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  1. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Well diamond is a semiconductor so it could be doped with other elements to change its physical properties for implementing into various advanced systems. They would be more conduction centric to truly take advantage. But that sort of technology is surely cost prohibitive for the current market...
  2. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Yeah I had to shut down the preorders so my inventory for this batch would be accurate and nobody gets shorted. Hopefully there’s enough interest to keep them going; I’ll open up the next round of preorders right after round 1 is sent out. I actually have two other designs that use diamond...
  3. invertedisdead

    Puffco Proxy

    It's a bit more silicone than the Peak cause as soon as the vapor expands it's going to touch all of that cylindrical surface area. It's not just the length of the silicone but the total area from the large diameter. That's why the cat hairs are stuck around it because oil has touched it.
  4. invertedisdead

    Are "weed pens" vapes?

    The truth is the oils in any half decent cartridge are the same oils you're vaporizing with your herb vape. For some reason the dry herb community likes to think they are vaping "weed" and not "oil" and thus are doing something healthier or cleaner. As more and more concentrate fans have left...
  5. invertedisdead

    Puffco Proxy

    It probably touches more silicone than the Peak as vapor will pass over that entire silicone base of the unit. Yeah but if it needs a Powerbank to match the capacity of a Peak Pro then it's not really any smaller. My thing with fixed battery electronics is the less the built in battery...
  6. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    It’s an unreleased prototype 🐡🐡🐡🐡
  7. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    It's definitely based on lots of experiments. :rockon: :rockon::rockon: I'm as stoked as you all are!! There is going to be some very sweet vapor! 🍭
  8. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    1.7 is discontinued, it's just too hard to get the perfect fit with the coil. Very "Goldilocks" It's possible the design could come back in Zirconia as an 18mm head, but it's not really my priority. Especially because once I do the matching zirconia 1.8 bowl I don't think the larger sized heads...
  9. invertedisdead

    Puffco Proxy

    One thing I've not seen mentioned too much is I feel like this would be super appealing to medical users. Puffco opts for pretty heavy "lifestyle marketing" but this simple to use device is exactly what medical patients want. Where the connoisseur might wish for full temperature control, a few...
  10. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    That's still pretty good, I used to vape out of a plastic bag, and before that - a rubber hose :lol:
  11. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Thank you sir! And I appreciate the honesty! I'm hoping with this puritan approach to maybe even get some crossover from the dab crowd and rekindle their love of flower. A lot of these folks tend to be pretty picky about materials. I definitely appreciate the interest and support, I'm pretty...
  12. invertedisdead

    Best enail? Need advice

    That’s why @LesPlenty switched to the Nimbus. It’s a larger dish than the Halo.
  13. invertedisdead

    Puffco Proxy

    Well now I want a proxy....
  14. invertedisdead

    Random thoughts

    Clever how they use less densely populated areas to inflate the numbers in comparison. That article seems to proves how easy you can manipulate perceptions with unbalanced statistics. Look how they arranged the two graph tables in a specific order (not based on size) so that it always fits the...
  15. invertedisdead

    Why can't I get the same "high" than I used to get?

    That's why I've worn this quote in my signature for some years, from a real triple OG of this industry, the Vapor Brothers. “Sometimes the shwaggy stuff is happier than today's super duper.” - Vapor Brothers That's a quote from 2012 by the way, so this isn't a brand new observation. Even ten...
  16. invertedisdead

    Why can't I get the same "high" than I used to get?

    You have to consider that you can have a bunch of different "strains" and not actually have much variety. I could go buy a hundred different strains here in California that are colloquially the same thing. Lets break this down a bit. Once upon a more civilized era with regard for metaphysics...
  17. invertedisdead

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Thanks for the kind words! The Zirconia housing will weigh more than the equivalent glass, quartz, or titanium housing due to its high density. Stainless steel has the highest density of this group. SS316L would be easy to do, that's what the InV2 proto was made from, but I just don't think it...
  18. invertedisdead

    The Tasty Tube by Glass Charlie

    Those were some silky smooth jams :leaf:
  19. invertedisdead

    Anvil by Vestratto

    What does nobody check their email here or what, new WPA to be discussing :wave:
  20. invertedisdead

    Random thoughts

    I hang out at a large high end mall while my mother does chemo and there’s not one person in the entire mall working, you can walk from store to store, kiosk to kiosk peering in and everyone is playing on their cell phones.
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