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  1. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    That would make it a no brainer in favor of the Solo for me then...if you don`t need the easier portability of the FM then the Solo is definitely the way to go! has travel tubes for straight stems and I use eyeglasses cases for the bent stems. Travel caps are good too, as I can...
  2. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I own one of each and I like them both,...but for different reasons... The FM is the one that goes out with me and is just dead easy to use on the go...gets the job done nicely too... The Solo was my second vape and all I can say is that I wish I hadn`t waited so long to get one!
  3. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Thanks @Slow Draw McGraw I`ve got a PVHES GonG that will work with my Solo but I`m still waiting for my D020 to arrive from DHGate...I think it will include a male to male 18mm adapter so I`ll try the FM out with the tape when the bubbler arrives... Excellent, I`ve got some 1/2" silicone...
  4. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I`m still waiting for some one with some hands on experience to help me out on this one...
  5. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I would say that`s definitely a really good place to start. Once you`re more familiar with vaping then you can see what else might suit your needs but the Pro is a great choice and should serve you well for a good long time...
  6. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I`ve got a Solo and an FM V5.0...Solo mostly stays at home and the FM goes out with me. The Solo doesn`t travel as easily so it`s always good to have more than one vape depending on your needs...both of these are good choices though!
  7. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Planetvape in Canada and Puffitup are both FC sponsors and have great pricing, great customer service and would be good choices to go to for a Solo. also has good deals... You can`t go wrong with a Solo!
  8. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Yup, I`ve heard a lot of people talk about how much they like the D020 with the Solo so that would be a good choice I think... Now I know I`ll need a GonG and I`m wondering which Planet Vapes option would be the best choice. I`m happy with the way my stock Arizer stems draw (with whip...
  9. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Thanks...I really appreciate the that`s definitely one strong vote on the yes side! The proof in something like this is when people use it a lot... Like I always use a whip with my Solo...definitely worth the investment and the fact that you use your bubbler most of the time says a...
  10. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I`m not looking to use a bubbler to change my tolerance...I was saying that my tolerance has changed to the point where I`m vaping more and might like to try a bubbler to keep things cool...
  11. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Thanks, that`s what I was thinking...I`ve been building up my tolerance so I can hit the Solo more than in the I was thinking it might be good to pick up a D020 to keep things a little cooler and smoother. I was thinking I would probably lose some vapor in the process but that seems...
  12. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    Got a little bit of bubbler VAS and have been looking on DHGate for a good deal on a D020... Was just wondering if I`ll be losing any cannabinoids and other good stuff in the process of my vapor going through the water. Does anybody know the science on that? Thanks!
  13. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Just wondering...I have a D020 bubbler on the way (from DHGate) to use with my Solo but would like to use it with my FM 5.0 as well. Does anyone have suggestions on an adapter (DIY or one I can buy for not too much) that will allow me to use my FM with the new bubbler? Thanks!
  14. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I use them in all my stems...they really help with even baking of herb. I really like them a lot!:tup:
  15. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I`m quoting @CarolKing because she`s always been good at keeping it simple and cutting straight to the chase, but I could have easily quoted a number of great comments from lots of members. I`ve had my Solo for about four months now and the more I get to know it the more I really like it. I...
  16. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I use standard size (smallest) plastic pill bottles that I get when I fill prescription medications...
  17. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    Yep, my version 5.0 makes the same ticking`s the heater...
  18. happyvapeman

    FlowerMate Vapormax V/V5.0/V5.0S/V5 Pro

    I`ve had a Solo for a few months and it`s not as portable as my FM but it`s really a great vape...highly recommended!
  19. happyvapeman

    Anyone else have a really low tolerance?

    I`ve found that the high CBD Sativa strains are great for daytime use for the same reasons and mixed with high THC Indica before bedtime take the paranoia out of the high THC experience really nicely as well!...
  20. happyvapeman

    Arizer Solo

    I think accessorizing the Solo for 'maximum medication' could definitely be habit forming! Thanks @CarolKing for the excellent positive reviews on the PVHES stems...made it easy to give one a try! :tup:
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