Recent content by staircase slight of hand

  1. S

    Alternative to Pelican cases

    Plastic foam is general going to be organic, unless you’re dealing with some seriously exotic polymers. And it’s going to have a hell of a lot fewer chemicals leaching out of it than tanned leather, of all things…
  2. S

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    Correct… but the air in your house (unless you’re living in a hyperbaric chamber) is already loaded with particulate. The substrate is present, regardless of the temp you’re vaping at.
  3. S

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    In a vacuum, sure. Your typical home atmosphere has more than enough particulate floating around for vapor to immediately condense, regardless of particulate being released from the flower.
  4. S

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    Because there’s more vapor being extracted? Honestly, “particulates” is a vague enough term that it’s not really worth getting into a debate about (fwiw, you can count me among those finding high temp vape hits to be less irritating than low).
  5. S

    Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape by The Dab Hut and Crossing

    Wow, calling that a design flaw is an understatement. Rubies that aren’t actively being heated are going to be dissipating heat, which is the last thing you’d want in this sort of situation. I’m sure it “works”, but simply not filling the chamber to the top would be a functional improvement.
  6. S

    Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape by The Dab Hut and Crossing

    What double standard? Everyone in this thread has been civil but you. If you have off-site drama with people on this board, leave it off site. If you’re unfamiliar with the site rules here, read them (and then follow them). You’re honestly acting like a twelve year old that’s never been on the...
  7. S

    Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape by The Dab Hut and Crossing

    If we’re going to go high dudgeon over people “laughing at” your presence, I’d like to remind you that your reaction to a potential customer saying “this behavior is unprofessional” was a laughing emoji. I think you might want to take a good hard look at how you come across before continuing...
  8. S

    Wireless One-Hit Wonder Ball Vape by The Dab Hut and Crossing

    Oh look, another vendor crossed off my “potential purchases” list for introducing themselves to the community like a petulant child. Bye!
  9. S


    This should be an interesting roll out…
  10. S

    Vaporization temperature dependent selection of effects

    Which ones? My understanding has always been that they’re all non-polar enough to be oil soluble only.
  11. S

    best tasting dry herb vaporisers according to you?

    ZX for desktop, Bowle or Lotus (depending on my inclination for manual control at that moment) for portable-ish.
  12. S


    So does this work with two hoses? Or did they just downgrade it to one but leave the little vestigial stump on the side?
  13. S

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    I do 550f (which is pretty high, tbh); and for heat-up I wait for the PID to hit target temp and then wait for two minutes to fully heat soak. Total time is roughly five minutes.
  14. S

    The Beam Laser Vaporizer

    lol… them founders been founding for quite a long time now.
  15. S

    Phase3 Vaporizers

    Oh thank god, I was starting to think I was the only one that wasn’t rocking the low temps (550f works perfect for two-hit bowls, no charring whatsoever).
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