Grow Goddess
Just vaping
I had to do like you and took it to the hardware store to size it up. I purchased an M8x1.25 coupler in 304 stainless for the heat post to make it work on one of my rigs. I counter sank an M8x1.25 bolt from the bottom of my rig up into the coupler. I really like the heat post, I hope he keeps selling them individually. Too bad they never disclosed the size of the threads on their site. Hey, if you need a coupler message me (if you are in the US) and I can send it to you, I had to purchase 10!Anyone have any idea what the threading is for the hothole stand/ screwball post? Finally got them in from my order back in August (still waiting on bangers) and the threading is much wider than the typical 1/4-20 we see on these things. The hot hole post doesn’t state the threading and the heat post listing has been taken down. Really kind of disappointing this was not labeled, I would have already bought new inserts if I knew this was the case…
I know we don’t have industry standards for this stuff but it seems like the lesson could have been taken from the threading on the OG bowl.
Edit: went to the hardware store and used the thread finder. You will need m8x1.25 inserts to use these in wood.

Wow! I am really loving the ACE, the wood handle bowl, the wood handle pinch hitter, and the glass bowl. The heat post I purchased is working great and the mini flower shovel too. I 5-star everything, no complaints. Patience paid off, I'm glad I got it before Christmas, all is well. Life is good