Cannabis News

Joe Biden's empty promises.... Politician's say anything to get elected....

Joe Biden in 2020 from "marijuanamoment"
Unkept Promise's

I strongly suspect Big Pharma is calling the shot's for the DNC as it applies to MJ Legalization.... they want to control it !


Well-Known Member
Joe Biden's empty promises.... Politician's say anything to get elected....

Joe Biden in 2020 from "marijuanamoment"
Unkept Promise's

I strongly suspect Big Pharma is calling the shot's for the DNC as it applies to MJ Legalization.... they want to control it !
The job of a Vice President is basically to support whatever the President says and not get too far out ahead of the President's policies. So it is absolutely ordinary that the VP has not been known for her own policy ideas over the last 4 years. However, prior to the current gig she was supportive of legalization in the Senate. Now as a candidate, she supports legalization. IMO there is no reason to doubt her commitment to legalization at the federal level.

Though her ideas about cannabis policy are good they are a minor reason to vote for her. For me these are considerations of much lower weight than another question: is this person a fascist or not?


Well-Known Member
The Republican party that Gore Vidal knew is not the same party

I understand. But neither is the Democratic Party. They were far more "left" in Vidal's heyday. By "left" I mean on material issues, not the culture war.

I don't want to get too deeply into this. But on material issues, the two parties agree more than they disagree.

I only posted Vidal's quote in response to a statement that the DNC is acting on behalf of Pharma corps when it comes to weed legalization. Both parties do. They exist to serve corporations and the rich above all else, because they own the majority of the property.


Well-Known Member
I understand. But neither is the Democratic Party. They were far more "left" in Vidal's heyday. By "left" I mean on material issues, not the culture war.

I don't want to get too deeply into this. But on material issues, the two parties agree more than they disagree.

I only posted Vidal's quote in response to a statement that the DNC is acting on behalf of Pharma corps when it comes to weed legalization. Both parties do. They exist to serve corporations and the rich above all else, because they own the majority of the property.
The beauty of this sort of simplistic thinking is it applied just as well 20 years ago, 10 years ago, and now. You can say it and feel superior to those low-brows unaware of this powerful economic critique of society. Never mind whether current conditions and parties have changed - you can always parrot something Gore Vidal said many years ago against a very different backdrop.

But we live in a very different world now than 10 or 20 years ago. Particularly noteworthy is that one of the two major parties has now thrown off most of its former ideology and become a mob run by the big boss and enforced by threats. I suggest you get off your vaguely Marxist high horse and notice which way the wind is blowing.


Well-Known Member
I mean, Gore Vidal isn't some ancient figure. He died in 2012. Republicans were fully insane in 2012 too. People have short memories. His analysis is sound and applicable to current events. He also was a Liberal Democrat, not a Marxist.

Speaking of high horses though, you know the people you conceive of as the "good guys" more or less copied their immigration plan from the racist mob boss, right?

I guess I'm just too simple minded to understand smart analysis like, "the Orange Man is Bad and the source of our problems", rather than a symptom. In my defense though, I just saw pictures of your "good guys" burning sick children alive with my tax dollars. So maybe I'm a little out of sorts.


Well-Known Member
Trump has become a raging fascist acc to General Mark Milley. He is under Vladimir's control, and he has commandeered the GOP by following Putin's proven Eastern European fascist playbook,. He will destroy the US if not stopped. It's not the GOP anymore. It's tragic that some can't see it, and they refuse to believe it as they blindly do Trump's bidding
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Well-Known Member
Vidal's politics were always on the left side of the spectrum, and he derided the two-party system in his native land, arguing in the 1970s: "There is only one party in the United States, the Property party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt – until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties."
Note that the quote is from the seventies! That's a while ago! Anyone who blithely quotes this to suggest the parties today are still equivalent needs to get out a bit. The situation is different now and I very much doubt that Gore Vidal, a smart person, would say the same thing about today.


Well-Known Member
Trump is has become a raging fascist.

Completely agree.

It's not the GOP anymore.

Completely disagree. "Project 2025" is the same as "Project 2005" or "Project 1985". It's the same shit they've always wanted. Hell, Saint Reagan was the first guy to say MAGA, and he ran a racist, lie filled campaign in 1980. Even engaged in a little light treason with the Iranians.

The Orange Man didn't spring out of the ether. IMO, he's a symptom of our failing systems, not the cause.

All of this started because @Sandrider1962 pointed out President Demetia promised to legalize weed once already. He even promised young WH staffers they wouldn't be fired for being weed users. He then turned around and fired stoners on his staff.

This is why current promises to legalize might fall on deaf ears :shrug:

And frankly, you can draw a straight line between failed promises from the 2008 campaign and the Orange Man rising. The bankers who destroyed the global economy were bailed out while their victims, the homeowners, were left to drown.

Note that the quote is from the seventies!

That's a slightly different quote. He said similar things multiple times. That particular one is a banger and, basically, is just as true today. Thanks for posting it!

Speaking of the 70's, I highly suggest the book Reaganland. It chronicles the lead up to the Reagan Revolution. You can absolutely see the parallels to today. A little historical knowledge might clear up some confusion among modern Libs.



Active Member
Thanks for the link, it was a good read.

I particularly like this random comment by a user called Jack thrown in there:

"I was gifted a 50 mg edible (that's 5-10 newbie doses) Put it on a tall shelf in the pantry and forgot about it for a while. When I went to try a slice of it I found that a mouse had gotten into and... ate the whole thing! omg. Either he went insane or now knows all the secrets of the universe."

As a vaper, I was also happy to see that yes, vaping probably isn't that great for the lungs, but it's still a lot better than I ever thought it was. I always assumed it wasn't far behind tobacco but that's not what's suggested from the linked reports. Well that's a relief :)


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
Thanks for the link, it was a good read.

I particularly like this random comment by a user called Jack thrown in there:

"I was gifted a 50 mg edible (that's 5-10 newbie doses) Put it on a tall shelf in the pantry and forgot about it for a while. When I went to try a slice of it I found that a mouse had gotten into and... ate the whole thing! omg. Either he went insane or now knows all the secrets of the universe."

As a vaper, I was also happy to see that yes, vaping probably isn't that great for the lungs, but it's still a lot better than I ever thought it was. I always assumed it wasn't far behind tobacco but that's not what's suggested from the linked reports. Well that's a relief :)

As is often the case, there is no distinction here that I can find between dry herb vaping and e-liquid vaping. It's the latter that has contaminants and poses a risk to the lungs. That's not to say that dry herb vaping is completely safe, but there is no question that e-liquid is more dangerous.


Lesser-Known Lurker
As is often the case, there is no distinction here that I can find between dry herb vaping and e-liquid vaping. It's the latter that has contaminants and poses a risk to the lungs. That's not to say that dry herb vaping is completely safe, but there is no question that e-liquid is more dangerous.
Agreed. I've noticed most of these types of articles neglect dry herb vaping in their comparisons. I believe vaping flower through a high quality device with good materials and clean air path is a good way to go. The biggest concern for me is the need to be vigilant about molds, etc, so flower quality is paramount.


Old & In the Way


Well-Known Member
I'm expecting a series of legal battles over generic rights. Not sure if it's similar to the food industry, where big corporations are claiming the rights to regular people's crop if they detect any of their proprietary genes.

There's still a lot of dispensaries in Oklahoma county. It seems like most of the strains are aren't well known and I can't find any info online. I'm wondering if most of many of them haven't been "rustled". Oklahoma companies are prolly gonna be on the business end of a lot of lawsuits. 😁


Putin is a War Criminal
There we go folks, expert free governing. Who would have thought?


Big and Bouncy
There we go folks, expert free governing. Who would have thought?
Yeah, didn't see that coming. That's what happens when you have two brain cells and they aren't even connected.

Let's keep alcohol though. It's not a gateway drug and has lots of good uses.


Well-Known Member
Agreed. I've noticed most of these types of articles neglect dry herb vaping in their comparisons. I believe vaping flower through a high quality device with good materials and clean air path is a good way to go. The biggest concern for me is the need to be vigilant about molds, etc, so flower quality is paramount.

A non scientific look at what your inhaling is to inhale through a tissue, then on a different hit, exhale through another tissue. The difference of course is in you.

I went to 100% edibles some years ago due to lung issues and my last lung scans were much better than when I vaped. My lung specialist was amazed. She said whatever you’re doing, keep it up. If you vape daily and it bothers you edibles can be a good alternative.


Well-Known Member
A non scientific look at what your inhaling is to inhale through a tissue, then on a different hit, exhale through another tissue. The difference of course is in you.

I went to 100% edibles some years ago due to lung issues and my last lung scans were much better than when I vaped. My lung specialist was amazed. She said whatever you’re doing, keep it up. If you vape daily and it bothers you edibles can be a good alternative.
I had the idea to lighten the load on my lungs with edibles. Now I enjoy both, but that's a good thing IMO. Being old is strange. Being really stoned and old is.......interesting. Hopefully you all get to experience the combination. Have cut back every other way so I'm making the most of this bad habit.:myday:+:leaf:=:lol:


Well-Known Member
There we go folks, expert free governing. Who would have thought?

Maybe the people who are in charge until January 20th should deschedule or legalize by fiat and dare the next guy to overturn it?


Well-Known Member
I had a lot of trim and garbage buds from this year's outdoor grow and I have been turning them into canna-butter. I use this recipe from Aunt Sandy's Medical Marijuana Cookbook. Eating the butter or using it to make brownies, etc. takes some load off my aged lungs.


Well-Known Member
The CDC is bringing these ads back next Holiday Season.


I was joking but after re-reading the ad, this is exactly what Fox News sounds like when they talk about weed.



Big and Bouncy
The CDC is bringing these ads back next Holiday Season.


I was joking but after re-reading the ad, this is exactly what Fox News sounds like when they talk about weed.

The dumb getting even dumber. Nothing to see here.

The link between lax gun control and stupidly easy access to automatic weapons doesn't deserve any time over Weed, which is the actual problem, of course. It must be a hard problem for the US to solve because no other country has been able to control mass shootings. 🙄

Canada, the UK, Australia, the rest of Europe. No one can stop all the mass shootings in those countries. The US will need to show us the way forward for this intractable problem. Why would anyone think it's access to the actual automatic weapons which are necessary for mass shootings? It's easy to kill 70 people with a revolver or even a knife, right after flying into a murderous rage triggered by weed. I mean who are we kidding?

Let's go back in time 50 years and repeat the war on "drugs" that was so successful.
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