The Screwball by Vapvana

Grow Goddess

Just vaping
Anyone have any idea what the threading is for the hothole stand/ screwball post? Finally got them in from my order back in August (still waiting on bangers) and the threading is much wider than the typical 1/4-20 we see on these things. The hot hole post doesn’t state the threading and the heat post listing has been taken down. Really kind of disappointing this was not labeled, I would have already bought new inserts if I knew this was the case…

I know we don’t have industry standards for this stuff but it seems like the lesson could have been taken from the threading on the OG bowl.

Edit: went to the hardware store and used the thread finder. You will need m8x1.25 inserts to use these in wood.
I had to do like you and took it to the hardware store to size it up. I purchased an M8x1.25 coupler in 304 stainless for the heat post to make it work on one of my rigs. I counter sank an M8x1.25 bolt from the bottom of my rig up into the coupler. I really like the heat post, I hope he keeps selling them individually. Too bad they never disclosed the size of the threads on their site. Hey, if you need a coupler message me (if you are in the US) and I can send it to you, I had to purchase 10!

Wow! I am really loving the ACE, the wood handle bowl, the wood handle pinch hitter, and the glass bowl. The heat post I purchased is working great and the mini flower shovel too. I 5-star everything, no complaints. Patience paid off, I'm glad I got it before Christmas, all is well. Life is good



Well-Known Member
I had to do like you and took it to the hardware store to size it up. I purchased an M8x1.25 coupler in 304 stainless for the heat post to make it work on one of my rigs. I counter sank an M8x1.25 bolt from the bottom of my rig up into the coupler. I really like the heat post, I hope he keeps selling them individually. Too bad they never disclosed the size of the threads on their site. Hey, if you need a coupler message me (if you are in the US) and I can send it to you, I had to purchase 10!

Wow! I am really loving the ACE, the wood handle bowl, the wood handle pinch hitter, and the glass bowl. The heat post I purchased is working great and the mini flower shovel too. I 5-star everything, no complaints. Patience paid off, I'm glad I got it before Christmas, all is well. Life is good

Appreciate the offer! I ended up doing the same thing and have plenty of extras as well :lol:

Hopefully I’ll get them mounted over winter break


New Member
Hey screwballers! My first post ever on this forum. I just received my new screwball. Its my first ball vape and first time trying a ball vape. Been a Volcano user for many years.

Before trying it with weed I decided to do a dry hit just using the bowl without weed in it (with a brand new never used glass double bubbler piece). I was surprised to have a pretty bad flavour similar to what the housing smells like when its heated up. I was using it at 470. Also before doing that experiment I did clean the bowl (unassembled O-rings, screen) with water and soap and let it dry. I also ran the housing at 700 for about minute or two to be sure it was well heat cleaned.

I wonder if anyone has tried a dry hit on new/clean unit? I was expecting a much cleaner taste and smell from it. I dont get that kind of taste if I fill up a volcano bag without weed.

This may seem a bit extreme maybe but Im worried this heated metal taste and smell coming from housing is not healthy? Could it be a defective unit?

I keep hearing how ball vapes are the cleanest vapor you can get. Im not really convinced yet..

I did also try it with roughly 0.1g with the screen sitting in the 0.2 dose upper area of the bowl. I have to admit that was a pretty nice. I didnt get the bad taste since the weed overtakes it.. but still concerning i may be breathing toxins.. anyone had a similar experience? Cheers


Well-Known Member
Hey screwballers! My first post ever on this forum. I just received my new screwball. Its my first ball vape and first time trying a ball vape. Been a Volcano user for many years.

Before trying it with weed I decided to do a dry hit just using the bowl without weed in it (with a brand new never used glass double bubbler piece). I was surprised to have a pretty bad flavour similar to what the housing smells like when its heated up. I was using it at 470. Also before doing that experiment I did clean the bowl (unassembled O-rings, screen) with water and soap and let it dry. I also ran the housing at 700 for about minute or two to be sure it was well heat cleaned.

I wonder if anyone has tried a dry hit on new/clean unit? I was expecting a much cleaner taste and smell from it. I dont get that kind of taste if I fill up a volcano bag without weed.

This may seem a bit extreme maybe but Im worried this heated metal taste and smell coming from housing is not healthy? Could it be a defective unit?

I keep hearing how ball vapes are the cleanest vapor you can get. Im not really convinced yet..

I did also try it with roughly 0.1g with the screen sitting in the 0.2 dose upper area of the bowl. I have to admit that was a pretty nice. I didnt get the bad taste since the weed overtakes it.. but still concerning i may be breathing toxins.. anyone had a similar experience? Cheers
Could it be the side heater lid holes drawing in heated air from around the coil? It would be interesting to swap in the old housing with the top air inlet to compare dry hits.


Well-Known Member
Hey screwballers! My first post ever on this forum. I just received my new screwball. Its my first ball vape and first time trying a ball vape. Been a Volcano user for many years.

Before trying it with weed I decided to do a dry hit just using the bowl without weed in it (with a brand new never used glass double bubbler piece). I was surprised to have a pretty bad flavour similar to what the housing smells like when its heated up. I was using it at 470. Also before doing that experiment I did clean the bowl (unassembled O-rings, screen) with water and soap and let it dry. I also ran the housing at 700 for about minute or two to be sure it was well heat cleaned.

I wonder if anyone has tried a dry hit on new/clean unit? I was expecting a much cleaner taste and smell from it. I dont get that kind of taste if I fill up a volcano bag without weed.

This may seem a bit extreme maybe but Im worried this heated metal taste and smell coming from housing is not healthy? Could it be a defective unit?

I keep hearing how ball vapes are the cleanest vapor you can get. Im not really convinced yet..

I did also try it with roughly 0.1g with the screen sitting in the 0.2 dose upper area of the bowl. I have to admit that was a pretty nice. I didnt get the bad taste since the weed overtakes it.. but still concerning i may be breathing toxins.. anyone had a similar experience? Cheers
No toxins unless left by cleaning or industrial processes, almost certainly. So did it taste only like metal? Sometimes I can taste Stainless until it's been used a bit. I think others can taste Titanium, too. It's possible something survived your burnoff but hopefully has dissipated further by now. If it's the metal hopefully it will also become less pronounced with use. I've noticed this often with new Dynavaps but not after the first cleaning.


New Member
Its hard to describe the taste. I was subtle but definitely there. Closest id say would be like the smell of hot metal yeah.

Now I just looked at my bubbler and see some weird gray stains in it. When I received this glass piece a couple weeks ago I noticed it had a weird gray stuff inside the joint part. It was confirmed to be graphite left over from the glass artist. I was told to remove it with paper towel water and soap which I did. I then soaped up the whole bubbler and shook it for awhile. I probably should of used ISO instead. I wonder if those stains I see now are graphite left over that didnt come off with the soap. I didnt see any stains after cleaning it initially though.. anyways it may welp be that this is was I was tasting initially on the dry hits. I really hope not :(

I just filled the bubbler with ISO and water and the stains are still there after 15 min soak. Guess Ill have to get a new glass piece to compare

Could it be the side heater lid holes drawing in heated air from around the coil? It would be interesting to swap in the old housing with the top air inlet to compare dry hits.
Could very well be.. i tried researching dry hits for ball vapes in general but nothing came up


Well-Known Member
I wonder if anyone has tried a dry hit on new/clean unit? I was expecting a much cleaner taste and smell from it.
I haven’t heard of anyone doing this :\ Seems reasonable though for a brand new unit with nothing but metal (including screen) in the pathway for the first time. You did all the prep work right :tup: May just need to get used to the metal coming from volcano and break it in a bit.
Now I just looked at my bubbler and see some weird gray stains in it.
Yea, this too!
Hey screwballers! My first post ever on this forum. I just received my new screwball. Its my first ball vape and first time trying a ball vape. Been a Volcano user for many years.

Before trying it with weed I decided to do a dry hit just using the bowl without weed in it (with a brand new never used glass double bubbler piece). I was surprised to have a pretty bad flavour similar to what the housing smells like when its heated up. I was using it at 470. Also before doing that experiment I did clean the bowl (unassembled O-rings, screen) with water and soap and let it dry. I also ran the housing at 700 for about minute or two to be sure it was well heat cleaned.

I wonder if anyone has tried a dry hit on new/clean unit? I was expecting a much cleaner taste and smell from it. I dont get that kind of taste if I fill up a volcano bag without weed.

This may seem a bit extreme maybe but Im worried this heated metal taste and smell coming from housing is not healthy? Could it be a defective unit?

I keep hearing how ball vapes are the cleanest vapor you can get. Im not really convinced yet..

I did also try it with roughly 0.1g with the screen sitting in the 0.2 dose upper area of the bowl. I have to admit that was a pretty nice. I didnt get the bad taste since the weed overtakes it.. but still concerning i may be breathing toxins.. anyone had a similar experience? Cheers
If I had to guess I think you probably didn't run the burn off long enough. I usually crank it to 800 for 7-10 mins. Sounds like Manufacturing oils on the housing. Usually iso wipe my bowls and rinse also before first use.


New Member
If I had to guess I think you probably didn't run the burn off long enough. I usually crank it to 800 for 7-10 mins. Sounds like Manufacturing oils on the housing. Usually iso wipe my bowls and rinse also before first use.
Think that might of been the issue. Thank you for the tip. I cleaned the surfaces of housing with a bit of ISO on q tip and paper towel, let it evaporate and later turned it on at 800 for 10 min. Seems to be less smelly now when hot. One thing though is the interior of housing turned yellow/gold. Is that normal after running it at 800 for 10 min?


Well-Known Member
Think that might of been the issue. Thank you for the tip. I cleaned the surfaces of housing with a bit of ISO on q tip and paper towel, let it evaporate and later turned it on at 800 for 10 min. Seems to be less smelly now when hot. One thing though is the interior of housing turned yellow/gold. Is that normal after running it at 800 for 10 min?
Yeah, high temps create colorful oxide coatings on metals. No harm, just ends up looking rad.
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Think that might of been the issue. Thank you for the tip. I cleaned the surfaces of housing with a bit of ISO on q tip and paper towel, let it evaporate and later turned it on at 800 for 10 min. Seems to be less smelly now when hot. One thing though is the interior of housing turned yellow/gold. Is that normal after running it at 800 for 10 min?
Yep you're fine and Gorf said.


New Member
Hey guys! Im looking at getting extra 18mm joints(adapter) and o-rings. I see there are still some available on vapevana website. Any cheaper alternatives (dhgate) out there? Also where do you guys get your 20mm mesh screens? Im looking for high quality/safe. Thx


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Im looking at getting extra 18mm joints(adapter) and o-rings. I see there are still some available on vapevana website. Any cheaper alternatives (dhgate) out there? Also where do you guys get your 20mm mesh screens? Im looking for high quality/safe. Thx
I think the glass posts are made specifically for vapvana. I haven't seen anything similar elsewhere.

These orings are better than what vapvana ships IMO - easier to change glass posts and they stand up fine to iso:

For screens I've never had any problems just buying whatever's relatively cheap and well reviewed on Amazon.

Ow! My balls!

New Member
Think that might of been the issue. Thank you for the tip. I cleaned the surfaces of housing with a bit of ISO on q tip and paper towel, let it evaporate and later turned it on at 800 for 10 min. Seems to be less smelly now when hot. One thing though is the interior of housing turned yellow/gold. Is that normal after running it at 800 for 10 min?

Just in case it’s still smelling it may be worth mentioning that handling any housing or coil without gloves leaves a lot of oil from the skin behind. It burns off pretty quick but I do find it smells really bad in the process. Kind of like an old metal radiator being turned on the first time in the winter. (To me anyway)
Ow! My balls!,


Well-Known Member
I assume the recommended 525F on the Ace is for dry herb. What temps are people using for concentrates with the supplied banger? I guess I'll probably try it at 525F first. I guess it could be the same general temp. I usually have my e-rig around 550F


Well-Known Member
I assume the recommended 525F on the Ace is for dry herb. What temps are people using for concentrates with the supplied banger? I guess I'll probably try it at 525F first. I guess it could be the same general temp. I usually have my e-rig around 550F
I have tested it with different types of concentrates. I tried some batter and had to turn it up to 600 for the batter. I tried shatter and it vaped well at 550. Diamonds and Sauce seemed to work for well for me at 580. Regular sugar wax as I call it which was made via C02 extraction seemed to do well at 540. So I would say it depends on the consistency of the concentrate that you have. For flower, If you have a really dry flower then a lower temp will be better suited for flower that is dry. A properly cured and preserved flower should do well at anywhere between 525 up to 550 from my experience. But in my opinion it depends on who you ask. Some people like to turn it up to 625 for flower (like my son). But he likes getting full extraction in one hit. I turn it down in to the 525 to 550 range and get about two or three hits from one load. So you will probably hear more people chime in with their recommended temperature settings. I say play around with the temps until you find what you thing is the most efficient temperature for you. Every batch of concentrate is different and will do well at a different temperature than the last batch and so on. Anyhow, I hope this helps you.


Well-Known Member
Did you create it yourself? I am scared of the amount for the ACE.... looking for cheaper but then you get what you pay for.
I did the woodworking myself, but was a pre-order supporter and bought the ace and additional hot hole from vapvana. PIDs will be custom as well, just to fit the tray.


Chasing that smooth vapor
I have an Ace arriving today. I am aware of the burnoff required. What else do I need to know to maximize my maiden voyage? I have plenty of snacks and am ready for my trip to the moon. I will be cautious not to overdo it, this is my first ball vape.

Hit me with your Ace tips and tricks.


Well-Known Member
Here's a few things:
Wash the bowl. You probably don't need to take it apart but you can if you want.
Get a heat-proof mat to work on. Silicone baking sheets are great.
Set your heater down on the stand as soon as you've taken your hit.
If you're using a hand-held glass piece, set it down as soon as you take your hit.
Don't forget to stay hydrated.
Hold on to your hat! ; )
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