Recent content by johnnyCanuck

  1. J

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Wait for the Tornado with stem for sure.
  2. J

    Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories

    Since obtaining a reload 2 this past year, it's replaced my Jarz Classic as my daily carry. That thing is fantastic. Smell proof, holds my weed, cools down my Tornado and Dani quick with the magnet that acts as a heat sinc, the debowler is awesome (and screws off if needed so I can empty my...
  3. J

    Arizer Solo 3

    I believe it was some dude on Reddit that was shouting at anyone who'd listen that Arizer uses "glue" in their devices insinuating that the air path was indeed not all glass. Turns out that Arizer uses a "ceramic paste" that hardens when dry...
  4. J

    Tornado by Vestratto

    Paired with the wand, there is no minimum pack. ;)
  5. J

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Correct. More than likely, you probably are not going to be long before taking your next hit, so continue to hold the button down. Don't shut the heater off. edit: as barded stated above, your first hit helps to heat soak the bowl. You want to keep that heat. That's where continuously...
  6. J

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Are you riding the button for about 10-12 seconds after the first buzz? Keep riding the button until you're ready to move up in temp. A bit tighter pack will help as well. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. J

    Firewood Vaporizer

    When you have the trigger button pressed and your not sure if it's engaged, bring the vape to your ear. You'll hear the vape "chirping" as it's heating up.
  8. J

    Tafée Bowle

    Question. At what point do the blue indicator light show up? After plugging it back in after 10 seconds or sometime during the next 6 hours? Never mind… blue lights blinking now!!! Thanks Choo Choo!!! I was too lazy to trouble shoot. And just took it out of rotation. I’m stoked!
  9. J

    Cannabis poisonings

    Article defines Cannabis Poisoning as anyone going to the ER with negative symptoms? It does not mention what the treatment for it is. Is it to just wait it out? If so, if these ppl were educated on the negative effects of consuming too high a dose, they wouldn’t be marching themselves into...
  10. J

    Arizer Solo 3 vs mighty plus

    Yeah. Not really sure how draw resistance is really an issue with the Solo 3. I mean, I believe ppl are used to weak heaters and/or pure convection vapes where a strong continuous draw is to your advantage. With conduction/hybrid vapes, especially units with really good heaters, I pretty much...
  11. J

    Arizer Solo 3

    By your definition, it is true on demand if you are willing to withdraw the stem from the Solo body once you are finished with your session. In this use case, I have no problem capping the stem with the included silicone caps and placing it in it's aroma tube as I don't believe the hot stem...
  12. J

    Arizer Solo 3

    That someone you are speaking of has a love affair with the TinyMight and a hate on for anything Arizer. So take what the guy says with a grain of salt.
  13. J

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Whoa whoa whoa. You have the discipline to wait weeks before even trying it? That’s crazy will power you have there.
  14. J

    Firewood Vaporizer

    4 quick presses and hold on the 5th
  15. J

    Arizer Solo 3

    They’re made in China. I remember a post from someone explaining why the US $349USD is the same $349 in Canada but in CDN dollars. It’s because of the extra 25% tax the IS throws at Arizer for having it manufactured in China, then exported to the US.
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