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  1. TommyDee

    Corona Vaping

    I still find vaping working as an expectorant more so than without vaping. This is somewhat strain dependent. But in this sense, and knowing incubation of C19 is in the throat, I consider vaping a medicine to excite sputum generation. Swallowing C19 cultures will render them harmless as far...
  2. TommyDee

    Vape Liquor[tm] for the Connoisseur

    Still haven't worked out a log yet - just 'cause I'm lazy - but I suspected they could manage vape liquor.
  3. TommyDee

    Vape Liquor[tm] for the Connoisseur

    I get to play weekend warrior outside my medication routine. Much more freedom. That is where my Launch Box does a few more sessions. :mflb: Can't quite produce vape liquor with the LB :spliff:
  4. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

  5. TommyDee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    You might have missed my meaning but no matter. @Vaporific got my meaning. I'd rather stay out of this thread.
  6. TommyDee

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Okay that deserves points :lmao:
  7. TommyDee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    He's using PWM so as long as there is headroom based on the user setting then it will hold up the voltage. Performance should begin to lag when headroom is no longer available. Out of regulation, so to speak.
  8. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    Ummmm... we techies have thumb shifties on the rally's dude. Two hands on the wheels and thumbs on the buttons at all times. MOVE OUT OF MY WAY! :D I have a DynaVap to purchase at the local bud shop :razz:
  9. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    I think you missed @danielj . Coffee drinkers need automatic shift in their commuter vehicles. How else do you keep a firm grasp of your cup-o-joe? :leaf: ...or your VapCap for that matter. :razz: so who's gonna top pg2020? :science:
  10. TommyDee

    VapCap DIY Induction Heating : Bits 'n' pieces

    :lmao: ...and yes, I am that conspiracy's origin. I'll know if there is anything to it when the next module arrives. I'm reducing the power to half by reducing the coil and capacitance in half. Rumor has it that this raises the frequency of the device. This changes coupling characteristics.
  11. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    +10 This one of her creations goes particularly well with the idea of Vape Liquor... @RustyOldNail - just developing - need a maker and some backing. Best input so far is to use two or more magnets for buddies to join in on a session :2c: :D
  12. TommyDee

    VapCap DIY Induction Heating : Bits 'n' pieces

    These tips have 2 zones so overall mass is useless. One zone is for cooling that calls for surface area and the other is a heat load, around the tip looking for mass as well as surface area. The mass is increased on the '20. All the increase seems to be toward the cooling zone. And there may...
  13. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    I'll send you some butane to hold you over while you're waiting, @Planck :wave:
  14. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    I don't mind saving the 5 seconds to get up to temp on an IH but the final roast should be at reduced power levels. I don't know that the general audience has patience to wait 20 seconds to the first draw with an IH. However, a change from the standard issue 3s battery packs to 2s would go a...
  15. TommyDee

    Corona Vaping

    I'm waiting for a virus that wipes out stupid. That should solve all the other virus issues that follow.
  16. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    NO DON'T DO IT - YOU'LL REGRET IT :worms: ... Oh, wait... that's not so bad :razz:
  17. TommyDee

    Dynavap VapCap

    From the standpoint of the induction heaters, something has fundamentally changed coupling efficiency to the cap and tip. It isn't immediately clear why. I did note that the cap material appears to be thinner, by maybe 10%. But that doesn't explain a much larger coupling difference. I'm...
  18. TommyDee

    Corona Vaping

    Welcome to your new you @ginolicious , you party animal you :evil:
  19. TommyDee

    VapCap DIY Induction Heating : Bits 'n' pieces

    Well now. Time for an update on happenings. Been using the fully portable Runt for the last week or so. It really is winning out even though it takes longer to heat using the 2s battery configuration. Time I've got. But the sessions, although short, are intense! The 'finishing off of the...
  20. TommyDee

    Corona Vaping

    I don't know that I've had any affects from dry hot hits. Heat mostly affects the direct region it hits in the mouth. The tongue heals quickly, but the mouth walls are a delicate member that should be considered carefully. Prolonged exposure of the throat to processes that impart heat to the...
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