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  1. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    PITY... My Tinymight arrived yesterday. Ran home to test. But... It seems broken. The temperature-dial can be turned 360° easily, nearly without any resistance. Have to turn extreeeemly sensitive to not turn over the 0/10-marks. And the dial-knob itself is longer than the bottom of the unit...
  2. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Would be good if this infos don't become buried in this mega-thread... :\
  3. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    My order (of Nov, 6th) changed from "pending" to "completed" today. :-) Btw the order numbers for europe are over 1050 now. Jtm Oh, and i received an answer to another question after approx. 5 days this time.
  4. M

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    I'm so sorry, still finding out how it works here. Sorry @all And @Toivarita : Thank you so much!
  5. M

    VapCap Induction Heater for Desktop and in Car Use

    Hey guys, please forgive me the laziness, but as i am no native english speaker it is kind of hard to read through 150 pages of a thread with mostly technical english... Tried to read backwards, but this doesn't seem to make it much easier for me. So anyone willing to give me a short list of...
  6. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Sounds more like a email-filter to me? Do you own another mail-adress that you can try to send a mail from? Do you get that "sorry, we can't answer as fast as we'd like to"-autoresponse?
  7. M

    Collyland Aromatizer (formerly Vapbong by Art of Vapor)

    LOL, made my day :D I bet google told them Schmand to be sour cream^^ Typical word-for-word-translation. As Siebter said, the Schmand Vapbong is talking about is that squirmy, gooey, black (hard to clean) residue, mainly found in the chillum of a waterpipe/bong. And "Schmand-Weg" (translated...
  8. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    Regarding CS, just to mention: I sent an email to the at November 4th (very late at night), and got an answer today at November 6th shortly after midnight. 26hours at all. Not bad I'd say?
  9. M

    TinyMight / TM 2

    But be aware of the needed amperage. In their FAQ they mention something like "needs very high amperage" and that you shouldn't use other batteries but the (high-amp-)Konion VTC6-cell. You would need very fat cables to supply 20Amps ;-)
  10. M

    Wanted: Vaporizer with certain features like microdosing-capability

    You use that Dynavap in that MistyLog? How long does it take to "click" from a totally cooled cap?
  11. M

    Wanted: Vaporizer with certain features like microdosing-capability

    Hey there, i am already owning a crafty and it is really a great vaporizer, besides some minor deficits that bother me... So i am searching for another vaporizer with certain capabilities and i still couldn't find what i am searching for. Maybe you folks can help me here? What i am hoping to...
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