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  1. D

    The Magic-Flight Launch Box (Beta)

    I had another full day w/the unit and just love it. :D One heart breaker, I ran out of juice on my batts and had to burn - yuck! :mad: Also, I had my first drop - it wasn't very far and the unit is fine, but the plexi slid up and I lost a fresh trench! :o FYI: This one would have been saved if...
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    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    4:20, I was told the same thing but from experience found that the higher maH (esp. freshly charged) batteries also seem to have a 'top off' period where they generate more heat. In either case, as you know, rechargables also have a significant 'drop off' period towards the end of their charge...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Most drug laws allow the cops to search the whole place, which does makes sense. However, they will have to prove that the stuff is yours first and 'in your room' isn't enough. I was able to get some crap dropped a long time ago by planning on going to trial and the da had a quick meeting...
  4. D

    The Magic-Flight Launch Box (Beta)

    I had a full day w/the LB Beta and wanted to report back here. 1st, this unit had no issues, and all the batteries fit really well, regardless of brand. Also, I made a few changes in my usage. A tiny brush from an old shaver has become the main tool for this unit. Similar to the one that ships...
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    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I'll recheck. With my new fine grinder, I've been meaning to retry the low temps LT anyway.
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    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    4:20, I have both low and reg LTs too and they are visually identical. I'm guessing they are bonded using something like a soldiering iron but w/out solder. I ripped the bond on a unit and can tell no other metallic material is there - in my case the screen split off the pole at the bonding point.
  7. D

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    Thanks on the suggestions. I went w/the maker on this one. I may buy another one w/my PD... ;) Yikes on another hot broken element accident. :mad: This is why you have a backup vape, ppl! :) That bowl likes to stick to the heating element on mine too. I generally tap it gently while turning...
  8. D

    The Magic-Flight Launch Box (Beta)

    I don't work for them but I like their products. Who are you, anyway, spooky? You seem to be a shill just to come in here and rain on the MF parade. I'd like to see your beta for an inexpensive portable vape.... I don't agree about the on/off switch for the Launch Box. It's not a must have, as...
  9. D

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I made a few additions to the E page on vaporpedia. I feel a bit obliged as it helped me so much. The new E newbies can get 'there' even quicker now! I added a paragraph on grinding at the end of the introduction. As I wrote previously, this was another wake up call for me. You can get 2x (or...
  10. D

    The Magic-Flight Launch Box (Beta)

    I think I've seen that before, reminds me of the iPod Invisa. ;) It's good to know people are still experimenting w/novel ways of vaping! :cool:
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I know we all like to play dress up once in a while. I'm not really named 'duh' and you aren't named after a sci-fi novel (google+wikipedia). In this culture, I'm not sure a fan is a good thing anymore - we are all participating now - engaging w/the ppl who are involved directly. I guess in a...
  12. D

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I did a repair to my reg temps Launch Tube the other day - the screen became detached from the poles. As I was remote and had no intention of smoking, I came up w/a make-shift brace for the screen. Careful not to make contact w/the poles, wrap a small sized metal paperclip around the screen and...
  13. D

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    jklasd, it did come out a long time ago - but I think it was by not being durable enough - not heat - plus another part that could fail. I think there are videos of it not 'taking the beating'. Tom made a good move making the PD into a Sherman tank. I'm glad there is no pad or logo on the...
  14. D

    The Magic-Flight Launch Box (Beta)

    A few words on design, before I get into my own experience. I follow spooky's logic and have made some private suggestions to them as well for future products. However, from a business standpoint, I think what they are doing is brilliant. On customer service, they are currently unmatched as far...
  15. D

    Discontinued The Extreme Vaporizer Thread Part II

    I just started doing balloons on the Extreme the other day and like them but find they are super super wasteful. They also degrade after about 10-15 minutes max (at least the bags that come w/the unit). I plan on only using cheap shake and trim for balloons. I bought a new grinder today and...
  16. D

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    On the dyeing - isn't there a vegetable dye that is safe to use? Obviously, the upkeep of the wood is #1, but there must be a good natural solution. How about a fireproof cylindrical jacket cover? vapenow, I filled out the Contact Us page, but perhaps it did not go through. Next time, I'll try...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    lwein, dyeing not dying! :P I want mine to be dark - but don't want to inhale fumes of varnish while I am vaping. BTW - There is no such thing as a dead vape...only one in need of repair! :lol:
  18. D

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I did offer an opinion on how it should have been handled - either a wait list or accept delayed orders. A supply side problem is pretty easy to solve, actually - just decide how you want to deliver. I also would think my opinion would count for much - hence why I like to share my opinion...
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    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I have to agree w/nobilo on a lot of the points made. This was handled poorly. It is also ironic that the vape known for great customer service is now going corporate via a 3rd party in the US who doesn?t answer the phone or email. *(at least my PD email has not been answered). Notice also that...
  20. D

    Discontinued Magic Flight Launch Tube

    I just received an email that I'm in the test program for their new product that looks like it may be called... wait for it... ... the Launch Box! Not only are they going to send me this unit, but the other MF temp version I had requested - for free. Very cool to be talking with people that...
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