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  1. buckhakeesah

    Tafée Bowle

    Cup included in my non cup order just like @stickstones said. I don't have two cups in the end ;). It worked out! Thank you to my FC friends who led me this way!
  2. buckhakeesah

    Tafée Bowle

    Ding dong! Guess who's at the door? Runs downstairs lol
  3. buckhakeesah

    Tafée Bowle

    That made me feel better and I will use that justification as I play with my Tafee.
  4. buckhakeesah

    Tafée Bowle

    Darn, I wish I had known this was to be the case for early adopters, I ended up buying a spare cup from a FC friend here thinking I would save money doing it this way. Might be stuck with two cups soon. :doh:
  5. buckhakeesah

    Tafée Bowle

    Ok I'm in. Who wants to sell me their unused short glass lol
  6. buckhakeesah


    I've sorta been babying mine through all levels, haven't tried 4 though, but no crack yet. Such a bummer that 3 went down in one day.
  7. buckhakeesah


    Shit. I'm just counting down the days of use now seeing all these cracked heaters. There appears to be a metal or stainless ribbon that seems to making contact near the bottom of my heater. Maybe that is it. Ill see if I can get a pic to share. So far no cracks. Even with these flaws, I...
  8. buckhakeesah


    One thing I noticed in the pic you shared, yours has a hole for accessing the temperature adjustment button, unless you modified your cover, yes? Curious now. I don’t have that on mine. I don’t dig the sticky delrin adapters either but am happy they offered it. This little green guy is...
  9. buckhakeesah


    I purchased from vapordna. Not sure what else I can provide to determine what version this is.
  10. buckhakeesah


    Anyone curious about seeing the heating chamber more closely? I was. Took it down as far as I felt safe doing so without damaging things.
  11. buckhakeesah


    Is there a way to distinguish the old from new parts? Just ordered but now hope I can get the updated items too.
  12. buckhakeesah

    Pull and snap turned into sugar

    Good tip. Tried that. Fridge and freezer. It was so terpy and runny, still seemed to still leave alot behind.
  13. buckhakeesah

    Pull and snap turned into sugar

    Same thing happened to me. I just scraped it up and transferred to a glass container. Couldn't get everything off that silicone sheet even though they say nothing should stick.
  14. buckhakeesah


    Do they provide a lifespan of the heating chamber?
  15. buckhakeesah


    Dang @khelek41girl thought I was done looking at vapes. You just pulled me back in lol. Looks like the heating chamber will be the reoccurring expense. How much for the replacement?
  16. buckhakeesah

    Illinois and weed

    With their new batches that came out, I wouldn't mind grabbing the half or the oz. Just hope you don't get stuck with an old batch.
  17. buckhakeesah

    Illinois and weed

    Thankful that I do not have to rely on a black market person to get this stuff any longer. That hurdle is worth it to me , at this higher premium. I'm not happy about the pricing, heck no. It needs to come down and hopefuly will. I don't have a favorite dispensary. I do frequent...
  18. buckhakeesah

    Illinois and weed

    I'm so glad I can finally ditch the BM. Every grower in IL has had issues from personal experience. I've given them second chances and they all have great stuff worth exploring. It's a way better experience than the BM route. Thank God we have this 🙏
  19. buckhakeesah Your Friendly Vaporizer Store

    I'm thankful for all the FC friends!
  20. buckhakeesah

    New vapes on horizon for 2020???

    Is there any news lately on innovation happening in the vape world? Everything seems so dated lately or there's no new activity on this site recently since covid. Anyone else feeling like this community has slowed down?
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