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  1. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    First night with the new Planet Vapes PVHES Stem. Slow and easy delivers one pretty serious, sweet far so very good!...
  2. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Let us know how that works out @CarolKing . I`ve been using a 1' surgical grade latex whip with my Solo (and FM V5.0) and I like it a lot. Really improves the draw and no tipping problems. I did just order 5' of Silicone tubing from PV and may try something as long as 3', so it will be...
  3. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo also has silicone tubing in various sizes that they sell by the foot...
  4. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    @al bundy I use mine exactly the same way for the same need to stir, even baking with no debris down the sides. Super easy to clean and vapes a smaller bowl perfectly!...
  5. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Thought I`d try one of Planet Vape`s stems since I was placing an order for a few things with them: Wanted another straight stem and they were out of stock on the Arizer`s so I thought it might be time to try one of these...
  6. happyvapeman

    Massdrop Sales

    Just noticed this...
  7. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Any stock on the bent Vortex you were mentioning? EDIT Ok thanks...think I`ll hold out for the bent homemade whip is working really well for me right now but it would probably be even better with a Vortex...
  8. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Yup I`ll do that for sure but @Slow Draw McGraw you`ve already done a great job of describing the process!...
  9. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Nope I was clear on all of that...just wondering what size screen you used as a replacement. Good that you seem to be able to adjust the size of the chamber but that`s never been an issue for me...
  10. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    @Slow Draw McGraw I`m right in sync on this topic... had my ISO, Q-tips and needle out last night trying to improve the draw on my V5.0 (maybe I`m just getting spoiled by my Solo`s easier draw:tup:)... No real improvement with poking the needle through all the little holes and decided at some...
  11. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    @Slow Draw McGraw Got it, very nice!!!
  12. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I had a similar experience and found as @CarolKing suggested that using a domed screen with a fairly coarse, unpacked load completely solved the issue...
  13. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    It can be safely steam sterilized so I`m thinking it should be`s also connecting to the end of the Solo stem so it is a good distance away from the actual heat of the oven... Just doing some research, the hottest temp we can inhale is 45 Celsius before we actually burn our
  14. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I`ve been using a short (3") length of the latex already for several months without any issues so I think I`ll be ok but the silicone in the link looks like a really good choice...I`ll see how this one goes for now though...
  15. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Great, that`s what I`m using with my little globe mouthpiece already. Just found my supply and cut a 10" piece that I`ll try as a short whip later tonight!...
  16. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    @Pipes Are you talking about using surgical latex tubing (the amber colored one)?
  17. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    @Ed's TnT Just wondering if you`re using PVC tubing or silicone for your whip?
  18. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I love the look of @Ed's TnT stand for the whip setup...hopefully he`ll get one done that he`s happy with. I`m thinking @CarolKing that if you use a fairly light guage of Silicone tubing that you could attach a 3' length of that and hold the solo in one hand and the tube mouthpiece in the...
  19. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Silicone can be fairly stiff so getting you ID/OD sizes right for what you`re connecting to can be important. The thicker it is the harder it will be to stretch (if you need to)...
  20. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    @CarolKing I`ve seen lot`s of silicone tubing (food grade as well) on EBay and I`ve purchased latex tubing for a project there as well. I use about 3" of that with a pyrex globe style mouthpiece with my Solo but I`m thinking the silicone would be the way to go for a whip...
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