I love what people posted above...
the idea of different kits for each vape inspired me a lot.... so that it remains practical.
and I really like the pelican cases... besides I started a project before finishing with a camera backpack... I couldn't put everything in a pelican case, unlike the backpack... and the transport was less practical, less discreet...!
i had cut the foam to fit in the case, but I had to cut the foam in two at the thickness level, then cut the shapes for each vape...
it left space / time for the backpack project...
maybe I'll finish it one day anyway... it would have been much less transportable and practical, but visually, it was the best!!!
in short...
@budski I hope my collection doesn't prevent users from sharing their storage...
and then, I have about twenty pieces "only"...
I don't know if I could help you
you have too many

even if I would love to help arrange everything... it contributes to my pleasure in vaping...
the rationalization of my storage space...
but I'm sure I'll have fun with your butane vape section... and it would take some work to arrange all your glass pieces!
if one day you get motivated, please share the result with us!