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  1. FLskwat

    Swamp Water / Golden Dragon a use for your abv/avb

    With high grade alcohol: you don't need to let it sit for a month: an hour is enough, more will only add particulates in your SW... IMO, taste will be harsher with no added effect If you want to do, drinkable rhum with MJ flavor and effect, you're good (even longer stay, like 4 months +)...if...
  2. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hey PH, thx for your answer, that's why I stated previously: "temp peak around 380". You also confirmed I still understand the graphs I see (I was worried as an automotive industry manager dealing daily with tons of charts... LOL)... Now @Pakalolo: these graphs are 150 pages old... so things...
  3. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hmmm,thx Paka, I must have understood these graphs wrong? In fact my question was: Do you have the same power & heat delivered by a 2700 vs a 2400 for example, in the same pressing time and with same breathing tech? Meaning the 2700...
  4. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    So after recharging a few times: the stock batteries (2400) & these (which after researching are powerex and sanyo relabeled) & some identical 2100 varta With both the stock charger...
  5. FLskwat

    SSV Ceramic Heater touching glass cover?

    Or when the SSV is unplugged and cold, push the heater back in the middle, through the bottom airpath hole, with a thin tool (stirring tool for example). I've done that once (my heater was heading west), never touched the HC, and the heater has not moved again ever since...
  6. FLskwat

    Magic Flight Launch Box Battery Cases.....

    You know what I just did: I took useless non food grade tubing I've got (U could use old vape tubing but your batts might stink). Cut sections a bit longer then a traditional AA, "open" these section by cutting them by their lenght, and voil, brand new protective "batt skins" for my bunch of...
  7. FLskwat


    I'm really sorry to hear that, maybe an explanation... : Yes this is why I recommended the countdown method associated to the liquid pad:long countdown on the first bag (till 10 for ex.), after triggering the blower & before clicking the valve on the chamber, for the liquid pad to take some...
  8. FLskwat

    Pot Hot Chocolate recipe (ABV)...NO SMELL ;)
  9. FLskwat


    Hey Charlie, did you have any chance to test the liquid pad black magic? :D If yes, what is your feedback?
  10. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Yes I mean that with Pyro's tech, the vapor first goes majorly in your mouth. If you directly exhale this "mouth accumulated vape" it mathematically goes less into your lungs! Therefore to process correctly this vapor THROUGH your lungs, you have to inhale "further" the mouth vapor in your...
  11. FLskwat

    Eyelid twitches?

    Exactly, spinach, all type of nuts and avocados are great health sources! Also remember that Banana is the fruit with more magnesium and that dry fruits have more magnesium then fresh ones! Chocolate, "fat" fishes (salmon, herring...) and seafood are also known sources of magnesium!
  12. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    I think with Pyromon's tech you have more visual exhales...meening your lungs are "processing" less thc (the exhale visuals would be somehow "wasted") so I'd recommend taking smaller hits (shorter time inhale) with this technique and keeping them longer in your lungs before exhale... to exhale a...
  13. FLskwat

    Extreme-Q Elbow w/Screen on Da Buddha Check this page from post#1283 and the next ones with pictures. You are right all the way, just remember to lower your temp at minimal setting ('round 9h00 on the knob).
  14. FLskwat

    Eyelid twitches?

    I was always told by my mum, my doctor and my gf that eyes twitching is the symptom for a combination of stress, lack of sleep and a lack of several nutritional substances (magnesium, calcium...). Altough google seems to confirm it, I am not a doctor and cannot confirm this is 100% true! A lack...
  15. FLskwat

    how to tie arizer balloon kit?

    Though your Q might not have instructions...I'm sure your computer comes with google... : ;) :D
  16. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Great answer VS, thx! Yes I'm sure having a non-grounding adapter is part of the "shock issue". This brings me to another question for you VS: I understood your adapter doesn't have grounding but does the american plug of the MFLB's PA has grounding? Again thx for your very clear answer bro'!
  17. FLskwat

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    ExQ, you should check this thread: ;)
  18. FLskwat

    The Magic-Flight Box

    Hey guys, can a PA owner answer my previous question: Before I order a useless PA and car adaptor? Thx!
  19. FLskwat

    Pot Hot Chocolate recipe (ABV)...NO SMELL

    If it is ABV, depending on how much it has been vaped, I'd go with 1 gr/cup. If it is bud, 1/2 a g. + a previous heating to decarb. it and you're good to go! It should work fine! I used to do it with green bud & Nesquick when I was a kiddo! :D
  20. FLskwat

    do i need to get off nicotine before starting to vaporise ?

    haha Tom, exactly the same here: gf only smokes hash joints and will accept from time to time a Cano bag... I'm 90% vaping and I like the smell of burning weed + the taste (yeah I know...) of pure haze combusting, once a day... :ninja:
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