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  1. vapman


    Finally we received an answer from the Swiss administration, telling us to sort things out with the German authorities. Of course, this is no help at all. Last Monday, I wrote an email to the German department of health and consumer protection, asking to clarify the confusing situation which is...
  2. vapman


    This makes sense, may be we are not allowed to sell directly to end customers in some countries anymore? Why didn't tell us anybody about this? Could you tell me which countries in Europe are affected by this new law? Is it Germany and Austria? What about the States? I think this would be a...
  3. vapman


    @gunmetalshark: e-liquids vaporize more or less at the same temperature as any herbs! All vaporizers can vaporize e-liquids, glycerin and pg's are organic substances and not some sort of metals with high melting points. Easy to try out, just add a drop of liquid to your herbs and you can see how...
  4. vapman


    Switzerland is not member of the EU but we have bilateral trade agreements with the EU. Basically, Switzerland has the same trading rights in the EU as the EU in Switzerland. If S&B can sell vaporizers to Switzerland, then we should be allowed to sell vaporizers to the Germany and Austria...
  5. vapman


    I think they know exactly what they are doing! Three parcels getting busted at three different customs in two different countries can't be a coincidence, no way! I don't have another choice than turning to the Swiss chamber of commerce, negotiations with customs in two different countries and...
  6. vapman


    There was only the note "not permitted" sticking on the returned parcel. This was the main problem for us, we didn't know what the f... goes on. It took weeks and weeks to finally receive an answer and the answer was the one I copy pasted above. Not long after, a parcel came back from Austria...
  7. vapman


    The new law seems to leave a lot of space for interpretation. Here is the original email we received from the German department. "Auf der Homepage findet sich ein Video, in dem der Hersteller angibt, dass "liquids" verdampft werden können, allerdings ist das Video auf Englisch und die...
  8. vapman


    I talked to Markus Storz for over a hour this morning, he has not heard of the new law and he is quite concerned now! S&B is big, they have their own lawyers, I wonder what they come up with? vapman
  9. vapman


    Verdampftnochmal still has a stock of vapman and stations but I don't know if further shipping is possible. After what the the Department of Health and Consumer Protection in Germany wrote, it shouldn't be possible. They state, that it is illegal to trade any tobacco related goods. The most...
  10. vapman


    I have some bad news to tell: All the parcels to Germany and Austria came back to us lately without knowing the exact reason. On the parcels was only marked "not permitted". To us it was completely incomprehensible as we sent parcels to those countries since many years on a regular basis. After...
  11. vapman


    We 3D print heaps of weed, ground weed goes in and flowers come out.:) (invers grinder) vapman
  12. vapman


    The bowl has to be copper or silver, not even steel would work on vapman! We must not forget the mid-section, there we have a problem with the mouthpiece. To stick the mouthpiece into hot metal or stone is not a good idea, there we need wood again to keep the heat away from the mouthpiece...
  13. vapman


    A VM made of ceramic with a detachable wooden handle ring would work and make it dish washer proof. Could I have some of that rock solid Redwood from the bottom part, please! :D (I would love it) vapman
  14. vapman


    Metals definitely get too hot and minerals don't work either, they both conduct heat much more than wood does. Wood is a fantastic material, if it wouldn't exist in nature we would have to invent it and the inventor would be richer than Bill Gates for sure. Try to find another material which is...
  15. vapman


    @Phenix: There are no new woods planned at the moment, we still have ash tree in stock. What I know is, that I won't make ebony units anymore, unless someone is supplying the wood and picking up the finished vapmans from the workshop. Since March 2017, the regulation for rare woods became...
  16. vapman


    @Sikost: If you want higher temperatures, do more cycles and don't leave vapman for too long after the green light. Remember, the heater is turned off when the green light comes on, meaning, that the temperature drops after the stored energy is used up. It takes some time to really understand...
  17. vapman


    It doesn't make much sense to char a classic vapman as the heat protection is a protection against the charring. It is also not possible to take your complete pear tree apart, you won't get the copper pan with the three tubes attached through the center bore. A basic unit is much more suited...
  18. vapman


    You are welcome! I won't put charred units in the online shop but I could char a vapman for you if you like. I have to admit, that I never charred a vapman myself but i think it should be possible. How about, you char your vapman yourself exactly the way you like it? vapman
  19. vapman


    Many thanks for the birthday wishes, nice to hear that vapman is alive out there! vapman:)
  20. vapman


    Thank you!:) vapman
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