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  1. Adobewan

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    @Indicana(good name!) Maybe I misunderstood your question but the Persei comes with a single and double head. If that addresses what you were asking, grab a Persei. If you love your Omicron, and you're looking to drool, you're going to go crazy over the Persei. And with the cart tech that G has...
  2. Adobewan

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Having read those few quotes from the nic forum, let me shout out to FC to say it's a pleasure mingling with so many open-minded, informative, opinionated, gracious, diplomatic folk. And having been in G's presence, he's a bit of a wall of a man, I don't think he has much to fear from those...
  3. Adobewan

    Discontinued ThermoVape

    Yes, props to Pipes for the PA. Was concerned because after purchase Pipes made a point to alert me that he wasn't sure if the PA would be compatible with the Revolution. For all concerned, after discussing with Brendon at TV, the latest Revolution is of a more robust nature and can handle the...
  4. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you all know that G has had a personal emergency and won't be available/back on the forums till May 7th. Let's all wish him well. Any tech issues, please submit a ticket at as usual.
  5. Adobewan

    Discontinued The Persei Vaporizer for herbs and concentrates.

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you all know that G has had a personal emergency and won't be available/back on the forums till May 7th. Let's all wish him well. Any tech issues, please submit a ticket at as usual.
  6. Adobewan

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Hey Guys, Just wanted to let you all know that G has had a personal emergency and won't be available/back on the forums till May 7th. Let's all wish him well. Any tech issues, please submit a ticket at as usual.
  7. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    Thank you guys for your concern, I'm still alive. More testing tonight, having some issues with my other tools. G, I think it was closer to 3 bowls(possibly more) on the batteries. They don't get used up nearly as quickly as the Thermovape. And I keep it on the lowest setting 300 degrees F. You...
  8. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    Sorry, Friday, working, rushing, not 4 grams, .4 as G said. As G alluded, those would have to be dense, and I'd say Bazooka Joe Bubble gum dense, to weigh an eighth. So sorry to mislead guys.
  9. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    Sorry about that, approx. 4 gs. Edited in my initial post. And Joe and Bob pointed out that I referred to the Solo and TV without really considering our FC brothers and sisters who don't have those. I'm still working but feel free to ask me anything I didn't cover in the review.
  10. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    Sorry everyone, really just initial testing so far, more to come over the weekend. Quick first impressions: Very solid build, but I prefer the new Persei buttons to this old one(prototype). Regarding performance, definitely in the Solo category as opposed to the TV although there are some...
  11. Adobewan

    Discontinued Omicron Vaporizer for oils

    Happy 420!
  12. Adobewan

    Arizer Solo

    Love those holders! Happy 420 everyone! Anyone know anything happening down in Orange County?
  13. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    @J D The new carts for the Persei are heavy hitters. I understand you're wanting to hold out for the big guns but if you do buy the Persei, try a couple of the carts. I think you'll be impressed. And Happy 420 everyone! Anyone know anything cool happening down in Orange County?
  14. Adobewan

    Discontinued The 8 Herb Vaporizer for the Persei

    @Jlesiki No worries, go to and "G" with set you up with a new charger. He can probably tell you the discount code as well. THey're good peeps over there.
  15. Adobewan

    Arizer Solo

    Question for you guys, regarding your use of the stem caps. Do you load a stem and then travel, as opposed to carrying a small vial of meds and an empty stem? Are you not finishing the stem in a sitting and therefore trying to cap it till next use? I use a small metal pill vial for meds and...
  16. Adobewan

    Arizer Solo

    @JakeCanada, It's all good, just work the stem, wiggle it back and forth. I was so frustrated, I asked Kevin why he sent me a new sized Solo with no new-sized stems for it. But he set me straight and within minutes I was loving the snug fit my stems had with my replacement(M-107).
  17. Adobewan

    Aspie needs help about daily smoking, lungs, vaps!

    Welcome Shadow. I've tried a number of vaporizers, below are some personal recommends(in order of preference) that I couldn't be happier with and I think you'll find them all fairly reasonably priced. Hope that helps. If you don't mind sharing your findings using cannabis to help your...
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