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  1. FLskwat

    Cannabis Use Age

    Hh, always have some of that home (Afghani or Nepalese Temple Balls)! Such a high effect (vs. stone) for a hash: that always impressed me! I began at 13 in Spain (my mother country). Of course with the beautiful marocco hash (almost liquid when applied very little heat) you can get there/France...
  2. FLskwat

    Spherical Ground Glass for my SSV?

    AG, you should really test one of these efficiency MOD's for the SSV wand: arizer dome screen or VB mini-whip...In both cases, your/our mind-blowing hitter will also become a REAL conservative device... I know it sounds impossible, but just try it! ;-)
  3. FLskwat

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Ahah, same here: And no it's a spill proof chamber (although if you put too much water and have a big pull you could get a little water in your mouth). You can use it on all your whip vapos. I even used it yesterday on my Cano (with a very...
  4. FLskwat

    Vaporfection - the AquaVape Inline Vapor Cooler little precious was waiting for me on my living room sofa! Thx to VaporStore for this very quick delivery, perfect packaging & great customer service! It looks so nice...I'll test it in depth and report soon. Hmmm it's got AquaVape logo painted on it and I'm not sure I really like...
  5. FLskwat

    Tubing for vape?

    Hey another French vaporist...great! I sent you a mail GoGlass to know if we are neighbors! And yes, good answer, good link, good source, good price, good material! For US vaporists, I think Tygon tubing at USPlastics is DA reference here...
  6. FLskwat

    IBM Lenovo Laptops

    That's a great feature IMO (even for dust & ashes, for those who still smoke)... but you can also make that feature a reality on any laptop with a 15$ keyboard silicon skin + your typing experience will be enhanced and smooth...
  7. FLskwat

    Volcano digit vs. Purple days comparison

    I totally feel you there!!! And I will confirm what Charlie said: a 100% explotation of the Cano's extraction powers leads to a better conclusion in terms of its "efficiency": I can do 5 balloons out of a .15 g. of MJ (my ballons are like 70 cm: 7 to 8 inhales with respectful air/vape ratio!)...
  8. FLskwat

    Da Buddha

    Yes many vinyl tubing (or PVC, which is also a vinyl!), eventhough considered "food safe", have very low resistance to high temps and will begin off gassing "nasty stuff" at 70 C and more. 2 options there: medical grade safely with temps reaching 200 & more, and it's a flavor...
  9. FLskwat

    Da Buddha

    1: Charlie check page 52 of this thread and post #1284 : we are talking about the dome SCREEN of the Arizer elbow (the 2 upper ones here: ), not the elbow it self! This...
  10. FLskwat

    Good Videos to watch when you're Vaked!! was an amazing clip...but Chris & his buddies went further with the live: :o :o These guys... are going so far in creativity+technology...I just love it! Check out all the vidz!
  11. FLskwat

    A few questions about the SSV

    1/Possible mod to reduce particulates on the last post of this page: And the screen can be improved in the whand (it's sometimes not wide enough and moves/it has quite big holes if you ask me!). At the beginning I used to put 2 screens one on...
  12. FLskwat

    PD and MFLB Users.

    I will just add 3 questions: What do you plan to use... and more precisely, are you going to use concentrates/hash/oils too or exclusively bud? Though I do not own a PD ,if I understood right it is complicated for these concentrates. Is this true? Do you frequently have a lot of buddies at your...
  13. FLskwat

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    PH...I've earn both (I only ketp my 'Cano Digit, but that's not the subject). Yes somewhere on the forum (probably on this thread) there is a picture of a MOD EQV that makes the 'Cano EASY VALVE (never seen nothing about the Solide Valve doe) fit on a bowl (which I believe remembering not being...
  14. FLskwat

    The Extreme-Q Vaporizer

    Plus Vaporfection Aquavape is so versatile, you can use it with all whip vapos and even some direct draw (MFLB for example)! I've tested this Aquavape (and felt in love) but I'm still waiting for the mail to deliver "my precious"... Hopefully today... :/
  15. FLskwat

    Da Buddha

    @SE & Cluffy: Am I missing something when you say they are no more available?
  16. FLskwat

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Question 1: First thought: skystate did you do the initial burning of any possible manufacturing/stocking/packaging deposit, recommended by almost all vapo the case of the NO2.... a 205c/20 mn empty? 2nd thought: as stated just above, I even do this burning once a week + iso...
  17. FLskwat

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    Again, Willier, I don't get your point (but I must be missing something) ...Who has said he is feeling safer when the smell is covered by weed's smell? I am even saying once I get another portable backup vape, I will open my NO2 to check and report on melting plastic in its guts, eventhough...
  18. FLskwat

    longer glass for extrem q

    Hey WillyBobby...nice to see a new French vaporist, as I am! You are right to worry about the stock whip material sent by Arizer. As stated frequently here it is a vinyl with low tolerance to temps over 65 c if I remember correctly... So, although I'm not sure the air hiting the tubing elbow...
  19. FLskwat

    Discontinued Vapir NO2

    I think if there is a smell (a smell of melted plastic while using, fumes coming from an empty hot bowl, a plastic flavor during pulls, etc...) this has clearly to be considered; and as Max stated, as for cigarettes for example: you can consume them for years, knowing the crap you're inhaling...
  20. FLskwat

    Combustion Confessional

    @Pakalolo, I'm totally aware of the possibility of big hits with the MFLB, and I know you were not pointing me in particular. I just really think (by experience) IMO, the SSV for example can be hit hard: I mean heaaaavy pull (big suction) & high speed. THIS will give the impression, the feeling...
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