Thoughts on water bong vs dry bong vs stems/stems with cooling beads?

What do you most prefer to vape through?

  • Water bong

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Dry bong

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Stem

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Stem with beads

    Votes: 9 20.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
While on Reddit earlier, I came across a couple of threads that were basically saying that vaping through water actually makes the vapor more harsh and cooling it down too much makes the vapor solidify and makes it less effective. The loss of flavor was also mentioned, but I have already experienced that myself while using water, so I know that to be the case.

I searched this site, but didn't come back with any results. So what are your opinions on vaping through a water bong vs dry bong vs stems/stems with cooling balls?

Also, if anyone has any information related to the health benefits or adverse effects of any of these methods that they would like to share, that would be great!



Well-Known Member
Your lungs will 100% thank you if you vape through water, you can actually take bigger, richer hits without coughing once you find the right temperature. I will trade a little loss in flavor and efficiency for a healthy respiratory system any day, just vape an extra bowl and you will be even.


Active Member
Your lungs will 100% thank you if you vape through water, you can actually take bigger, richer hits without coughing once you find the right temperature. I will trade a little loss in flavor and efficiency for a healthy respiratory system any day, just vape an extra bowl and you will be even.
This has been my experience thus far as well. The Mighty was terrible without using water, however, my TinyMight 2 seemed a bit harsher through water than when just using the stem, but that could be due to it being a bigger hit as the vapor was cooler.

Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
Base temperature, load size, user sensitivity, how a device is being used, etc. are all in play as well. If one is using a power house vape at high temperatures, full loads and trying for massive hits, ones is probably wanting a different setup than someone using the same powerhouse vape but with lower temperatures, small loads and looking for tasty hits. Not saying water (or lack of) and the glass used are irrelevant, just that they are small pieces in a larger puzzle.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Where do you put j-hooks? Are they stems? Or are they dry bongs? What about the CC Prophet?

I prefer dry glass or minimal water to preserve flavor, but a nice water piece is pretty fun. A lot of my water pieces benefit from just enough water to cover the perc, but some need much more to function optimally. Realtor just depends on the day and my mood.

Also I assume from context that you are only talking about vaping flower and not dabs.


Well-Known Member
Where do you put j-hooks? Are they stems? Or are they dry bongs? What about the CC Prophet?

I prefer dry glass or minimal water to preserve flavor, but a nice water piece is pretty fun. A lot of my water pieces benefit from just enough water to cover the perc, but some need much more to function optimally. Realtor just depends on the day and my mood.

Also I assume from context that you are only talking about vaping flower and not dabs.
Hi Grass Yes
The j-hook I use is just a long stem (11") shaped like a pipe. It serves well when used with small loads (.06 g) at relatively low temperature (325 f to 365 f) it is just the right tool for the parameters and my preferences. However, there is nothing wrong with larger pieces or water, just a different approach to a different set of parameters.

Grass Yes

Staff member
Hi Grass Yes
The j-hook I use is just a long stem (11") shaped like a pipe. It serves well when used with small loads (.06 g) at relatively low temperature (325 f to 365 f) it is just the right tool for the parameters and my preferences. However, there is nothing wrong with larger pieces or water, just a different approach to a different set of parameters.
To be clear, I love my j-hooks although I think I only have 7 of them. I was just pointing out that there are more than the 4 poll options above.

I don't think of the j-hook as a long stem for that matter. I think it works as a unique dry piece. My GVB and OGB stems work pretty well with temps above that and can even handle my ball vapes. I also don't limit myself to small loads on any of my hooks. But I totally agree that everyone should use the setups they like best in the way they like them.


Active Member
Where do you put j-hooks? Are they stems? Or are they dry bongs? What about the CC Prophet?
Not sure. As you can see, I didn't think to add them to the poll. I apologize for the oversight, but I have never used one, I only heard of them recently, and I did not think to add them. Literally never knew about the CC Prophet until you mentioned it, and had to search this forum to find out that you were referring to Cloud Connoisseur. I am very new to vaporizers, and even newer to glass.

Also I assume from context that you are only talking about vaping flower and not dabs.
Your assumption is correct.

Thanks to everyone for their input! I have learned a lot from this forum in a very short time, and I am grateful for the knowledge!

Grass Yes

Staff member
I have never used one, I only heard of them recently, and I did not think to add them. L
No shame in not knowing about them. We have a big, wild community with lots of different setups. I learn something here most days!

Anyway, I remember you have a TM. I think the absolute best way to use the TM is temp stepping on a j-hook. They can be pretty inexpensive and well worth it. Both TRWW on OWW have really nice ones that are a great price.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Not sure. As you can see, I didn't think to add them to the poll. I apologize for the oversight, but I have never used one, I only heard of them recently, and I did not think to add them. Literally never knew about the CC Prophet until you mentioned it, and had to search this forum to find out that you were referring to Cloud Connoisseur. I am very new to vaporizers, and even newer to glass.

Your assumption is correct.

Thanks to everyone for their input! I have learned a lot from this forum in a very short time, and I am grateful for the knowledge!

imo this is the ultimate hook for the TM, I had him make the first one for me in 18 mm (I use backwards RBT stems as plain WPA with rimless steel mesh basket screen inside) so then be made it available on the site as a 14 (just right in the notes if you want to customize it to be 18 etc)


Active Member
I realize everything is a personal preference, but can those of you that prefer J-Hooks explain what it is about them that makes you choose them over others?

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Grass Yes

Staff member
I realize everything is a personal preference, but can those of you that prefer J-Hooks explain what it is about them that makes you choose them over others?

Flavor! The glass features like angles, beads, and dimples cool the vapor without adding much resistance or restriction. And they preserve almost all the flavor.

Also you look cool as hell like a wizard holding one.


Active Member
Flavor! The glass features like angles, beads, and dimples cool the vapor without adding much resistance or restriction. And they preserve almost all the flavor.
Nice. I did notice way more flavor while using the TinyMight 2 stem than when using it through glass, but the vapor was quite a bit hotter as it was just the factory short glass stem + the cooling unit.
Also you look cool as hell like a wizard holding one.
That's reason enough to use one LOL!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
I realize everything is a personal preference, but can those of you that prefer J-Hooks explain what it is about them that makes you choose them over others?


It is smoother than using the cooling unit, I like to milk the lowest temp settings, plain all glass setup taste better and the right angles catch all the particles, and cooling the vapor... I also like to use my TM upside down, keeping the inside more pristine, easy to hold it all in one hand with this hook (good vibes started offering U-turn stems, similar without needing a separate piece and WPA)

Grass Yes

Staff member
Just realized I should link this thread:

And I am patiently waiting for my next j-hook: the CC Xeric!


Well-Known Member
Hey @VapeForHealth, I was probably one of the people you were talking to on Reddit. There are two main concepts when it comes to the theory of vapor cooling. First you need good thermal coupling between the air stream and the heat sink (glass) so that heat flows smoothly and second you need a place to put the heat. Long smooth straight stems tend to have poor thermal coupling, the hottest air flows in a laminar way down the center of the tube and doesn't transfer heat energy to the tube walls. If you add bends or dimples to the stem that stirs up the air so you get turbulent instead of laminar flow, this allows more heat transfer. Beads and pill shapes in the stem improve coupling as well as providing mass for heat storage. A thin stem with bends has less mass for storing heat than a heavier stem. One of my objections to the stock cooling unit is that it maxes out too fast, by the third hits it's "full of heat" and not doing much. Stainless steel is not a great reservoir for storing heat energy.

All of these interactions increase by a huge factor when you use water because it causes extreme turbulence and it has an exceptional capability to absorb heat. As you increase cooling some vapor will condense and not come to you. Water increases that a lot. So you want just enough cooling to be pleasant, and no more. When the soup is too hot you want it cooler, not cold. If the hits are huge, you probably need that water.

Excuse the excessive detail if you aren't a science nerd.


Active Member
Hey @VapeForHealth, I was probably one of the people you were talking to on Reddit. There are two main concepts when it comes to the theory of vapor cooling. First you need good thermal coupling between the air stream and the heat sink (glass) so that heat flows smoothly and second you need a place to put the heat. Long smooth straight stems tend to have poor thermal coupling, the hottest air flows in a laminar way down the center of the tube and doesn't transfer heat energy to the tube walls. If you add bends or dimples to the stem that stirs up the air so you get turbulent instead of laminar flow, this allows more heat transfer. Beads and pill shapes in the stem improve coupling as well as providing mass for heat storage. A thin stem with bends has less mass for storing heat than a heavier stem. One of my objections to the stock cooling unit is that it maxes out too fast, by the third hits it's "full of heat" and not doing much. Stainless steel is not a great reservoir for storing heat energy.

All of these interactions increase by a huge factor when you use water because it causes extreme turbulence and it has an exceptional capability to absorb heat. As you increase cooling some vapor will condense and not come to you. Water increases that a lot. So you want just enough cooling to be pleasant, and no more. When the soup is too hot you want it cooler, not cold. If the hits are huge, you probably need that water.

Excuse the excessive detail if you aren't a science nerd.
That was a great explanation! I wonder if water or beads act like filters and "trap" some of the "reclaim/resin type deposits" that would otherwise enter the lungs? I know they get dirty and have to be cleaned, so obviously something is being trapped that would otherwise enter the lungs. I am most curious about the filtering efficacy of each cooling method.
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FWIW I only vape extracts through a dry rig, and have to clean it after just a couple of uses because of foul odour. Just the contact with glass creates instant condensation, even if the extract is very clean/pure.

I'm not sure, but I think if using water that condensate is mostly trapped in the water and prevents the glass from smelling as quick.


Child Of The Revolution
Right now, I'm vaping dry. Sometimes I use water. It's just something to switch up, as I like to change my set ups. Dry glass is easier to clean, but I regularly clean my glass, so it's not a big consideration.
I want the "reclaim/resin type deposits" in my lungs. That's the point, for me. It doesn't do my glass any good, and I benefit enormously.
So wet or dry, bong, rig, pipe, j- hook, stem, et al, are all fine by me.
One of the bongs at my station today is a bit of a chugger through water. I much prefer it dry. The rig next to it is fun wet or dry, and while used dry today, will be wet tomorrow. It's not a big commitment either way, and it can change depending on which vape I use, how hot I'm hitting, or just because. When I get a new piece, I try it both ways, and see how it performs. Sometimes there is a preference, but that can change with vapes, glass, time of day. One of the joys of vaping, is the wondrous variety of methods and equipment, and there is a place for both wet and dry in my life. My lungs appreciate both.
I'm mostly a dry guy. I do use water sometimes, but my default mode is dry. I just find water to be a hassle. I don't like how it mutes flavor and something about a dirty wet piece is more offensive to me than a dry one. That means I have to clean pretty often with iso, which is also annoying. On the other hand, I like how much smoother water can be, and it's fun to take big crusher hits, so water does have a place for me. Dry hits can definitely get a bit uncomfortable at times.

I typically need some sort of cooling mechanism in my dry stem, but I haven't really used balls. They seem kinda annoying to deal with tbh. I like the glass spikey stems the best. Not a huge fan of J-hooks for some reason, I guess I just prefer the ergonomics of a standard stem with my vapes. I also never really liked hitting bongs dry, it just feels wrong lol.
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