer to absorb?

    Not quite, you're right, combustion creates byproducts which can contribute to the perceived difference in the high. When you vape, you don't get any of those byproducts. Smokers who vape for the first time sometimes feel like the high is lacking and incomplete, but what they are really feeling...
  5. N

    why does vapor take longer to absorb?

    In my experience, it doesn't take any longer than smoke does, vapor seems to be maybe even faster depending on how large of dose you absorb at once. If you take a dab of concentrate like oil you will feel it immediately. I think the perceived duration of absorption is due to the fact that the...
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    Chrome Persei kit

    Price lowered to $105 shipped!!
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Anybody have leak/clog problems with the EO core yet?
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    Chrome Persei kit

    All batteries are trust fire brand. I don't have any more carts for it and I am taking offers :)
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    Chrome Persei kit

    Still up for sale!
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    Buchee, thank you, what a great video! It really shows the effectiveness of the Cera when you start coughing your brains out with a red face and watering eyes. Folks, if this doesn't show you what to expect, then you need to watch again and take some notes. Also, I noticed that when you tried a...
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    We can't see the video, it says 'This video is private'
  12. N

    Chrome Persei kit

    PM replied, it will work with wax, shatter, oils, taffy, anything of that nature.
  13. N

    Chrome Persei kit

    You will need to purchase either a Bender or Hercules attachment like the previous poster said.
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera

    How's the flavor compared to other vapes or nails? Thank you for the write up!
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    Chrome Persei kit

    Hello friends, I am selling a chrome Persei kit. It is in great shape and used less than 6 months, not daily and very infrequently. I have had no problems at all and it works as it should, it sure is a beast with the power it has available. The kit I am selling includes: Persei body, single and...
  16. N

    CERA, the wait & gibberish thread

    I ordered on Dec 10, right after the first 50 orders. I was told via email that I should expect a shipping email sometime next week. You first 50 are lucky, but I'm excited to hear the first impressions.
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    In one of the videos on youtube they show how many hits you can get out of a .1g dab sized load. I'm pretty impressed.
  18. N

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    All these bad reports about the Herc and my personal experience has led me to return it. It has many flaws and I can't recommend it to anybody.
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    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    I'm excited to get a portable vape that actually works well for oils. The persei is ok and it does the job, but its design doesn't even compare to the cera. I'm excited for the longer battery life, the ceramic zerconia body (drooool), and the raw functionality. From what I can see from the...
  20. N

    Discontinued Thermovape Cera (Original thread, closed because of chaos)

    Placed my preorder today, I hope I receive it before christmas!
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