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  1. Ramahs

    The J-hook thread!

    What? That's Heresy 😮
  2. Ramahs

    Vaping with natural blends

    I can't put into words just how right you are!
  3. Ramahs

    Herb Grinders

    Lol. I was about to recommend the Phoenician as well. I've never owned one, but I've used a friend's before, and it's grippy and quick. Not sure if they have many options in the finer grind direction that most of us like for our vapes though.
  4. Ramahs

    Joke thread

    The current state of American politics 🤣🤣🤣
  5. Ramahs

    The FC Meme Thread!

  6. Ramahs

    Products that make you go...........hmmmmm...

    Those butterfly combs have been around since I was a little kid, at least.
  7. Ramahs

    ***Gamers*** What are you playing?

    WTF?!? We learned back in the 90's that violent video games do not cause violent behavior. This f**king guy is an ignorant a**hole :goon:
  8. Ramahs

    The FC Meme Thread!

  9. Ramahs

    Weed is not good for your heart, studies say

    ^ This person gets it!
  10. Ramahs

    Random thoughts

    LOL. I remember people posting videos of the same shit with snow several years ago. People can be so gullible sometimes :rofl: :dog:
  11. Ramahs

    A good convection vape for at home, to compliment my Fury Edge

    LoL. Nice. I'm waiting for my third Woodscents log to come in the mail right now! I'm gonna need a couple of those adapters :razz:
  12. Ramahs

    The FC Meme Thread!

  13. Ramahs

    The Official FC Pets & Animals thread

    For mine, it was ANY crinkling plastic sound :rofl:
  14. Ramahs

    I just saw the moon

  15. Ramahs

    FC Posts Taken Out Of Context Thread

    Indeed. A little initial pressure can be pleasurable :dog:
  16. Ramahs


    Ohhhh. I'm gettin' antsy!
  17. Ramahs

    Important Announcement

    Yeah. It was interesting :razz: Admittedly, I was super worried at the time that the group was going to fall apart. But our mods stepped up and handled it like champs! Praise be, to the old mods and the new!
  18. Ramahs

    Flower Mill

    LoL. Yeah. I meant no offense. It's just nails on a chalkboard to me when I see someone around here refer to vapor or vaporizing as smoke or smoking. I can't help but say something :myday: Ya know, somebody's gotta hit that horse!:horse:
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