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  1. gaseous_clay

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    I'm glad I got mine before the Swagger HT's were gone, and especially glad they sent the Double by mistake, as it's my favorite. Wish I had a modular. And a recycler... In time... :)
  2. gaseous_clay

    Vapor mask?

    Seems like it would be more a novelty item. Interesting to try, but would your really just sit there wearing the mask for hours at a time as a daily driver? I'd have to imagine that it's much more convenient to just use the whip with a mouthpiece.
  3. gaseous_clay

    Herb Grinders

    Finally just said "What the hell" and bought a medium Space Case. Thought I'd give a quick comparison to my Sharp Stone. First off, the SC is bigger than I thought it would be. (I honestly didn't measure and assumed it would be about the same size) That's perfect! I felt the SS could be a...
  4. gaseous_clay

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    This is a fantastic read. Thanks for sharing!
  5. gaseous_clay

    Bump this thread if you're VAPED now!

    I am here.
  6. gaseous_clay

    What was your first experience with vaping?

    I had never vaped until a little over a year ago, but had been curious. I didn't know anybody with a vaporizer, so that hindered things. When my aunt (RIP) was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, I responded by researching and buying a vape. I haven't looked back since.
  7. gaseous_clay

    I love Jummy Carter

    He is a truly good man and a leader. The portrayal of him by people with an obvious agenda is disgusting. I hope Jimmy has another decade in him. Long live President Jimmy Carter!
  8. gaseous_clay

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Thanks for that video... I was wondering myself! Only tried once with some resin I scraped from my most used HT. I scraped it onto the top. Oops. (still worked! but I wondered after if it should go up or down) It's still discolored. Guess I need to burn the rest off.
  9. gaseous_clay

    How did you first learn FC existed? What brought you here?

    Why do you say "unfortunately... (you) ended up with one?" I like mine (not as much as my EVO, but as a portable I like) just wondering why you don't like it. 34 years? That's one hell of a dry spell!
  10. gaseous_clay

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    I also want a function video. That's beautiful! (And the only thing in that pic NOT purchased at IKEA!)
  11. gaseous_clay

    JoDa Glassworks

    Now, I have been trying to sketch an idea that I would have to have, and I believe can be done. But my art is bad. Based on that awesome steamroller, but altered to allow the (larger) mouthpiece to hold ice. The tube straight down from that would be detachable, so you can collect the melted...
  12. gaseous_clay

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    Postman & UPS brought me two new friends today! First was my first Chinese glass piece. No problems. Not bad at all. Next is something that may be familiar to persons who check the classifieds... My glass collection has doubled in a matter of hours. I am a happy man (who will be...
  13. gaseous_clay

    Which one...?

    So... You are looking at a Pax2 and your current vape is a Pax2? (I noticed it in your signature) I have the Pax2 and recommend it. Nice, simple, stealthy, effective portable.
  14. gaseous_clay

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Take it from a man who has the day off and has enjoyed the afternoon with my friend EVO. I understand. Baby, do I ever understand!
  15. gaseous_clay

    Help me choose a desktop vape. E-nano/LSV/Da-Buddha/SSV

    I have only used 3 vaporizers in my life. They are the 3 I own. I researched the hell out of them. The first 2 are the portables, the Pax & Pax 2. I'm all about convenience and ease of use. The desktop I have is the Cloud Evo. I honestly couldn't find a negative thing said about it other...
  16. gaseous_clay

    Fuck you !!!

    Fuck the fucking fuck who fucking decided that fucking cops should fucking avoid stopping crimes and catching fucking criminals, and sit there with a fucking ticket book and a fucking quota.
  17. gaseous_clay

    Herb Grinders

    I've got a couple of Sharpstone 4-piece & a small 2-piece Piranha. Read a lot of good things about Spacecace. Are they really all that much better?
  18. gaseous_clay

    How did you first learn FC existed? What brought you here?

    I was looking into getting a plug-in vape and was researching the one I had focused on, and ended up buying thanks to nothing but positivity surrounding it. Now I'm here and you're stuck with me. Like a resin!
  19. gaseous_clay

    Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud EVO

    Those who got shipments from California... did you order directly, or from another site? Just curious as I just ordered another Hydrafoot, and was in enough of a beautiful place that I had the order almost complete before realizing I was ordering from Vapor Warehouse. I finished the order with...
  20. gaseous_clay

    What Is The Most Stupid Thing You Did As A Teen?

    Let's see... I am having trouble deciding between 3 REALLY stupid events. One when I was 15, the other two at 16. Note that I was REALLY stupid, and completely sober for all of these. 1. I had an idiot friend. He said he had some girls who wanted to meet us, but they were about a 20 minute...
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