Recent content by Robindean

  1. R

    Uhm, pics and posting in forums

    Why can I not upload a image, and why can I not make threads in places like plugin vapes and general vaps etc?
  2. R

    BaKx (heating principle) inspired desktop vape

    So, i think im on the right path. IIRC dont or cant i find ruby or qurts rods or pills as their called maybe wrap a 2mm or 3 mm pill on my mulcan, question is where can i find em?
  3. R

    Uhm, I combusted with a Volc....

    I do not know how to start this thread. And better here then reddit as I feel they would rip me apart. So, I took Sozo One Green 7g keif it was on sale so I got twice for 80 ood. elevated exotixs, I get their bubble hash, the 10g by fello. I saw a vid, (yeah youtube) so I boiled water, used...
  4. R

    Paying it Forward - A New Direction

    you are the honary dude playing a dude disquised as a toker.
  5. R

    Paranoia From Weed?

    So, my experiance has been this. Since about 2007. Weed, was always questinable ride. Most of it I enjoyed, barely any of it was possibly from actual good weed. Paranoiia was real, but rarely from the good shit I was able to obtain. My moments of bad was: And these stand out, a college...
  6. R

    Paying it Forward - A New Direction

    I am sending you a message. My brain is racing. So bare with me until its sent and you get it. Dude....ty.
  7. R

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    Under a anom username. But, cannabis has been my thing since about 2007. Friend got me comfortable into trying it, I thought I was ready, and here I am now. I think I went crazy at some point with me getting a med card, but I think I have a right to of done this. Covid (did)n't help. POTV...
  8. R

    Comic Books.

    I know it is 2024, going on 2025. But we who FC like things right? Unless I am missing it, (I did not search, nor tried to) Can I call upon the comic book collectors? Are there any here? Am I buller, buller, buller? Sup crowd? Make mine Marvel? Excelsior! Also, DC is welcomed. Batman for sure.
  9. R

    Paying it Forward - A New Direction

    So besides the initial first post, what are we doing here? Am I paying it forward by offering a device I really don't use or need any more and instead of trying to get money for it, worse case pay shipping and i'll send it? (I ask because I am use to this kind of thing, even at hardForum) i mean...
  10. R

    BaKx (heating principle) inspired desktop vape

    Alright, so I went on a trying to find my old mods and tanks bender. I found most of it and kanthal a1 wire, not my ss or my coil builder (Though, when it comes to this, I doubt a builder is needed....) Gotta clean a lotta shit up. but to get to where I am going. I like this themr couple and pid...
  11. R

    Why I Gave up Cannabis

    Something I need to touch on here. And I realize this is a old thread, and I do not think its worth making a new thread when this is techincally a active thread that just has not been dusted off. Now, I am actually thinking this is just because I was at this church and they mostly knew I was a...
  12. R

    What was your first experience with vaping?

    Nicotine vape. But being honest, I found this "herb vaporizer" one day at the adult store roughly around 2013 or 2014. 100 bucks, and not knowing at all about vaping other then vape juice (I also was not a casual headshop customer at this time) thought fuck it, I have the money. It never made...
  13. R

    How many TRUE combustion-fuckers?

    I fell into the third catigory. Also doesn't help when you are around other combusters.
  14. R

    Any reason why I shouldn't vape all day every day?

    I am normally high all day but not consistently high. Meaning, unless I am actually busy for 6+ hours in the day, I dont toke heavily. Mainly because until I get my surgery it is nicer to get mildly high while still having to deal with my chronic pain issues, as coughing makes it much worse and...
  15. R

    How do you organize your vapes?

    I am kind of doing this actually. Especially when its stagnat for a day or two and the clutter comes up. I feel like I am playing tetris but with my devices and the types of product to use. Which isn't a bad thing!
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