Thoughts on water bong vs dry bong vs stems/stems with cooling beads?

What do you most prefer to vape through?

  • Water bong

    Votes: 25 56.8%
  • Dry bong

    Votes: 7 15.9%
  • Stem

    Votes: 3 6.8%
  • Stem with beads

    Votes: 9 20.5%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I cough much less when I use water these days. I try to use as little as possible as it also decreases efficiency and taste.

Best is hot water!
I also cough less with water and use just enough to cover the percolator. I have never used hot water, but have heard that it works best. How hot is the water you use?

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
I also cough less with water and use just enough to cover the percolator. I have never used hot water, but have heard that it works best. How hot is the water you use?
I never experimented much and just took the hot water from the tap, as it is tasteless around here.
I think it is around 50-60°C/140°f.
But in theory the hotter the better. As long as it is not boiling and the glass can stand the heat difference.

Thick Vape

In the Ballpark
Thanks! I usually use distilled water at room temperature, but I will give hot water a try.
Me too. I use distilled water to keep my glass nice and it is smooth enough at room temp, so...

Sorry for the edit, but I was just thinking from a chemical standpoint salt saturated water could help squeeze out a little bit more taste, maybe. For the bongwatergeeks :)
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Well-Known Member
Sorry for the edit, but I was just thinking from a chemical standpoint salt saturated water could help squeeze out a little bit more taste, maybe. For the bongwatergeeks :)
I don't know if it will affect the taste, but mold can't live in distilled water, so it feels more clean to use even 2 days without replacing...

the minerals in the tap water/"mineral" water will make the water lose volume a bit, because the salts harm the hydrogen bonds, and the total volume is reduced.. but you can barely see the difference...
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Well-Known Member
Also you look cool as hell like a wizard holding one.
No other reason needed.

I prefer dry vigreux (spikes also good) stems for the best balance (imo) of cooling and flavor. Balls, beads, or lengthening the airpath (bong) are also effective but there's more cleaning and some loss of flavor (related to length). Sometimes I just want to milk up Herborizer Sphere even if I lose a little flavor.

Water bong for comfort, hands down, and preferably (tap) hot to add moisture to my hit.

Variety is the spice of life. Also wizards...

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
While on Reddit earlier, I came across a couple of threads that were basically saying that vaping through water actually makes the vapor more harsh and cooling it down too much makes the vapor solidify and makes it less effective. The loss of flavor was also mentioned, but I have already experienced that myself while using water, so I know that to be the case.
Reddit posts are not really worth discussing. We are way ahead here.... Also keep in mind that many reddit posts are made for the purpose of getting "karma" or whatever sad social credit system they are hooked on.

This matter of minor loss of actives and flavor is settled by the understanding that the small loss of goodies through condensation in the bubbler is worth it for the benefits of water cooling/ hydration of the vapor. Also, the ability to take larger tokes largely compensates for the losses. The bubbler's design will determine how much flavour you lose!

Putting a Dynavap on a bubbler and firing it past the click results in much tastier and smoother vapor than inhaling directly or through a j-hook so the talk of harshness is absurd.
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Microbe minion
For me it will depend on the vape and situation but my rule of thumb is to go with as little cooling as you can get away with. My desktop consumption, which is in the majority, is through a tiny dry bong. It's got a vertical downstem that I customise ensuring the output is a mm or 2 above the floor of the bong. This means that the hot vapour blasts against the cold flat floor creating the turbulence that @badbee was talking about. This does an exceptional job of removing the heat without compromising on flavour.

On the other hand my lightning pen is only marginally uncomfortable natively, so all I do is lengthen the vapour path with a plain glass tube with a 14mm female taper. No additional cooling, just a longer path.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
There was something special about say using a short plain stem dry with something like Milaana, but I can't imagine ever doing that again.. The amount of particles that make it through and irritate the throat is much worse than the temperature or the vapor itself, unfortunately the sacrifice in flavor and potential potency seems like a simple double-edged sword trade off


Well-Known Member
There was something special about say using a short plain stem dry with something like Milaana, but I can't imagine ever doing that again.. The amount of particles that make it through and irritate the throat is much worse than the temperature or the vapor itself, unfortunately the sacrifice in flavor and potential potency seems like a simple double-edged sword trade off

Something like a short TM stem filled with balls always treated me pretty well. The balls would help absorb heat and help to filter out Scooby Snacks. The biggest problem is the short stem can only contain so many balls. Eventually they will get totally heat soaked. But for short sessions out and about it can't be beat. Very discreet.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Something like a short TM stem filled with balls always treated me pretty well. The balls would help absorb heat and help to filter out Scooby Snacks. The biggest problem is the short stem can only contain so many balls. Eventually they will get totally heat soaked. But for short sessions out and about it can't be beat. Very discreet.

Yeah no the issue is how dirty they get, the balls get so sticky with condensed vapor, and losing efficacy with flavors that way ... Unfortunately this is true of any added glass surface area especially cooling obstructions, that's what I mean by the trade-off, typically the better it is cooling the more you're losing

Haze Mister

Verdant Bloomer
There was something special about say using a short plain stem dry with something like Milaana, but I can't imagine ever doing that again.. The amount of particles that make it through and irritate the throat is much worse than the temperature or the vapor itself
This is precisely the advantage of water- it offers superior flltration and IMO if one is going to be vaping every day for years (or decades), this is desirable. This is why I prefer recyclers too, because of the added centrifugal filtration by swirling the vapor around with water :science:

Monk Debate

The monks do be debatin’
imo this is the ultimate hook for the TM, I had him make the first one for me in 18 mm (I use backwards RBT stems as plain WPA with rimless steel mesh basket screen inside) so then be made it available on the site as a 14 (just right in the notes if you want to customize it to be 18 etc)
I don’t have a TM but I love the design of this hook! Just ordered one. I also ordered a coiled stem from Sneaky Pete so I will compare the two:

In general I prefer a small amount of water cooling. That’s why I enjoy handheld bubblers like the Hubble Bubble from Divine Tribe. Lots of water agitation with a small amount of liquid. My throat is noticeably less irritated and dry when I use those small bubblers and i can take bigger hits more easily. A no brainer for me.


Child Of The Revolution
Been on dry the past few weeks, and found that some of my smaller glass pieces work upside down with various vapes. Such as small beaker upside down on Angus POTV One, V3pro, etc. with WPA.
Also, with dry glass you don't have to be concerned about waterpiece above the vape, as there won't be back flow.
Having said that, I've just added water to two pieces I've been using dry. I like variety, and if I've been using a piece dry I'll often add water the last day of use. The piece is going to be given a thorough cleaning before being put away the next day, so water doesn't add much to the overall mess at that point.
I feel fortunate to like wet, dry, warm, cool. Don't care for ice in bongs, and am good with water, though I have tried coffee, soda, tea, carbonated water, and a few juices when I was stoned and thought it a good idea. Now I'm just water, or no water. Not enough pay off to bother with other liquids.
This is just my preference.
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