Stu's latest activity

  • Stu
    Stu reacted to Dan Morrison's post in the thread The Nomad From Morwood with Like Like.
    Here's the photos from the update. Group Shot. African Blackwood and Verawood Spalted Two-tone Amboyna Green-dyed maple burl...
  • Stu
    Howdy y'all My daughter Galia was 6 years old a few days ago, and “Guess I’m Afraid” is for her. ❤️ I wrote this song a few years ago...
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to bardad's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    also sorry, it didn't occur to me that he could have deleted it himself. maybe he did it with good intentions. love to all
  • Stu
    Stu replied to the thread Vapman.
    I checked on the history of the post and you are correct, he initially wrote "stupid question" in self-deprication. But by the time I...
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to vapman's post in the thread Vapman with Like Like.
    To Our Amazing FC Family – A Heartfelt Thank You! ❤️🔥 Wow. Just… wow. The love, support, and incredible vibes from this community...
  • Stu
    Greetings and salutations, vape fam! I've spent several months overhauling my portable vape review page, and I need your feedback. It...
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to bulllee's post in the thread RIP'S..... with Sad Sad.
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to ohmygodimsohigh's post in the thread Champs -getting ready with Like Like.
    It's been several years since i've gone, but I'm thinking of going next month.
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to vapviking's post in the thread Shakedown Street with Like Like.
    To be into the Dead in those early 70's years meant an endless spring of quirks of circumstance, of coincidence and occasionally an...
  • Stu
    Stu reacted to underdogette's post in the thread Underdog Log Vapes with Like Like.
    Happy New Year!! 2024 was a bit of a rough journey for us, but I think we may have finally reached the top of that mountain and can see...
  • Stu
    Stu replied to the thread Healthy Rips ROGUE 2.
    First off, welcome to FC. We are generally a very friendly group and our main rule is to Be Nice. If you would like help from the...
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