Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!


Well-Known Member
Hi all! Just moved to exclusively vaping for the last 6 months after 15+ years of daily combustion.

Very happy with my choices, first Xmax prov3, then a dynavap m+ and more recently a tinymight2. All have their purpose and love rotating between them.

Just discovered this forum after searching for some custom accessories, glad that a big community like this exists. Cheers!
Welcome! Nice collection of vapes you have. All those flavors people pretended to taste in smoke can really be tasted in vapor!


New Member
Hey all,
Been vaping for a few years, switching between disposable carts from the dispo and my homegrown. Have a Miqro-C … looking at upgrading and … if I get ambitious, turning my flower into some kind of concentrate.

Currently chilling with my fav holiday movie, The Sound of Music. Not really a fan of musicals but saw it when I was young and it stuck. 😄


Well-Known Member
Welcome! As the owner of every vape DaVinci has ever made, I'll say that although the Miqro is a nice little vape, it doesn't cut it as a primary vape fr most people. If you don't mind a little draw resistance then the IQC is an excellent vape. If you want an easy draw, the Arizer AirMax is a top contender. The Arizer vapes have a lot to recommend the for, all glass vapor path, super easy to keep clean.
You'll hear people say how much better the vapor tastes form one vape to the next, but that's mostly esoteric BS, at least among the top ten vapes.

So there are many. many choices.....beware of VAS!


New Member
Welcome! As the owner of every vape DaVinci has ever made, I'll say that although the Miqro is a nice little vape, it doesn't cut it as a primary vape fr most people. If you don't mind a little draw resistance then the IQC is an excellent vape. If you want an easy draw, the Arizer AirMax is a top contender. The Arizer vapes have a lot to recommend the for, all glass vapor path, super easy to keep clean.
You'll hear people say how much better the vapor tastes form one vape to the next, but that's mostly esoteric BS, at least among the top ten vapes.

So there are many. many choices.....beware of VAS!
Thanks for the tip! So many vapes out there … analysis paralysis is real. Will look into the Arizer.
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
Hey mom!? What's soylent green made from? You honey!:D
Here's an actual product you can buy!


New Member
Hi everyone! I've been vaping 510 cartridges for about 6 months to attempt to mitigate chronic pain associated with my disability. I want to make the switch to flower and am very interested in learning more here. I also look forward to getting to know some of y'all! When it comes to hobbies I like RPG video games, reading, playing Magic the Gathering, and spending time with my cat.


she/her deer creature
Hello everyone. :3

I love vaping and vaporizer design, and I've been more and more obsessed with it recently so I figured time to make an account. Thanks to everyone here for being such a good source of info on vapes! I used to nicotine vape instead of smoke, and got into the RTA world a bit, but the e-liquid thing bothered me more and more and making my own seemed incredibly hard because I wanted to steep herbs in VG instead of use isolated flavorants and that's a whole can of worms. So I stalled out on vaping until I moved to a legal state (I'm in the US) a few years ago and had the lovely time of falling in love with both cannabis herself and the Crafty+! I still enjoy the hits it gives but I'm on the StempodSI now for the cleaner airflow and paitently awaiting the arrival of my first butane vape, the Vaphit X.

I love not smoking. I love inhaling medicine and really feeling it as a vapor, through my nose and my mouth. I vape lavander and chamomile on thier own fairly frequently, and I often mix my cannabis with other herbs.

I look forward to posting and reading about vaporizer design! Good vibes to all. <3

edit: removed typo


Big and Bouncy
I love not smoking. I love inhaling medicine and really feeling it as a vapor, through my nose and my mouth. I vape lavander and chamomile on thier own fairly frequently, and I often mix my cannabis with other herbs.
Welcome to FC!

It's interesting that you mention vaping other herbs because this is often an advertising theme used as a gimmick to sell vaporizers clearly designed for weed consumption. I've always wondered whether vaping things like mint or lavender would taste good and/or be healthy.

What actually piqued my first interest in mixing other plants in with cannabis happened when I bought a DaVinci IQ2 that contained a ceramic section above the heater called the "flavor chamber". They suggested trying lemon/lime/orange peel in there to flavor the incoming vapor and I kinda liked it once in a while to mix things up.

Of course this isn't the same as vaping other fresh herb in the oven directly but I liked the aromas. What kind of effects do you feel from vaping these other herbs?

Hello from Australia

I have been using my solo 3 nightly for the last 5 months and love it. First on a J hook then on a matrix sidecar bubbler
before this my consumption was limited, But now I am in a position i can use nightly so i do


I also have a Solo3 and she's great! My first vape was an OG Solo.


No thoughts, head empty
I love not smoking. I love inhaling medicine and really feeling it as a vapor, through my nose and my mouth. I vape lavander and chamomile on thier own fairly frequently, and I often mix my cannabis with other herbs.
Welcome! Never tried either of those herbs, but when I used my MFLB I really enjoyed a mix of 1:3 mint tea:weed. Was refreshing but scorched quicker than I liked. Do you have a preferred temperature you use for your cannabis and tea mixes?
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she/her deer creature
Thanks for all the warm welcome. :D Genuinely didn't expect people to be interested in my comment on herbs and I'm delighted to respond. I'll do so here since this is where the question was asked but let me know if I'm supposed to move to a different thread.

Tonight I vaped a bowl of Grape Gasoline grown by Lazy Bee here in the PNW, and then just now, after retiring for the night, I've vaped a bowl of just lavender, clove, and CBD RSO. Delightful!

What kind of effects do you feel from vaping these other herbs?

I love the other herbs! <3 I'll write out some examples of how they show up for me personally. I am fairly sensitive to both THC and herbs in general now, I've found, and I can feel the affects of the other herbs. Lavender, for example, is nice and tasty and calming when sober. Both sober and high there's a kind of heavy-body feeling in a nice way; when high I can feel it much stronger, it's like adding couch-lock to your high. "Ahhh I've had some lavender... now why would I want to stand up again? I'm all nice and still and comfy yep just gotta stay here. <3"

Chamomile is astounding, to me, I really love it with weed. I've had an experience where I loaded a bowl of chamomile and weed (like half and half maybe? I can't remember tbh) into the Crafy+ and I had the most amazing, grounded experience. I went into that high not wanting to go anywhere; looking to be present instead of escape. And that's what happened, I remember walking around and feeling not really high but immensely opened to my surroundings. I was in a familiar natural place surrounded by pine trees I was/am friends with, and I set that intention, but the chamomile really helped. It's always been a very grounding herb to me, kind of lessening the "frayed" feeling of a high while not "lessening" the high in the same way that CBD or tobacco does.

Fun fact: I bought my crafty and stempod back when I lived in an illegal state and, being the young adult I was back then, I had no weed and no way to get weed. My first thing I ever vaped was some marshmallow root. ^^ I tried different stuff and didn't really get much from it at that point in time. So even though I bought the vapes for legal herbs I put them away for a good bit; my nicotine vaping days. I view becoming sensitive to "mundane" herbs as a work in progress and damn did cannabis help with that when she and I finally met, I could go on about that at length too though hah. When I came back to dry herb vaping a year or two later, I was by that time less dissociated in general (long story - involving transitioning, hrt, and meditation) I started experimenting with herbs again and slowly found I could appreciate gentle affects where once I didn't notice any. :3

If I am to ramble a bit and wax poetic I would say that I feel dry herb vaping is a fundamental route of medicine and as such I think there's much, much there to discover. It feels fundamental; a natural growth from smoking into something more refined, vibrant, and clean. Smoking as a route of ingestion has been around in indigenous wisdom traditions and medicine traditions, from all over the globe, for a very long time. Like Robin Wall Kimmerer said in her book Braiding Sweetgrass about picking up the pieces, I feel dry herb vaping has the incredible potential to pick up the pieces of the ancient medicines of breath and embrace them in a way that is quite unique from smoking, as well as more potent per amount of herb, as well as being much more kind and gentle to our lungs. (All this said I think smoking has it's place too; I smoke tobacco once or twice a month and I could write a whole page on the intimacy with fire, but I digress.)

Rose and tulsi (holy basil) mixed with weed was sooooo niiiice. I've only done this mix once so far but I will do it more and study it a bit and have a better description later. But the short of it is that ohhhhhhh they are so nice together what a trio <33333

Welcome! I've been wanting to try this so I'll go dig up some threads, but if you don't mind, where do you get your herbs? Are the amounts you use comparable to pot?

Do you have a preferred temperature you use for your cannabis and tea mixes?

I stray away from using tea bags a source of herbs and try to use organically grown herbs from herbalism-focused spaces and apothecaries where each herb is available by itself. Or on collecting the herbs myself. I don't know if you're looking for a specific retailer rec, but hippie-seeming places that have certified organic stuff or local organic farms around your area are usually good bets in my book. That said I admit I did mix some Darjeeling with a weed strain called Lemon Haze and it was tasty for sure. Tea and lemon, hehe. There's also places that sell herbs for smoking, and as I mentioned I've been looking at what herbs get smoked in the herbal smoking world for inspiration on what to vape.

The mullein and yarrow I have, both of which I like to vape, I collected from the wild here. Wildcrafting takes some learning on identifying and on how to respectfully harvest, but there's lots of good plants grow locally around me and I'd imagine there's at least some good plants to vape everywhere in the world. I've really enjoyed the connection that comes from being with the land and harvesting from the land, and knowing a plant grew in the wilderness means you know it never had synthetic fertilizers sprayed on it. In the spring I plan to plant my own chamomile and other aromatic herbs, like tulsi. I totally understand growing one's own herbs can be daunting and difficult depending on circumstance, and I'm really grateful to be in a place in my life now where I have some space to garden come the spring.

The amounts vary, but usually I use about 1:1 mixes of weed to other herbs, so technically I use more weed but if I'm only mixing one other herb in there it'd be the same amount. I tend to run fewer bowls of just non-weed than weed-inclusive-mixes, but we'll see how my usage trends over time.

So, specific temps yes and no. I haven't messed with the temp of the Crafty+ in a while, but on the stempod it's easier to draw hits at much lower temps for me, just from the design of it. Lavender responds well to lower temps and still handles high ones well. I don't have it in temp-control mode though so unfortunately I can't name numbers yet.

The thing about mixing herbs is that some of them do toast a bit too far when heated at the temps necessary for cannabis. Some herbs are better than others at this. Chamomile has a temp pretty close to cannabis, according to the online guides, and I've found it does great mixed in on the Crafty+. Mullien leaf seems to take to high temp alright too, but the last time I tried rose petals and chamomile it definetly burnt. I was trying out chamomile from an organic chamomile tea bag and I'm not sure if it was the finer cut, the rose petals, or possibly some contaminants on the chamomile. Running just cannabis and rose petals before worked okay but sure had a smoky bite to it, so I'm thinking there's some truth in all three takes on it. I think it's entirely possible there's effects I'm missing by starting herbs at high temp and I'll be exploring starting low and gradually going higher, to get an extraction that can handle the gentle herbs before ramping up to get that THC.

Hope this is coherent. :3 Stayed up late trying to make sure it's worded well lol.
Edit: spelllllinnnnnggggg


Well-Known Member
Thanks for all the warm welcome. :D Genuinely didn't expect people to be interested in my comment on herbs and I'm delighted to respond. I'll do so here since this is where the question was asked but let me know if I'm supposed to move to a different thread.

Tonight I vaped a bowl of Grape Gasoline grown by Lazy Bee here in the PNW, and then just now, after retiring for the night, I've vaped a bowl of just lavender, clove, and CBD RSO. Delightful!

I love the other herbs! <3 I'll write out some examples of how they show up for me personally. I am fairly sensitive to both THC and herbs in general now, I've found, and I can feel the affects of the other herbs. Lavender, for example, is nice and tasty and calming when sober. Both sober and high there's a kind of heavy-body feeling in a nice way; when high I can feel it much stronger, it's like adding couch-lock to your high. "Ahhh I've had some lavender... now why would I want to stand up again? I'm all nice and still and comfy yep just gotta stay here. <3"

Chamomile is astounding, to me, I really love it with weed. I've had an experience where I loaded a bowl of chamomile and weed (like half and half maybe? I can't remember tbh) into the Crafy+ and I had the most amazing, grounded experience. I went into that high not wanting to go anywhere; looking to be present instead of escape. And that's what happened, I remember walking around and feeling not really high but immensely opened to my surroundings. I was in a familiar natural place surrounded by pine trees I was/am friends with, and I set that intention, but the chamomile really helped. It's always been a very grounding herb to me, kind of lessening the "frayed" feeling of a high while not "lessening" the high in the same way that CBD or tobacco does.

Fun fact: I bought my crafty and stempod back when I lived in an illegal state and, being the young adult I was back then, I had no weed and no way to get weed. My first thing I ever vaped was some marshmallow root. ^^ I tried different stuff and didn't really get much from it at that point in time. So even though I bought the vapes for legal herbs I put them away for a good bit; my nicotine vaping days. I view becoming sensitive to "mundane" herbs as a work in progress and damn did cannabis help with that when she and I finally met, I could go on about that at length too though hah. When I came back to dry herb vaping a year or two later, I was by that time less dissociated in general (long story - involving transitioning, hrt, and meditation) I started experimenting with herbs again and slowly found I could appreciate gentle affects where once I didn't notice any. :3

If I am to ramble a bit and wax poetic I would say that I feel dry herb vaping is a fundamental route of medicine and as such I think there's much, much there to discover. It feels fundamental; a natural growth from smoking into something more refined, vibrant, and clean. Smoking as a route of ingestion has been around in indigenous wisdom traditions and medicine traditions, from all over the globe, for a very long time. Like Robin Wall Kimmerer said in her book Braiding Sweetgrass about picking up the pieces, I feel dry herb vaping has the incredible potential to pick up the pieces of the ancient medicines of breath and embrace them in a way that is quite unique from smoking, as well as more potent per amount of herb, as well as being much more kind and gentle to our lungs. (All this said I think smoking has it's place too; I smoke tobacco once or twice a month and I could write a whole page on the intimacy with fire, but I digress.)

Rose and tulsi (holy basil) mixed with weed was sooooo niiiice. I've only done this mix once so far but I will do it more and study it a bit and have a better description later. But the short of it is that ohhhhhhh they are so nice together what a trio <33333

I stray away from using tea bags a source of herbs and try to use organically grown herbs from herbalism-focused spaces and apothecaries where each herb is available by itself. Or on collecting the herbs myself. I don't know if you're looking for a specific retailer rec, but hippie-seeming places that have certified organic stuff or local organic farms around your area are usually good bets in my book. That said I admit I did mix some Darjeeling with a weed strain called Lemon Haze and it was tasty for sure. Tea and lemon, hehe. There's also places that sell herbs for smoking, and as I mentioned I've been looking at what herbs get smoked in the herbal smoking world for inspiration on what to vape.

The mullein and yarrow I have, both of which I like to vape, I collected from the wild here. Wildcrafting takes some learning on identifying and on how to respectfully harvest, but there's lots of good plants grow locally around me and I'd imagine there's at least some good plants to vape everywhere in the world. I've really enjoyed the connection that comes from being with the land and harvesting from the land, and knowing a plant grew in the wilderness means you know it never had synthetic fertilizers sprayed on it. In the spring I plan to plant my own chamomile and other aromatic herbs, like tulsi. I totally understand growing one's own herbs can be daunting and difficult depending on circumstance, and I'm really grateful to be in a place in my life now where I have some space to garden come the spring.

The amounts vary, but usually I use about 1:1 mixes of weed to other herbs, so technically I use more weed but if I'm only mixing one other herb in there it'd be the same amount. I tend to run fewer bowls of just non-weed than weed-inclusive-mixes, but we'll see how my usage trends over time.

So, specific temps yes and no. I haven't messed with the temp of the Crafty+ in a while, but on the stempod it's easier to draw hits at much lower temps for me, just from the design of it. Lavender responds well to lower temps and still handles high ones well. I don't have it in temp-control mode though so unfortunately I can't name numbers yet.

The thing about mixing herbs is that some of them do toast a bit too far when heated at the temps necessary for cannabis. Some herbs are better than others at this. Chamomile has a temp pretty close to cannabis, according to the online guides, and I've found it does great mixed in on the Crafty+. Mullien leaf seems to take to high temp alright too, but the last time I tried rose petals and chamomile it definetly burnt. I was trying out chamomile from an organic chamomile tea bag and I'm not sure if it was the finer cut, the rose petals, or possibly some contaminants on the chamomile. Running just cannabis and rose petals before worked okay but sure had a smoky bite to it, so I'm thinking there's some truth in all three takes on it. I think it's entirely possible there's effects I'm missing by starting herbs at high temp and I'll be exploring starting low and gradually going higher, to get an extraction that can handle the gentle herbs before ramping up to get that THC.

Hope this is coherent. :3 Stayed up late trying to make sure it's worded well lol.
Edit: spelllllinnnnnggggg
WOW, thanks! This is excellent!


Well-Known Member
If I am to ramble a bit and wax poetic I would say that I feel dry herb vaping is a fundamental route of medicine and as such I think there's much, much there to discover. It feels fundamental; a natural growth from smoking into something more refined, vibrant, and clean. Smoking as a route of ingestion has been around in indigenous wisdom traditions and medicine traditions, from all over the globe, for a very long time. Like Robin Wall Kimmerer said in her book Braiding Sweetgrass about picking up the pieces, I feel dry herb vaping has the incredible potential to pick up the pieces of the ancient medicines of breath and embrace them in a way that is quite unique from smoking, as well as more potent per amount of herb, as well as being much more kind and gentle to our lungs. (All this said I think smoking has it's place too; I smoke tobacco once or twice a month and I could write a whole page on the intimacy with fire, but I digress.)
I think you'll sense the feeling your grasping at here even more keenly when you start to experiment with butane vapes, especially the artisan ones! There's definitely something primordial and unsullied about the ritualistic use of just fire, wood, glass, metal, and plant material. My favorite is the Vapman – it feels like an old friend.

Thanks for being so generous in sharing your passions and personal histories! And welcome the world of DHV – you'll find much beauty scattered about here.


Active Member
Hello Friends!
I missed to introduce myself, when i stepped into this forum, so i‘ll do it now.

My name is Don, i’m 43 years old and i live in germany.
I got in touch with cannabis in the middle/late 90‘s. Back then i did it just for fun and couriosity. Later i dicovered it‘s medical benefits and ever since i stick to it.
First it helped me with sleeping issues and
later on with my chronical pain, caused by back problems, besides it gives me relief from stress and Weltschmerz 😅
I‘m a daily user for over 20 years now. My only regret is, that i didn’t start to vape it earlier, instead of combusting.

Because my wife and me suffered on the bad sideeffects of combusting more and more, i decided to give vaping a chance.
I started to learn about vaping and got me the Arizer Solo 3 (tabletop-Lee‘s vids took me to the S3), a couple of months ago.
The best decision i could have made!!!

A completely new world has opened for me. I had no clue on how delicious the taste of cannabis products can be. Now i saw the light!

Meanwhile i‘m already infected by vas and got me a Lotus and a Vapman 2.0, thanks to the wonderful Fc community! 😅😍

I‘ve been growing my own plants for about five years now and with the last season i finally got good at it.
I like the taste and effects of herbs, but I‘m really a Hashman!
With my wife and a friend, we produce our own hash and rosin.

I‘m looking forward to share experiences, study stoner sciences and simply have a good time with the folks here! 🖖💚💨


Old & In the Way
A completely new world has opened for me.
Welcome to FC! It's a special place.
Yes, dry herb vaping converted me as well, instantly (2013).

Many thanks for a new (to me) word, Weltschmerz. Many moons ago I studied German for 4 yrs, never learned that one, but on sight I understood it immediately.

I think it is one of my main reasons for using cannabis for a lifetime.

As Willie Nelson has observed, many folks say cannabis can make you forgetful; in my case that's not really a bad thing! 😜


Active Member
Welcome to FC! It's a special place.
Yes, dry herb vaping converted me as well, instantly (2013).

Many thanks for a new (to me) word, Weltschmerz. Many moons ago I studied German for 4 yrs, never learned that one, but on sight I understood it immediately.

I think it is one of my main reasons for using cannabis for a lifetime.

As Willie Nelson has observed, many folks say cannabis can make you forgetful; in my case that's not really a bad thing! 😜
Vielen Dank, mein Freund!
Schön, daß ich dir ein neues Wort zeigen konnte. 😁
I found some native english speakers using the word „Weltschmerz“, so i assumed it’s known in the english language. Probably some GI‘s took it to the US, when they returned home from germany.

Roll us up and smoke us, when we die!
(Or better try to vape us, if you can!)

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I found some native english speakers using the word „Weltschmerz“, so i assumed it’s known in the english language. Probably some GI‘s took it to the US, when they returned home from germany.
It's probably a word like "gestalt" or "sturm-und-drang" that are related to psychology, philosophy or art concepts that were born in Germany.


Big and Bouncy
It's probably a word like "gestalt" or "sturm-und-drang" that are related to psychology, philosophy or art concepts that were born in Germany.
I looked up "Weltshmerz" since I hadn't heard it before and for the curious, it means "world-pain" or stress caused by living in the World. As you say, there are some words that are just "borrowed" from other languages and used plainly in English. Another one that I thought of was "shadenfreude".
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